Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 731: 731

No matter how capable Lai Jianhua is, he can't push the whole thing on his own, let alone put the imitated ancient corpse on display in the museum.

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Everyone has his own interests. When people discuss a matter, it will certainly advance in the direction of everyone's interests.

Lai Jianhua doesn't speak any more, and Han Bin is too lazy to ask again. The basic situation of the case has been found out.

This matter is no longer under the jurisdiction of Han Bin.

That's why he invited Ding Xifeng.

For Han Bin, it will be troublesome to deal with this matter, but it is only a small matter for the Bureau leaders.

The bodies of Wu Jianfei and Lu Yuee were found, but their families were not happy. They were both made into mummies, which was a great blow to their families.

Wu Jianfei's wife started to cry with her husband's mummy in her arms.

Wu Jianfei donated the remains to contribute to the medical cause, but now it has been made into a mummy. No one will feel comfortable listening to it.

Wei Hongxi, Ma Xiaojun, Fang Yong and Chen Yuexi were also arrested.

In addition to the museum, Han Bin also reported the collector Fan Ye to Ding Xifeng, who may have left the country and can only be handed over to the higher authorities.

After the case was solved, Han Bin invited the second squadron to have dinner with the people of the technology department. Han Bin was able to solve so many cases, and the technology department gave enough support. They were the real heroes behind the scenes.

After dinner, Ma Jingbo and Han Bin rush to settle the bill. In the end, Han Bin doesn't argue, but Ma Jingbo pays for it.

Returning home in the evening, Han Bin summed up the case. This case is not a big one among the many cases he has solved, and there are no dead people. However, because he has been dealing with corpses, the process of solving the case is somewhat strange.

The case has been solved, but the matter of the museum is not over. The matter of the museum is more complicated, which has gone beyond Han Bin's jurisdiction.

That woman's corpse of Han Dynasty can't be exhibited. The specific reason for the withdrawal is not clear.

It's certainly not possible to use the reason of theft, and the leaders of the Municipal Bureau will definitely not agree with it.

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Because of this case, the members of the second squadron also received a bonus, and the members who participated in the case were from 1000 yuan to 3000 yuan. (a team participated in the whole investigation of the case and won a prize of 3000 yuan. The team members of the two groups received less bonus.)

Han Bin and Ma Jingbo both won a prize of 5000 yuan.

As for the reward, it was mainly because of the detection of the theft of Bogu Museum. The Department concerned with the museum case was criticized by the superior and given certain punishment.

It is the so-called clear distinction between rewards and punishments.

The municipal Party committee increased the funds for the Municipal Public Security Bureau. The leaders of the municipal public security bureau gave Han Bin and others a bonus as soon as they were happy, and Han Bin had a lot of money.


In the morning, Han Bin got up early.

Today is Saturday. Han Bin is going to take Wang Ting home to visit her parents.

Han Bin takes Wang Ting to a nearby shopping mall to buy some presents for her parents. After all, it's the first time for her to come on the door, and it's not good-looking to go empty handed.

After two people enter the shopping mall, Wang Ting shakes Han Bin's hand, "Han Bin, what should I buy for my uncle and aunt?"

Han Bin laughs, "it doesn't matter what you buy. It's OK when you arrive."

"That's what I say, but I want to express myself."

Han Bin also has some difficulties, "I don't have much experience in this matter, or let's go around in the mall."

"That's OK. There are suitable gifts for my uncle and aunt. Please remind me."

Two people hand in hand leisurely strolled in the mall.

"Tingting, do your parents know that you are going to my house today?"

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"Yes, I told them."

"What do they say?"

"They said that when I grew up, they respected my ideas and told me to buy some suitable gifts if I went." Wang Ting shakes her head and laughs, "I think they want me to get married early, but they are struggling."

"When do you think it's appropriate for me to visit?"

Wang Ting thought about it, "first visit your parents, and then go through the next level."

Han Bin touched his nose, "this sounds like a game."

Wang Ting showed a touch of cunning, "then how many levels do you think we played?"

Han Bin grabs Wang Ting's hand and kisses her, "it doesn't matter how many times you play, it's who you play with."

Wang Ting pursed her lips and laughed, "let's go and have a look at this shop."

They walked into a jewelry store.

Jewelry store area is not small, about more than 100 square meters, placed several rows of shelves, are some small decorations.

Wang Ting turned around inside, picked up a silk scarf and asked, "what do you think of this silk scarf? Does it fit Auntie? "

"Pretty." Han Bin picked up and looked at the label, "it's so expensive, it's unnecessary. Buy a cheaper one. It's just a favor. ""How can I do that? When I see your mother for the first time, I must buy a better gift. You don't understand. Women can remember this kind of thing for a lifetime."

Han Bin showed a wry smile, in order not to be caught in the middle of his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, he would not say anything.

Wang Ting bought the scarves, Han Bin want to pay, but she refused.

Two people continue to stroll in the mall, saw a wine shop, Wang Ting proposed, "or I buy a box of bars for my uncle."

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"Don't mention it. My father is not short of wine. My mother wants to throw out the wine at home."

"All right." Wang Ting shrugs and takes Han Bin to continue shopping.

They had no definite goal, just chatting and strolling, and bought four gifts near noon.

A silk scarf, a bracelet, a fruit basket and a belt.

The first two gifts are for Han Bin's mother, and the belt is for Han Weidong.

At more than 11 noon, Han Bin took Wang Ting to her parents' home.

"Dong Dong..." Han Bin has a key, but he doesn't open the door directly.

"Coming." There was a sound in the room, and the door opened, revealing a stout figure.

Wang Ting Leng for a while, before buying a gift, she saw Han Weidong's photo and knew that this was not Han Bin's father.

Han Bin reminds, "this is my uncle."

"Good uncle." Wang Ting nodded.

"Well, come in." Wang Qingsheng let them into the room.

"Uncle, you didn't tell me why you came today."

Wang Qingsheng said, "you still owe me a meal. I haven't heard from you these two days. I can't come by myself."

"What's the hurry? I'm still thinking about when I can have time. Let's go out and have a good meal."

Wang Huifang came out of the kitchen, "the food outside is better than that at home."

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Wang Qingsheng nodded, with a deep impression.

See Wang Huifang out, Wang Ting quickly say hello, "good aunt."

Wang Huifang warmly said, "Oh, Wang Ting is here. Please come in and sit down."

Han Weidong also came out from the kitchen, "come on, go to the room to have a rest, and you can have dinner right away."

"Hello, uncle." Wang Ting said hello, will hand the gift in the past, "uncle, aunt, I bought some gifts for you, the first time to meet, do not know fit."

Wang Huifang said, "Hey, come on. What else do you want to buy?"

"It's a little bit of my heart. Let's see if you like it or not."

"Like, like, happy when you come." Wang Huifang took things and invited Wang Ting to the sofa.

Han Weidong said with a smile, "you sit down. I'll cut a fruit plate."

Wang Ting looked at Wang Qingsheng with big eyes, "uncle, I didn't know you were here today, so I didn't buy you a gift. I'll make it up for you next time."

"No, you can't buy me a present. You sit down and have a rest. I'll go to the kitchen Wang Qingsheng cooked a special dish today.

Wang Ting also stood up, "Auntie, do you need help in the kitchen?"

Wang Huifang took Wang Ting's hand, "no, no, let's go and have a chat."

Wang Ting sat down, more or less a little nervous, fortunately Han Bin sat next to her, let her feel at ease a lot.

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