Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 732: 732

Wang Huifang, Wang Ting and Han Bin sat in the living room and chatted for a while. It was mainly Wang Huifang who talked with Wang Ting. Han Bin was more like a decoration.

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I'm not familiar with the first meeting, and I can't talk much.

There's no nutrition.

It's not appropriate to talk too much.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for dinner.

Today's dishes are very rich. Wang Huifang, Han Weidong and Wang Qingsheng cook. Each of them has made his own good dishes.

Han Weidong took a bottle of Baijiu and laughed. "Wang Ting sat down quickly and tried to taste it. You didn't know what it was like when you first came. What's wrong with your uncle? We'll improve it next time."

Wang Ting looked at a wide range of dishes, "uncle, you are too polite. I can't finish eating so many dishes."

Wang Huifang said with a smile, "it doesn't matter if you can't finish it. Everyone has a taste. Which one do you like? I'll give it to you next time."

Wang Qingsheng came over with a plate. "I made this fish head with chopped pepper. I know you girls love beauty. This fish is not fat. Try it."

"Thank you, uncle."

Seeing Wang Ting's embarrassment, Han Bin said, "parents, uncle, you all sit down and eat. Wang Ting is not an outsider. She will come often in the future. If you are so polite, she will be embarrassed. "

Wang Huifang said, "yes, everyone sit down and eat while it's hot."

Han Bin to Wang Ting clip a piece of fish, "you try, my uncle's craft is not worse than me."

Wang Qingsheng is not happy, "what you say is strong. It's not worse than you. How can you boast half of it?"

Wang Ting took a bite of the fish and praised it, "it's delicious. The fish is tender and tasty. Although Han Bin is a good craftsman, when it comes to Hunan cuisine, he really can't compare with his uncle. "

Wang Qingsheng said with a smile, "I like to hear that. If I like to eat more, I will come here often. My uncle will make it for you."

Han Bin did not retort, he really can not do Hunan cuisine, he is good at Shandong cuisine.

people not only eat lively but also opened two bottles of wine, Han Weidong, Wang Qingsheng, Han Bin three people drink baijiu.

Wang Huifang and Wang Ting drink red wine.

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People eat while chatting, with people familiar with Wang Ting also less constrained.

After everyone took a drink, Wang Qingsheng said curiously, "binzi, what happened to the case you investigated?"

"The case has been solved."

"Was the Han Dynasty female corpse in that museum stolen?"

Han Bin took a bite and put down his chopsticks, "this case is a little complicated. There was a burglary in the museum, and we recovered the lost corpse. However, we found that the Han Dynasty female corpse stored in the museum was also a copy. The real ancient corpse was corrupt many years ago. "

"That's big news." Wang Qingsheng was a little surprised, but there were not many accidents.

To his surprise, he didn't expect that the Han Dynasty female corpse was a fake. The reason why he was not surprised was that there were so many imitations in this industry that he had seen them for a long time.

"Uncle, you just need to know about it. Don't go outside. The museum wants to keep a low profile."

"Don't worry. But what do they want to do with it? Is the Han Dynasty female corpse still on display

Han Bin shook his head slightly. "This matter can't be hidden any more. It's impossible to continue the exhibition. The museum should be closed and renovated for a period of time. When it opens again, the female corpses of Han Dynasty will be removed."

Wang Qingsheng took a sip of tea and nodded, "that's right, if I would do the same."

"Congratulations to police officer 577533 for solving a theft." Han Bin sounded the warning sound of the police badge in his head.

Micro expression analysis: proficiency + 10

observation: proficiency + 5

merit reward 30 points.

For this familiar voice, Han Bin has seen nothing strange, but this time there is no reward for new skills.

Of course, it's also related to the difficulty of the case.

However, there are many rewards for meritorious service. When you accumulate more meritorious service, you can also exchange skills by yourself.

After dinner, everyone sat in the living room watching TV and chatting.

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Wang Ting is the first time to come, more or less constrained, after sitting for half an hour, Han Bin took her away.

They went back to Hanbin's house upstairs.

Wang Ting stretched and lay on the sofa lazily, "ah, I've finished the task at last. I'm so tired."

Han Bin concerned about the way, "hard, or I give you the shoulder."

Wang Ting shrugged, "it's hard to talk about, just a little nervous."

Han Bin said with a smile, "once born, twice cooked, just go next time."

"Not as fast as you said." Wang Ting half lying on the sofa, "pinch your legs for me. After shopping all morning, your legs are sore."

"With pleasure." Han Bin puts Wang Ting's leg on his leg and helps her massage her calf."Oh, take it easy. You're so strong." Wang Ting frowned slightly.

"All right, I haven't tried very hard yet."

"Hum..." Wang Ting's mobile phone rang. She took out her mobile phone and said, "Qianqian is really a gossip."

"What did she say?"

"What else can you say? It must be about me going to your house."

"How did she know? You didn't tell her."

"If I don't tell her, my parents will ask her."

"So it is." Hanbin smile, huangqianqian know, estimate the second squadron of other people also can't hide.

But then again, it's a good thing, and there's no need to hide it.


In the evening, Changsheng park.

A man in a white T-shirt and white trousers is walking in the park with a dog. The dog is not big, with a shoulder height of 50-60 cm. He is covered with white hair. His face is very long, his ears are erect, and his face looks cute. He looks very naive.

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This man is brother Liao. Since foreign countries are not peaceful, he has always stayed at home.

Needless to say, he's quite comfortable living here. The only drawback is that he doesn't have a yard. He's a little nervous.

My friend was afraid that he would be bored by himself and gave him a dog.

He likes the dog very much. He is strong, lively and loyal. He is a good dog.

The dog brought a lot of joy to brother Liao.

Dogs have rules. They don't pee at home. It's convenient outside.

Brother Liao took the dog around the park. The dog pooped in a corner.

Liao put on disposable gloves, picked up the dog excrement with toilet paper and put it in the dustbin.

If there is anything bad about keeping a dog, it is to clean the dog's stool.

However, everything has two sides. It doesn't exist just because you don't like it.

Liao Ge led the dog around a few times, and then went to one side of the equipment area, tied the dog to a tree.

There are many instruments in the park, such as exercise bike, ellipsometer, rowing machine, sit ups, and some instruments that brother Liao can't name.

When he was abroad, Liao used to keep fit, and he was no stranger to these equipment.

Liao Ge is going to ride a fitness bike, practice a rowing machine, and do some sit ups. He prefers these three sports.

The white haired dog is very good, so he lies there quietly, watching brother Liao move, and his tail shakes from time to time, as if driving away mosquitoes.

Liao Ge began to ride the exercise bike. After a few laps, he felt a little uncomfortable. This exercise bike is a little short, and the knee bending range is too large. It's easy to hurt the knee after riding for a long time.

People who often exercise know the importance of the knee. Once the knee is injured, the person is half useless.

Liao Ge gets up and goes to the rowing machine. This kind of rowing machine is different from the gym. The rowing machine in the gym has a fixed weight and won't be affected by his own weight. But this rowing machine is different. He uses his own weight to keep fit. The heavier his body is, the more difficult it is. Liao Ge is playing this kind of rowing machine for the first time.

Liao Ge tried. His figure is standard, not heavy, and it's OK.

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It would be very difficult for a heavier person to do it.

"Kuang Kuang..." At this time, there was a knock not far away. Brother Liao looked up and saw that a teenage boy was standing on the sit up machine in his shoes.

It's loud.

Brother Liao frowned, wondering why he did it.


After observing for a while, Liao Ge realized that this kind of sit up opportunity automatically counts, makes a sit up count, and the child jumps on it.

A jump is a number.


The little boy is still jumping on it.

Brother Liao's face is a little ugly, because the child's jumping position is just the position of his head lying on the instrument.

The little boy stepped on the instrument that should have been lying on it, which made brother Liao uncomfortable.


Liao Ge stood up, walked over and stopped him, "kid, it's wrong for you to do this. You shouldn't step on the instrument."

The little boy glared at him and said nothing.

"Stop dancing. Where's your adult?"

The little boy stopped. "It's none of your business."

"This instrument is made by lying down. It's wrong for you to stand on it. The soles of your shoes are so dirty that you can step on them and let others use them later."

"Bah I want you to take care of me. " The little boy spat on brother Liao's white T-shirt.

Brother Liao is very angry.

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