Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 733: 733

Liao elder brother scolds a way, "come down, your adult how teach you, so not sensible!"

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The child scolded, "I eat and drink from your family. I'm willing to step on it. It's none of your business."

"Where's your master?"

"Bah." The child spat again.

Liao Ge completely angry, a child pulled down, "you give me down."

"Ah." The child was dragged down, but brother Liao was decent. The child was not hurt.

"You dare to drag me and kick you to death!" The little boy raised his foot and kicked brother Liao's leg hard. He kicked two footprints on brother Liao's leg.

Brother Liao was angry, but he held back.

When the little boy saw that brother Liao didn't fight back, he was a little bold and yelled, "I tell you, my father is Zhan Dashan, who sells meat. He has many knives. If you dare to move me again, let my father chop you to death with a knife."

Brother Liao smiles.

"Laugh at your mother." The little boy spat and stepped on the sit up again.

"Bouncing..." The little boy jumped up again.

“1、2、3、……” The little boy scolded, "you're paralyzed. You're counting again."

Brother Liao frowned, "what do you say?"

The little boy was not afraid. "I said you were paralyzed!"

Brother Liao couldn't help it. He grabbed the little boy's collar and pulled him down, "Pa Pa!"

Liao brother left and right bow, two big mouth son drew up.

"Wuwu If you dare to beat me, I'm going to tell my parents You wait. " The little boy ran away crying and the whole world was quiet.

Liao Ge continued to keep fit, but when he thought of the little boy stepping on the sit-up machine, he felt that he was a little frustrated.


Two streets away from Changsheng Park, there are many shops on the street, some for breakfast, some for vegetables, some for fruits and some for meat.

Next to a pork stall sat a fat man with a greasy face, a wet towel hanging around his neck, wiping his face from time to time, and holding a cigarette in his hand.

The man who sells meat is not idle. He greets passers-by from time to time.

"Ah, elder sister, you've lost weight again. Buy some meat to make up for it."

"I don't like meat."

"You don't like meat. You can buy it for your husband. I have fresh pork kidney, which is a big tonic."

The passing lady spat, "save it for yourself."

The meat man laughed and took a cup of tea.

A chubby woman came over with a kettle in her hand and sprayed it on the meat. She said, "don't tease these women so much that they don't dare to buy meat at our stall."

"You know what? It's called fun. Maybe they'll be happy to come." The butcher snorted, "now that the society is open, what a big deal."

The fat and strong woman said, "you are cheap. Sometimes you suffer. "

" you are a jealous woman. Are you upset to see me tease other women? "

"Go ahead, I'll be married to any vinegar I eat." The fat woman snorted and went to the store.

The fat man smiles and continues to look at the passers-by. Seeing the familiar guests, he continues to say, "Lao Zhang, I haven't been here for a long time. I'll keep the best pork for you. Let's have one. "

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Lao Zhang, a man in his forties, waved his hand. "Now the price of meat is so expensive, I can't afford it."

"The house is so expensive that your family can't afford the meat for only a few dollars."

Lao Zhang said helplessly, "it's because I bought a house that I can't afford meat. Save it."

The man who sells meat said, "you can't think of it. People sleep in a bed when they are alive. You can't even bear to eat meat for the sake of a house that you can't live or die in. What's the meaning of this?"

"What can I do? My son is growing up. If he doesn't buy a house now, how can he marry his daughter-in-law in the future?" Lao Zhang waved his hand, looking a little fidgety. "You're busy. Another day for the festival, you can save me a piece of qichonglou, and I'll open a meat restaurant."

When Lao Zhang went away, the butcher spat, "bah, you are so poor that you can leave the seventh tower to you during the festival."

"Son of a bitch, the house price is going up day by day. I can't sell my meat. What's the world like?"

"Wuwu..." A familiar cry came. The butcher turned around and saw that his son had come back crying.

"Son, what happened."

"Wuwu..." The little boy still cried.

Meat man suddenly some fire, "you cry what, talk!"

"Dad, I was beaten. You see my face is swollen."

The butcher glared and yelled, "which dog dares to beat my son!"

"It's a man. I'm playing in the park. He'll hit me when he comes."

"If you don't give me my name, my son of Zhan Dashan dares to fight!" The man who sells meat is angry. He has lived nearby since his father's generation. No one dares to bully his family."I said. He still hit me

"If you beat my son, you won't die! Go, take me to him

Zhan Dashan's wife also ran out, "son, are you hurt badly?"

"My face hurts, he hit me in the face!"

"How old is he? Why did he hit you?"

"He is an adult, about the same height as my father. I play with instruments in the park. He asks me to come down. If I don't come down, he beats me!" The little boy began to cry again.

Zhan Dashan's wife was also angry. "An adult is a big child. It's too smelly and shameless. His mother will go too. We can't spare him!"

Zhan Dashan took off the towel from his neck, "you women, what are you going to do with it? I'll solve it myself. I'll stay at home and watch the stall."

Zhan Dashan's wife took a look at her husband, and the corners of her mouth began to smile, showing a look of worship. This is a man.

Zhan Dashan picked up the pig knife from the chopping board, "son, lead the way, kill dog X."

Zhan Dashan's wife was a little worried, "husband, just beat him. Don't use your knife. You're going to have a lawsuit."

"Don't worry, I have discretion," Zhan said

Zhan Dashan is familiar with the neighborhood. In order to avoid brother Liao running away, he also makes a detour to block brother Liao.

At this time, brother Liao was almost active, leading the white haired dog back.

The two sides just met.

The little boy jumped and pointed at brother Liao, "Dad, it's this dog X that beat me. Wuwu, you want to revenge me."

On hearing this, Zhan Dashan's eyes were round and glared at brother Liao. He strode over and felt very jealous when he met his enemies.

Liao elder brother quietly looks at two people, has guessed the reason that the man comes here, however, he still stands indifferently, without the slightest movement.

Zhan Dashan came near and pointed at brother Liao with his pig knife. "Dog x, you dare to beat my son. Believe it or not, I'll cut you off."

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"Are you the father of this child?"

"Nonsense, you don't have eyes."

Brother Liao said calmly, "don't get excited. I'm not beating him, but educating him. I do it for his good. If you don't educate your son as soon as possible, something will happen when he grows up. "

"Your sister, Lao Tzu's son needs you. Which hand do you use to hit my son? Believe it or not, I'll chop it off for you."

Liao Ge lightly said, "China is a society ruled by law. Don't do something illegal on impulse. It's not good."

"You're pretending to be hairy here. It's him. You're too floating, or I can't hold the knife in my hand!" Zhan Dashan was a little impatient. He grabbed brother Liao's collar with his left hand, "or you'll lose money and treat my son. Either you kneel down and sing the song of conquest, or it will be a tough day today. "

"How much do you want?"

"My son is so precious. If you beat him ten thousand, you have to give him twenty thousand."

Liao said, "this is blackmail."

Zhan Dashan waved his knife and threatened, "if you don't give it, just kneel down and sing the song of Conquest!"

The little boy was also shouting, "kneel down, let him kneel down for me."


Seeing brother Liao caught by the collar of his clothes, the white haired dog on one side gave out a whimper.

Zhan Dashan took a look and said, "where's the stinky dog? It's not as high as Lao Tzu's knee. Believe it or not, I'll kick you to death and strip your dog skin to eat hot pot."

Liao Ge took Zhan Dashan's arm and said, "let go of your hand. Let's have a good talk. It was your son who spat on me first and then kicked me. I started to teach you a lesson. "

"I'll teach you about malagobi..." Zhan Dashan again breathed fragrance, waving his right hand knife, "I'll say it again, either lose money, or kneel down to sing conquest, or I'll cut off your hand!"

"Woof, woof, woof..."

The white dog was angry, bared his teeth and bowed, ready to attack.

Zhan Dashan glared, still disdaining. He was a butcher who saw blood every day. How could he be afraid of a dog and kick it.

In his opinion, the strength of his foot is enough to kick the dog away.

However, to Zhan Dashan's surprise, the dog was more ferocious than he thought, and bit at his foot directly.

When Zhan Dashan kicked the dog, the dog also bit Zhan Dashan's wrist. Although the dog's body flew up, the dog's mouth was still not loose.

"Ah Zhan Dashan made a pig like roar.

There were a lot of people around. However, because Zhan Dashan was holding a knife in his hand, most people did not dare to get too close to him. At this time, when he saw that Zhan Dashan was bitten by a dog, they all began to talk enthusiastically.

An aunt spat. Instinctively, she was more inclined to the gentle and handsome Liao, "the one with the knife is too arrogant and deserves to be bitten by the dog."

A man in his thirties accidentally said, "don't say, the dog doesn't look big. It's very fierce to bite people!"

A young man in his twenties took off his earphone. "Brother, this is not an ordinary dog. It's a bull's head. It's very fierce!""I think this man's feet are useless."

"The dog doesn't look big. It's so powerful!"

"What do you think? This kind of dog is generally forbidden. He's not big. If he's not fierce, he can be forbidden. "

Zhan Dashan's right foot was bitten by a dog. He could not stand steadily. He fell to the ground and his knife fell off.

"It's killing me. I'll kill you!" Zhan Dashan struggled to get a knife to chop the dog.

Brother Liao's eyes are ill and his feet are quick. He directly kicks away the butcher's knife.

"Wo Cao, I @ ¥%..." Zhan Dashan's breath was fragrant again.

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Zhan Dashan struggled to do it and wanted to beat the dog.

However, what he was facing was a fierce dog, shaking his head and biting hard, and moving his buttocks back, as if he wanted to drag Zhan Dashan away.

Although Bull Terrier is fierce, it is small after all. It can't drag Zhan Dashan.

But the force of the bite has let Zhan Dashan pain, a body of strength can not make half.

Zhan Dashan, biting his teeth and making a fierce effort, bent forward to grasp the bull terrier. He squeezed the bull terrier's neck with one hand and beat the bull terrier's head with the other.

The dog is very fierce. The more you beat him, the fiercer he bites.

Zhan Dashan's wrists and legs had been bitten with blood.

"Ah It's killing me Zhan Dashan wailed in pain.

Seeing that the dog is so fierce, the onlookers dare not step forward even if there is no guy in their hands.

Brother Liao came over with one hand holding the rope and the other hand comforting the bull terrier.

"Don't fight. The more you fight, the more he bites."

Zhan Dashan's aching body was shivering, and some of them were unwilling to withdraw their hands.

Brother Liao pinches the dog's mouth, drags the rope and yells a few words before the Bull Terrier releases his mouth.

"Ah, it's killing me. My leg is broken. It's killing me!" Zhan Dashan held his calf and wailed.

Brother Liao took out his cell phone and called the police, "Hello, I want to call the police. There is blackmail with a knife. "

"I'm here in Changsheng park. Come here quickly. Someone is injured."

Liao Ge hung up his mobile phone and called 120 for help.

A few minutes later, a man in his twenties came quickly and looked at the scene, "brother Liao, are you ok?"

"It's OK, Xiaogang. Take Xiaobai away. I'll stay and deal with it." After beating bear boy, brother Liao felt that something would happen. Every bear boy had his parents behind him, so he called his little brother over.

"Brother Liao, why don't you take Xiaobai with you and I'll stay and deal with it."

"I'm the victim. I'm gone, and it's not clear."

"OK, I'll take Xiaobai with me first. Please call me if you have something." Xiaogang said, he took xiaobaigou away.

"Don't let the dog go. The smelly dog dares to bite me. I'll chop it to death!" Zhan Dashan's tone was full of reluctance.

Liao elder brother light of saw one eye, have no any reaction.

Not reconciled, Zhan Dashan continued to shout, "fellow villagers, my name is Zhan Dashan. We local people sell pork in the street in front of the park. We are all neighbors. It is estimated that many people have eaten our pork. I beg you to help me stop that dog. You can get a 10% discount when you buy meat in my house in the future. "

The crowd began to talk, and a 40 year old elder sister said, "I said, it looks familiar. It's the butcher. Every time I go to his house to buy meat, after weighing, I always add a piece of leftover material. The meat made from the cornstarch here tastes different from other meats. It's woody and old. I throw it away every time. "

The older sister said angrily, "now I'm paying by mobile phone, so I told him that there's no need to add leftovers. How much meat is, I'll pay you a lot by wechat."

"Hey, the result is good. You'd better add some leftover materials to me and ignore my words."

A 50 year old man nearby said, "big sister, it's not a whole business at all. These meat sellers are smart. Most of the leftovers are leftover meat or frozen meat. No one wants to buy them, and meat dealers don't want to smash them in their hands. That is to say, it is to sell you good meat and bad meat in disguise. "

The elder sister echoed, "yes, later I also want to understand, so I won't buy meat at his house."

Other people also chatted a few words, as for the matter of stopping the dog, it was directly ignored by everyone.

I'm kidding. Although the dog is not big, it's fierce. You can't do it with a knife. Let's go up and look for death.

What should I do if I bite you?

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Ten minutes later, the police arrived at the scene.

There were four police officers, two policemen and two auxiliary policemen. The leading policeman seemed to be in his thirties, tall and serious.

"What's the matter? Who called the police?"

Before Liao Ge spoke, Zhan Dashan, who was sitting on the ground, called out, "police comrades, you are here. Hurry to catch the man in white, and he will let the dog bite me."The policeman in his thirties asked, "did you call the police?"

Brother Liao walked over, "comrade, I called the police."

"Did you let the dog bite him?"

"No, he cut me with a knife." Brother Liao answered and asked, "Comrade police, what's your name?"

"My name is Zhuang. "

brother Liao pointed to the knife on the ground," officer Zhuang, look, that knife is the murder weapon. This man just wanted to chop me with a knife. In order to protect me, the dog barked at him to scare him away. Who knows that he would kick my dog if he didn't give up his leg. "

"My dog bites people for self-protection."

Officer Zhuang looked at Zhan Dashan on the ground, "is that the case?"

Zhan Dashan yelled, "Comrade police, he lied. He beat my son first. When I came to argue with him, he let the dog bite me. "

another policeman, wearing gloves, put the knife into a plastic bag," whose knife is on the ground? Yo, it's still stained with blood. "

Zhan Dashan explained, "it's my knife. I sell pork. As soon as I heard that the child was beaten, I was worried. I came here with the knife and forgot it."

"Forget?" Officer Zhuang laughed. "It's the first time I've heard about holding a knife and forgetting about it."

Zhan Dashan said, "I'm holding a knife, but I didn't want to cut him."

Officer Zhuang glanced around and yelled to the people around him, "you all see what's going on. There are people who take videos."

"Comrade police, I have it here." Said a guy in his twenties.

"Let's add a wechat and send it to me."

"All right." They added wechat, and the guy sent the video.

"Thank you." Officer Zhuang said politely and began to check the video. The process of the video was very simple, but officer Zhuang watched it twice.

After reading it, he basically got to the bottom of the story.

Officer Zhuang went to Zhan Dashan and checked, "did you hurt a bone?"

Zhan Dashan cried, "yes, I feel that the bone has been bitten off by that smelly dog. It's killing me

"Did you call an ambulance?"

Brother Liao replied, "I called."

Officer Zhuang nodded, "you say, mediation or legal procedures."

Liao said, "I don't want to settle. Let's go through legal procedures."

On hearing this, Zhan Dashan immediately became angry. He was the one who was injured. "I @ @ @ ¥%..." It's me who was bitten by the dog. Why do you say that? "

Liao Ge retorted, "you blackmail with a knife, I report the case, I am the victim."

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