Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 734: 734

"Husband, husband..." A shout rang out, and Zhan Dashan's wife pushed aside the crowd and ran in.

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Zhan Dashan's son followed and pointed to brother Liao, "Mom, it's his father who let the dog bite him. Is Dad dying?"

"Get out of here, you're dying!" Zhan Dashan scolded.

Zhan Dashan's wife pointed at brother Liao and scolded, "you beast, why should the dog bite my husband?"

"Comrades of the police, catch this animal quickly, make him lose money and put him in prison."

Officer Zhuang sighed, "ask you again, do you want to settle or go through legal procedures?"

Zhan Dashan's wife pointed to brother Liao's nose, "if you don't reconcile, quickly arrest this man, and let him go to jail."

Liao Ge pushed away her hand, "this aunt, I don't agree to compromise, but you made a mistake, not to catch me, but to catch your husband."

"Who is your aunt? Why are you so shameless? Your dog has bitten my husband. Why should you catch my husband?"

"Your husband is blackmailing with a knife. Everyone on the scene has seen it. The swindler is almost catching up with Xiang Zhuang."

"You're talking nonsense!" Zhan Dashan's wife was in a hurry and grabbed officer Zhuang beside him. "Comrade police, if you comment, his dog bit my husband and said that he wanted to arrest my husband, it makes sense."

Police officer Zhuang pondered for a moment and moved his arm without any trace. "When judging the nature of a case, it's not only to see who is injured, but to see who has criminal motive and behavior. The injury may also be caused by defense. It can't be generalized."

"What do you mean, my husband's legs are bitten like this, and you still favor the murderer!"

Officer Zhuang's face sank. "This lady, pay attention to your wording. It's true that your husband blackmailed you with a knife. So many people have seen it, and there are videos to prove it. Please tell me how I'm partial."

Zhan Dashan said, "I didn't blackmail him! This guy hit my son. I'm bluffing him into paying for his medical expenses. "

Officer Zhuang asked, "which is your son, which is injured."

Zhan Dashan's wife pushed her son to the front, "this is my son. His face is hurt."

Officer Zhuang went to check, "except for the red spot, I didn't see the injury."

"He smacked my son's mouth, and his face was swollen. It's not hurt. My husband came here to reason with him, not to extort money at all. "

Officer Zhuang frowned and looked at brother Liao, "what's the matter? Did you hit the little boy? "

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"Comrade police, this little boy is not sensible. I'm just helping his parents educate him."

"Why don't you understand the law? What's the education law? Tell me."

Brother Liao hesitated for a moment and said the story again.

Zhan Dashan's wife said, "Comrade police, you heard me. He admitted that he had beaten my son. It's so inhumane to beat even a child. Catch him quickly. "

Zhuang police officer said, "you are such a big man, it's really wrong to beat children."

Liao said, "I do it for his good. This child destroys sports equipment. When I say something to him, he spits on me and kicks me. I'm just educating him for his parents, otherwise something will happen sooner or later. "

Zhan Dashan yelled, "fart nm, my son needs your education."

Brother Liao asked, "how do you educate people to cut people with knives? You're going to jail if you're so educated. "

People around once again began to talk about it. Some people said that it was wrong to beat a child. Some people said that bear child should be beaten. They had seen bear child destroy equipment for a long time. It was really hateful.

Officer Zhuang understood the general situation, but how to deal with it was even more difficult.

"Wuwu..." At this moment, the sound of an ambulance rang out, and then three people in white coats came running in the distance, two of them holding a stretcher.

Zhuang officer waved his hand, "OK, first treat the injury, and then go to the police station to make a record."

The emergency doctor came over and quickly bandaged Zhan Dashan to stop bleeding. It was inevitable that he would cry and howl again.

After the treatment, officer Zhuang asked, "doctor, is he seriously injured?"

"The wound is very deep and the Achilles tendon has been bitten off. The situation is quite serious."

"Doctor, can my husband's leg be cured?"

"There is still a possibility of cure if we grasp the operation, but there will certainly be some problems when we walk in the future, which will be different from normal people, and we can't do too strenuous exercise."

"Ah, isn't my husband's leg broken?"

The doctor said, "come on, give me a hand and carry him to the stretcher."

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Zhan Dashan's face was full of anger and reluctance, "police comrades, you must catch him, and that damned dog must be killed!"

"Go to the treatment first." Officer Zhuang perfunctorily said, and then looked at brother Liao, "where's the dog that bit people?"

"My friend took it."

"What dog?""Bull's head."

"Do you know this kind of dog is forbidden?"

"I didn't know about it before, but I just checked it on the Internet. When I know the relevant regulations, I will deal with them myself within 15 days. As for the fine, I'll pay what you say now. "

Zhan Dashan's wife yelled, "your dog has bitten people. You can deal with it by yourself. It's not that easy. You have to kill the dog!"

Brother Liao asked, "it was your husband who attacked me and the dog. My dog is self-defense. Why should I kill the dog?"

"Come on, don't make any noise. Follow me to the police station." Officer Zhuang said.

Brother Liao shrugged his shoulders and went. Anyway, he didn't break the law.

It's just that I have nothing to do all day, so I'm supposed to experience life.

It took four or five days to wrangle, but it ended in reconciliation.

Liao gave up suing Zhan Dashan for blackmail.

Zhan Dashan gave up the claim of compensation and killing the dog, and the injury had to be dealt with by himself.

Zhan Dashan, who has never suffered a loss, lost his wife and lost his army this time.


Eight in the evening, by the sea.

The clear sky, the moon and the stars, the water and the sky meet, the beauty is intoxicating.

A brightly lit sightseeing boat is driving slowly by the sea. There are square dining tables on the deck. The tables, chairs and tableware are very exquisite and look very high-grade.

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Han Bin and Wang Ting are sitting at the table on the east side of the deck. On the table, there are a variety of seafood, a bottle of red wine and candles, which have a unique flavor.

The sea breeze was blowing Wang Ting's hair, which made her feel very comfortable. "This place is good. Have you been here before?"

This kind of proposition, Han Bin naturally will not make mistakes, shook his head, "the first time."

Wang Ting picked up a red wine glass and touched it with Han Bin. They had a drink together.

"If you like, we'll come often." Han Bin sandwiched a piece of lobster meat and put it on Wang Ting's plate.

Wang Ting picked up the bottle and poured wine on Han Bin. "Don't you like to drink beer? Why don't you drink today? "

"Seafood and beer are definitely a perfect match, but it's not good for you to eat like this. When you are young, you don't care. I have a wife. Naturally, you should pay attention to health preservation in the future." Han Bin said with a smile.

"Well, I didn't say I would marry you. "Wang tingjiao snorted, the conversation changed," these days, Qianqian asked you about us? "

Han Bin said with a smile, "there are no new cases these days, and she's not busy. That little girl just comes to me when she's free. It's estimated that she wants to ask, but it's all given by me ahead of time. I didn't have any work, so I found some work for her. Later, she learned to be good, so she didn't dare to come to me. "

"You are really bad enough, she asked you, can eat you?"

Han Bin ate a raw oyster, "I just tease her to play, besides, her own business didn't understand, it's good to care about us."

"You mean she and Bao Xing?"

Han Bin nodded, "I heard that Bao Xing might be transferred away. If Qianqian doesn't hold on any longer, she won't have the shop after passing the village. "

Wang Ting showed a curious look, "where does Bao Xing want to go?"

Han Bin pointed to the top.

"He was promoted?"

"That's not true. It's not his turn to be promoted. Wang Xiao, Jiang Yang and Li Qin are all more qualified than him. It's not so easy to be promoted. However, he may be transferred to the provincial department. Although the level has not changed, it has also been upgraded. "

Wang Ting peeled a skin shrimp and put it on Han Bin's plate, "is it easy to transfer to the provincial department?"

"Of course, it's not easy. It's either excellent or relevant. There's no way for ordinary people to go. "

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"What kind of star does that bag belong to?"

"Bao Xing is a clever young man with good ability. He is a criminal investigator. I like him very much. There are both, but there should be more of the latter. "

Wang Ting asked subconsciously, "what does Qianqian think?"

"You as a cousin don't know, even my cousin doesn't know."

Wang Ting showed a thoughtful color, "Qianqian know this?"

Han Bin thought, "I feel Bao Xing should have told her."

"Do you want me to ask her what she thinks?"

Han Bin hesitates for a moment. Bao Xing is a good guy, and he likes it, but Han Bin doesn't like to do this kind of thing.

It's good to be successful, but it's hard to please more often.

"You'd better take care of your sisters." Han Bin picked up his glass and touched it with Wang Ting.

Wang Ting drank a mouthful of red wine, looking at the beautiful sea view, a bit intoxicated on her face, "regardless of her, go back to talk about it."

Two people blowing the sea breeze, eating seafood, drinking red wine, chatting, spent an unforgettable world.

When they got home in the evening, it was more than eleven o'clock. They took a bath and went to bed.After playing for a day, they were tired too. After lying in bed and chatting for a few words, Wang Ting fell asleep.

When Han Bin was about to fall asleep, his mobile phone suddenly rang, "Ding Lingling..."

Han Bin picked up his mobile phone and saw that Ma Jingbo's number was displayed on the screen. Han Bin went out of the bedroom and answered the phone in the living room, "Hello, horse team."

Ma Jingbo's voice rang out in the mobile phone, "Han Bin, did you sleep?"

"Just lying down, what's the matter?"

"When the case came, the sub Bureau was short of manpower and directly reported to the Criminal Investigation Brigade of our Municipal Bureau."

"What case?"

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