Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 735: 735

In a black car, Bao Xing is driving, Han Bin is in the front seat, and Li Qin is in the back seat.

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Wang Xiao yawned, "Han team, what case?"

"Rob, be strong, kill."

Bao Xing hit it, hit it mouth, "this killer is too inhuman, bad things let him do absolutely.". If you're going to kill other girls, you'll have to kill them. "

"The victim of this case is a couple. The female victim was killed and the male victim was killed," Han said in detail

That's why once the word "entering a room" is put on a case, its nature and charges will be much heavier.

When a thief comes into the house to steal things, the harm is not too great. However, if he meets the owner of the house in the process of stealing, there is bound to be a conflict. It is easy to turn into robbery, murder and other bad crimes.

Half an hour later, the party arrived at nanfo village, which belongs to the village in the city. Many migrant workers live here, and their life and transportation are convenient.

The scene of the crime was in a small street, surrounded by a cordon, and several uniformed policemen were on guard.

The person in charge of the scene is Liu Dingshan, deputy director of nanfo police station.

After the two sides met and introduced each other, Han Bin asked the case, "director Liu, what's going on at the scene?"

"The female victim suffered from trauma and was too frightened. She has been sent to the hospital by ambulance." Director Liu pause, continued, "the body of the male victim is still at the scene, we have not moved."

Han Bin nodded, "Sister Li, you contact the technical department, go to the hospital to see the female victim, if the murderer left evidence, we must collect it in time."

"Director Liu, please send a policeman to go with her."

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Director Liu happily agreed, "no problem."

Li Qin answered, and then called to contact.

Han Bin is to bring people into the scene.

This street house is not large in area and has no yard. As soon as you enter, there is a living room with few furniture, including TV, tea table, sofa, etc. there is also a bedroom in the living room and a toilet on the right side.

There is a man lying next to the TV with blood all over his body. You can see the obvious wound where his clothes are damaged. His eyes are staring at the roof, and he looks like he is dying.

The man looks young, but he is estimated to be in his early twenties.

Han Bin went into the bedroom. The bed, dressing table and wardrobe were placed in the bedroom. The door of the cabinet was opened and the inside was turned upside down.

The bed was also a mess, with a few torn women's clothes.

After Han Bin visited the scene, the technical department and forensic medicine also arrived at the scene. The technical department was collecting evidence, and the forensic medicine also began to carry out autopsy.

The scene is mainly divided into three parts, the scene is mainly in bed, the scene of murder is in the living room, and the scene of theft is mainly near the cabinet.

Han Bin in the room roughly looked at some, feel less room items, the suspect is likely to clean up the scene.

Han Bin went to the window and found that the window was open. There was no obvious footprint on the windowsill. He rubbed it with his fingers. It was very clean. It should have been wiped specially.

Outside the window is empty, no one can be seen, and the street lamp is dim, which is not as bright as the moon in the sky.

Hanbin probe toward the outside looked at some, also did not see the obvious camera.

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It's almost two o'clock in the morning now, and they can't do anything except survey the scene.

Han Bin returned to the body of the male victim and began to observe the traces of blood.

Judging from the wounds and splashing marks, the victim may have been cut by a sharp weapon, and should have been cut standing. There was more than one wound, and then the victim fell to the ground. The position of the body coincided with the blood stains around. The victim should not have been moved.

Judging from the shape and color of the bloodstain, the victim would not have died more than four hours.

There were not many signs of crawling and struggling on the body, indicating that the suspect was soon unconscious due to excessive blood loss after being stabbed.

Judging from the amount of blood at the scene, the victim should have died of excessive blood loss.

Of course, the above is only Han Bin through the analysis of blood on the scene, as for the exact cause of death of the victim, still need forensic to draw the final conclusion.

After a while, Ma Xiwen of the technology department came over and yawned, "team Han, the scene has been investigated."

"What do you find, Margo?"

"The room has been cleaned, door handles, cupboards, tea tables and so on. Most of the places have been wiped, let alone fingerprints. There is no dust. The suspect has not left too many clues."

"In addition, the window screen has been damaged. It looks like it was cut with a knife."

Han Bin also noticed this. He guessed that it might be hot, so the victim didn't close the window. He just closed the window screen. After the suspect cut the window screen, he could put his hand in to open the window slot and open the window sash smoothly.

"There were no obvious footprints or drag marks on the scene, and no mobile phones or weapons of the victims were found," Ma continued"However, we found two short hairs on the bed in the bedroom, probably male hair."

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Han Bin nodded, the clue is very important, "brother Ma, please compare the short hair on the bed with the victim's hair when you go back to the market."

"I understand that if the short hair doesn't match the victim's hair, I'll compare it in the database," Ma said


"It should be. Let's clean up and withdraw first." Ma Xiwen put down a word to go busy.

At this time, Ma Jingbo also rushed to the scene, called Han Bin, "what's the situation at the scene?"

"The male victim was killed in the living room and is undergoing an autopsy. The female victim was sent to the hospital. I asked Li Qin to take care of her. The scene has been cleaned up, no obvious clues have been left, and no murder weapon has been found. "

Ma Jingbo said, "the murderer is calm enough, killed people dare to stay to clean up the scene."

"Yes, now the most important thing is to make a record for the female victim to see if she can recognize the suspect's face."

Ma Jingbo turned around the scene and saw that the forensic doctor was still busy. He said to Han Bin, "I'll stay at the scene. You can go to the hospital. There's no need for two people to stare here."

"I see." Han Bin should be a, take Baoxing to the hospital.


East Hospital District of Qindao third hospital.

First floor emergency surgery.

The city is densely populated, and hospitals have patients both in the day and at night.

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Han Bin entered the emergency department and saw a uniformed policeman standing in the corridor.

Han Bin walked over, and before he showed his police certificate, the other party recognized him, "good captain Han."

"Where's the victim?"

Police pointed to the next room, "rest here, accompanied by officer Li."

"Hard work." Han Bin nodded and took Bao Xing into the room.

The room is not big, only more than ten square meters, with two beds and some equipment.

There are two people in the room. One is Li Qin, and the other is a girl in her twenties. She has a lot of blood on her body. She is sitting on the bed with her legs in her arms. Her head is buried in her knees. She can hear a choking sound.

Li Qin stood up, came over and said in a low voice, "Han team, this is the victim Ren Lingling."

"Did you take notes?"

Li Qin shook her head slightly. "She was not very stable just now. Now she is better."

"How is the injury?"

"A blunt blow to the head resulted in a coma, some mild concussion, not too serious." Li Qin lowered her voice again. "The doctor has just tested her. She did have traces of being invaded by her surname, but she didn't find the man's DNA."

Han Bin is not surprised. The scene of the crime has been cleaned up, basically leaving no valuable clues, which shows that the suspect is more careful. If the suspect's DNA can be found on the victim, it seems that the suspect is abnormal.

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