Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 736: 736

Li Qin walked up to the female victim and said, "Ren Lingling, this is captain Han of the second squadron of our city's Criminal Investigation Brigade. I want to know something about her."

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Ren Lingling slowly raised her head. Her eyes were swollen and she choked, "Captain Han, did you catch the killer who killed my boyfriend?"

This question makes Han Bin a little speechless. The suspect has been running away for a long time. As the only witness, you haven't made a record for you. Where can I find the murderer?

Even if Sherlock Holmes is alive, he has to understand the situation first.

Considering that the other party has been stimulated and is not in a good mental state, Han Bin or Wen Sheng said, "I just took over the case and are still investigating. In order to learn more about the murderer, we want to make a record for you first."

Ren Lingling sipped her lips and didn't speak.

"How are you now? Can I take notes? "

Ren Lingling nodded slightly.

Han Bin thought for a while and said, "Miss Ren, please introduce the process first."

Ren Lingling was silent for a moment and said, "my name is Ren Lingling and my boyfriend's name is Ma Jinlu. We are students of Qindao business school. We rented a room outside. He went out last night because of something. I was alone at home. Later The murderer broke in and bullied me. When I woke up, I found my boyfriend lying on the ground with blood all over his body... "

"I'm so scared. How could this happen to me? We both agreed to get married after graduation, but He's dead. "

Han Bin asked, "how many murderers are there?"

"I saw one."

"Remember the killer's face and features?"

Ren Lingling shook her head. "I was waiting for my boyfriend to come back. I was sleepy when I was waiting. I was ready to go to bed first. Only one wall lamp is left, the light is not very good. And the murderer was wearing silk stockings. I couldn't see what he looked like. "

"What about the clothes?"

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"I'm wearing a black T-shirt on my upper body, a very common one, and a pair of trousers on my lower body. I can't remember what it is like."

"And the height?"

"I don't remember. I was scared."

"Think about it."

"About the same height as my boyfriend, about 1.8 meters."

"How did the killer get into the house?"

Ren Lingling's voice was a little flustered. "I don't know. When I heard the movement, he had already entered the room."

Li Qin said, "Miss Ren, I know it will be uncomfortable for you to recall the crime, but you are the only witness at the scene, and only you can help us catch the suspect."

Ren Lingling was silent for a long time. "I was in a daze. I didn't hear the door, but I heard a sound, like the sound of opening a window."

The suspect is likely to come in through the window, which is similar to what Han Bin saw from the scene.

"When makinlu died, didn't you hear anything?"

"I was knocked out by that bad guy. I don't know anything."

"Why did Ma Jin Lu come back so late that night? Is that what he usually does? "

"Usually it's not like that. He said that he had something to do at school and would come back later. When I asked him what was the matter, he refused to say it. In fact, I knew that if he didn't say it, I would either go out for a drink or play games together. What else could happen? "

"Do you have any other impressions of the murderer when you think about it carefully?"

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Ren Lingling shook her head again.

Han Bin changed a question, "then describe the scene after you wake up."

"I wake up I found myself lying on the bed, my clothes were broken, and I was also Ren Lingling began to cry.

Li Qin handed her some paper towels.

Ren Lingling wiped her tears and took a deep breath. "I found a coat to put on, and walked out of the bedroom with courage. Then I saw a man lying on the floor, covered with blood. I was scared And then I saw it was my boyfriend. "

"I ran over and hugged his head and found that he was out of breath I called the police

"Then I was sent to the hospital."

Han Bin asked, "after you wake up, have you ever moved anything in the room or cleaned everything?"

"No, I was so scared that I didn't care about anything."

"When did the killer enter your house?"

"It should be after ten."

"When did you report it?"

"It seems to be after eleven."

Han Bin wrote in the book, "since you two are students, why don't you live in the school, but rent a house outside?"

"It's my boyfriend's idea."

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"What's missing in your family?"

Ren Lingling shook her head and said, "I don't know. I was so scared at that time that I didn't care about these."

"Do you have any valuables at home? “"There's more than 1000 cash, a gold necklace for me, a mobile phone, nothing else."

"When you came into contact with the murderer, did you resist and leave some scars on him?"

Ren Lingling bit her lip. "He has a knife in his hand. I didn't dare to resist."

"What kind of knife?"

Ren Lingling recalled, "it's a sharp knife with a blade more than ten centimeters long. It looks like a fruit knife."

"Do you two live in the house you rent back every day?"

"I don't know. Sometimes I live in school."

"Have there been any exceptions before?"


"Do you have any suspects of the murderer?"

"No. I'm still a student. I didn't expect this kind of thing. I don't know how to live in the future. " Ren Lingling said and began to cry again.

Han Bin asked again, Ren Lingling just cried and shook her head, feeling a little collapsed.

Helpless, Hanbin can only first out of the room.

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Three people out of the room, Li Qin proposed, "Han team, whether or not to inform Ren Lingling's family, her mood is very bad, I'm afraid she will think."

"Yes, but keep an eye on her before her family comes."

"Team Han, her injury is no longer serious. It's not a matter to stay in the hospital. Do you think I should take her to school or open a room in a hotel?"

"Look at her personal will." Han Bin also told a few words, with Bao Xing back to the city.

Li Qin stayed to take care of Ren Lingling.

On the way back, Han Bin sat in the co pilot's seat and frowned.

Bao Xing asked, "Han team, what do you think?"

"I was thinking about the purpose of the murderer? Theft, health, or murder? "

Judging from the scene, the murderer is likely to be a burglar, and has evolved into a strong and murderous person.

However, judging from the injuries of the dead, the murderer wanted to kill the other party. According to Ren Lingling, the murderer was wearing a mask and the light was dim. She did not see the appearance and characteristics of the murderer.

In principle, if it's just theft, the murderer only needs to stab Ma Jinlu. There's no need to stab him several times to kill him.

If killing is the fundamental purpose of the murderer, the traces of theft may be left by the murderer on purpose, in order to confuse the police and hide the real motive.

Generally speaking, if a person wants to kill a person, they should know each other. Only in this way can they have such a big hatred.

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