Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 748: 748

Han Bin saw each other's tangle, "it doesn't matter, you dare to say that the police records are confidential, and the witness is not only you, even if you don't say other people will say."

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Wang Xiaoyi bit his lip, "I I saw a clown with a hammer breaking the gate of the balloon's cable. "

Han Bin said, "do you have any worries about this situation?"

Wang Xiaoyi bowed her head and said nothing.

Han Bin said tentatively, "are you related to this accident?"

Wang Xiaoyi shook his head, "no, no, I have nothing to do with this accident. I operate according to the employee manual. It's the clown who did it."

Han Bin asked, "since it has nothing to do with you, what are you worried about?"

Wang Xiaoyi hesitated for a moment. Seeing Han Bin's fierce eyes, he knew that some words were not clear. This man might have been asking the bottom of the matter all the time, "if something happened, people would die. I'm afraid that the wrong words would have a bad impact on the playground. I cherish this job. "

Han Bin understood each other's idea roughly, "do you know that clown?"

Wang Xiaoyi shook his head, "I don't know."

"I heard that there are clowns in your playground. Is he an employee of your playground?"

"No, the staff of our amusement park won't do such a thing. It shouldn't be." Wang Xiaoyi's tone doesn't sound convincing.

Before, Han Bin has always thought that the clown is dressed up by people outside, but Wang Xiaoyi's attitude has made him guess whether the clown is an employee of the playground.

"What do you think of the clown's behavior?"

Wang Xiaoyi pondered for a moment, "I was stunned at that time. After the steel cable gate was broken, the hot-air balloon went up directly. It's too late for us to make up for it. "

"How many people were there?"

"There was me and another colleague, and the girl friend of the deceased."

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"You three didn't want to stop the clown or pull the cable?"

"If you go to the scene to have a look, you will know that the steel cable of the hot-air balloon is not fixed, but there is a track that can move. We were standing outside the track at that time. After the hot-air balloon lifted off, it moved with the wind direction, which was a long distance away from us. When we found it, it was too late to stop it." Wang Xiaoyi sighed,

"moreover, there is a guardrail outside the track. We have to open the guardrail before we can enter, which will delay a lot of time. Usually, except for the maintenance personnel, no one will enter near the steel cable track."

"After seeing the clown break the steel cable gate with a hammer, we were also dumbfounded. This is the first time that we have encountered this kind of thing."

Han Bin nodded and continued to ask, "where did the clown go later?"

"Drop the hammer and run away."

This clue is very important, Han Bin confirmed, "did the clown wear gloves at that time?"

Wang Xiaoyi thought, "I can't remember clearly. After the accident, I've been staring at the hot air balloon. I don't care about gloves."

"Describe what that clown looks like."

Wang Xiaoyi frowned and thought, "he's wearing a pointed hat. I can't remember what color he is. He looks tall. He should be about 180cm with my male colleagues. I can't remember anything else."

Han Bin asked, "is his Clown Costume painted or wearing a clown mask?"

Wang Xiaoyi recalled for a moment, "like wearing a clown mask."

Han Bin said, "do you have any other clues about that clown?"

Wang Xiaoyi shook his head, "I really can't remember. After the hot-air balloon was launched, my attention was on the hot-air balloon, and I just thought about how to bring it down."

Han Bin asked, "why does a hot air balloon burst and fall when it rises high?"

Wang Xiaoyi replied, "the higher you go up, the thinner the air is. The hydrogen in the balloon will expand outward. Once the balloon breaks, it is easy to lose control. I guess so. I'm not sure whether it is. "

Han Bin took out a business card, "think of any new clues, whether it is about the dead, hot air balloons or clowns, can directly contact me."

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"All right." Wang Xiaoyi took the business card and left.

A moment later, another employee in charge of the balloon also came over. Han Bin still made a routine inquiry, "name, age, native place..."

"My name is Zeng Shaowei. I'm 25 years old. My hometown is Huicheng..."

Han Bin asked a few questions, Zeng Shaowei and Wang Xiaoyi's answers were basically consistent.

However, when Han Bin asked about the clown, their answers were different.

Han Bin said, "you describe a clown."

Zeng Shaowei replied, "he has a big hammer with a wooden handle in his hand and a clown hat on his head. I remember it was like red. And he's a little shorter than me, less than 1.8 meters. "

"By the way, he threw away the hammer later. The hammer should be near the track. I can take you to find it.""One more thing, he has a knife."

Han Bin wrote in the book, "are you sure?"

Zeng Shaowei said firmly, "sure. After he broke the steel gate, I wanted to catch him. As soon as I was about to cross the fence, I saw the clown take a knife out of his arms, and I I didn't dare to go there. "

"What kind of knife?"

Zeng Shaowei touched his nose. "I can't tell whether it's a knife or a dagger. But it doesn't look big. The blade and handle add up to 20 centimeters. "

Han Bin drew a key symbol. Since he mentioned the knife, the style of the knife must be determined later.

Han Bin asked, "is there a camera near the orbit of the balloon?"

Zeng Shaowei shook his head. "There is no place near the track. There are very few people there. Tourists are not allowed to enter, so there is no need to install it. However, there is monitoring near the hot-air balloon parking place, and I can't say whether we can take pictures of clowns. "

Han Bin opened his notebook, "is there anything unusual before the dead man boarded the balloon?"

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Zeng Shaowei looked in the direction of the crash site and replied, "there's nothing unusual about him. His girlfriend tossed about for a while. At first, her girlfriend yelled to get on the balloon. As a result, after he bought the ticket, his girlfriend said that she was afraid, and in the name of not wasting money, she let him get on the balloon

Han Bin asked, "how long have you been in charge of hot air balloons?"

"I've been in charge since the amusement park reopened for three or four months."

"Do you think it's normal to be like them?"

Zeng Shaowei turned his lips and said, "friends, some want to play, some are afraid to play. I've seen a lot of them. But it's rare to see such a toss like his girlfriend. "

"Wuwu..." Just then, four cars came from a distance.

Very familiar.

Han Bin gives Zeng Shaowei a business card to remind him of what clues to contact.

More than a dozen people came down from the four vehicles. The first two vehicles were from the third squadron of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Yuhua Branch Bureau, the third one was from the technical department, and the fourth one was from the law and medical department.

The leader is Zeng Ping, the leader of the third squadron.

Han Bin said, "team Zeng, you're here."


"Team Han."

People also say hello to Han Bin.

Zeng Ping joked, "you're lucky. You've got another big case."

Han Bin showed a wry smile, "Zeng team, you don't make fun of me, I'm out to play, encounter this is, it's too late to make trouble."

Zeng Ping also knew that it was not a time for joking. He restrained his smile and said, "how's the situation?"

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Han Bin briefly introduced the situation, and then added, "I've already sent the police to set up the cordon on the fixed track side of the hot-air balloon, but I'm the only one on the scene, and I haven't had time to see it."

Zeng Ping nodded, "as long as the scene is well protected, it's the same to check later."

Han Bin made a please gesture, "team Zeng, I'll take you to the scene of the crash."

"Go." Zeng Ping answered, then pointed to Duqi and said, "you take two people to visit the tourists around."

Later, Han Bin took others to see the scene.

There was a cordon around the scene, and there was a police guard outside, which was not damaged.

After seeing the twisted figure of the dead, Zhao Ming smashed his mouth and said, "tut Tut, I used to come to the amusement park and want to ride a hot-air balloon. I thought it was cool, but I didn't go there because I was afraid. Now I don't think I'll have a chance in my life. "

Han Bin smiles. Just as he is about to say something, his girlfriend Zhang Li runs over and says, "officer Han, I think of a situation."

Han Bin took a look at the other side, with the side of Zeng Ping said, "Zeng team, this is the deceased's girlfriend Zhang Li."

This case is to be taken over by Yuhua Branch. Han Bin introduces Zeng Ping to Zhang Li, "Miss Zhang, this is Zeng captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Yuhua Branch. Now he is in charge of the scene. You can tell him what the situation is."

Zeng Ping waved his hand, "team Han, you are wrong. Dai Ju said that even if we arrive, you are still in charge of the scene. "

Han Bin Leng for a while, what does this mean?

In front of outsiders, Han Bin didn't ask much. With his relationship with Zeng Ping, everything is easy to discuss. It's important to investigate.

Han Bin asked, "Zhang Li, what clues do you have?"

Zhang Li's tone was a little uncertain, "I It's like I know the clown. "

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