Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 749: 749

Han Bin looked at each other, "why didn't you say that before?"

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"My boyfriend died. I was scared. I'm stupid. I just remember now."

Han Bin looked at each other, did not find obvious signs of lying, "what's the name of the person you said?"

"His name is song Bohui. It's my boyfriend's brother. "

Han Bin reconfirmed, "are you sure that the clown is song Bohui?"


Almost this word is poor in Han Bin's opinion, what he wants is a positive answer.

Han Bin asked, "how do you recognize him as song Bohui?"

Zhang Li replied, "his height, posture and back are very similar to song Bohui, and song Bohui also knows that we are coming to the playground today."

"What's the relationship between the song bochen brothers?"

"They are brothers on the surface, but their relationship is not very good."

"Even if the relationship between the two brothers is not good, there is no need to kill them. What's the big contradiction between them?"

"Rich people, it's just a matter of fighting for property. Their parents prefer my boyfriend. Song Bohui is very jealous of him. He's afraid that his parents will give all their assets to my boyfriend. He's brother-in-law on the face, but in fact he's been secretly targeting my boyfriend. " Zhang Li showed a look of fear and choked, "he must have done it. His heart is too dark. He's trying to kill me. "

Han Bin continued to ask, "if according to your statement, their brother's relationship is not good, then why does your boyfriend tell song Bohui about the amusement park in the future?"

Zhang Li sighed, "how can I say that my boyfriend is a man who doesn't have a plan. It's hard to say that he has no brain. Nothing should be the same thing. He knew that song Bohui had been to the playground before, so he wanted to know how it was and what was fun. "

"Just now you mentioned property dispute. Is song bochen's family rich?"

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"Their family is in business. I heard from my boyfriend that there are at least tens of millions of them at home."

"What's their business?"

"Their family is engaged in building materials business, and later they set up an engineering team to do community greening. Many of the greening in the community is done by their family. Sometimes developers default on the construction funds, and use the houses in the community to offset them. There are seven or eight houses in their home. "

Han Bin then asked, "has there ever been a direct conflict between song bochen and song Bohui?"

The fact that the Song family is rich does not mean that song Bohui has a motive to kill.

Zhang Li hesitated and said, "they had a fight, and song Bohui broke my boyfriend's nose."

"Because of what fight?"

Zhang Li pursed her mouth and said, "it's just a conflict."

"What conflict?"

Zhang Li bit her lip. "Song Bohui is very jealous. After knowing that song bochen and I were together, he went to find song bochen's trouble. When they quarreled, they moved their hands."

"What is the relationship between you and song Bohui? Why is he jealous?"

Zhang Li stroked her hair. "Song Bohui is my ex boyfriend."

"Cough..." Li Hui once again stirred up the heart of gossip and asked, "you first associate with your brother, and now you associate with your brother?"

Zhang Li glared at him, "can't you?"

Han Bin looks at each other again. Zhang Li is very beautiful and has a good figure, but to win a pair of brothers one after another, beautiful appearance is not enough. This woman is not simple.

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No wonder the two brothers will conflict. If they don't, that's strange.

"Why did you break up with song Bohui?"

Zhang Li flattened her mouth. "Is this related to the case?"

"Of course."

Zhang Li shrugged her shoulders and said, "if you don't have the right personality, you can break up."

"Then why are you with song bochen again?"

"Because of love."

"In love? So simple? "

Zhang Li took it for granted, "otherwise. Do you need a reason to love someone? Love is going to be together

"Have you ever thought about song Bohui's feelings, and won't you be embarrassed to meet him later?"

Zhang Li pondered for a moment, "there will be some, I hesitated, but I love song bochen, and song bochen loves me. In my opinion, compared with love, everything else is trivial

"If I give up my lover for other reasons, I think I will regret it all my life. I don't want to."

"It's my choice, and I'm willing to take the consequences. No regrets. "

Everyone at the scene was staring at Zhang Li. This girl's practice was really bold and courageous.

Of course, this kind of courage is not worth advocating.

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However, Han Bin paid more attention to song Bohui, and now he has a motive.

"Do song Bohui's parents know about it?"

Zhang Li nodded.

"What did his parents say?"Zhang Li was a little impatient. "Comrade, does this have anything to do with the case?"

"Of course." Han Bin is judging song Bohui's motive.

"After his parents knew it, they didn't agree with us. However, song bochen loved me. He didn't listen to his parents' arrangement and chose to stay with me. No one could break us up."

"With the help of their parents, the relationship between their brothers was much more harmonious."

"Have you ever thought of marrying song bochen?"

Zhang Li nodded, "of course, we are serious. We really want to live forever."

Tian Li interjected, "do you think you will be happy if you don't have a family member's blessing?"

Zhang Li showed a touch of self mockery, "not everyone needs relatives, as long as there is love can be happy."

"Has song Bohui ever threatened you before?"

"Yes." Zhang Li opened her mouth and said, "I remember very clearly that he once pointed to our noses and called us dog men and women. He also said that we would die hard and he would not let us go."

Han Bin whispered, this is not wrong, it is estimated that many people encounter this situation, will have this idea.

But thinking about it doesn't mean doing it.

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"Tell me the contact information of song bochen's parents and song Bohui."

Zhang Li took out her mobile phone and looked at it for a while. "I only have song Bohui's mobile phone number. I don't know song bochen's parents' mobile phone number."

"Let's talk about song Bohui's mobile phone number."

Zhang Li reported the mobile phone number, Han Bin let her leave first.

"Team Zeng, what do you think of this clue?"

Zeng Ping laughed, "Zhang Li is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and when this happens, song Bohui must be dissatisfied with song bochen and Zhang Lixin. He does have a certain motive. It's necessary to investigate this song Bohui."

"Indeed, it would be depressing for anyone to encounter such a thing." Han Bin finished, the front of the conversation changed, "team Zeng, since you understand the situation, the scene will be handed over to you, I will withdraw first."

Zeng Ping took out a box of cigarettes and handed one to Han Bin, "don't rush to run, listen to Dai Ju's meaning, this case has a great impact, and the Municipal Bureau is likely to intervene. Even if you go now, Dai Ju will report the situation to the Municipal Bureau, and when a joint investigation team is set up, it is likely that you will join the investigation team."

Zeng Ping's statement is not groundless. Vicious cases have taken place in the amusement park, and the impact is far greater than those in other places. First of all, there are many witnesses here, and the cases can't be concealed.

Moreover, there are a large number of tourists in the amusement park. This case is likely to be in the news, which will have a very bad impact on the society. It is not conducive to the stability of Qindao city. The earlier the case is solved, the better for the police.

Once the Municipal Bureau is involved in the case, Dai Minghan certainly hopes that the police officers cooperating with the Municipal Bureau will be familiar with it, and is likely to recommend Han Bin.

Moreover, Han Bin is the first police officer to appear at the scene of the crime. He has a better understanding of the situation of the case, so it is natural for him to join the investigation team.

Han Bin touched his chin. According to this situation, Zeng Ping's words are very likely.

Han Bin doesn't reject this. He still likes to cooperate with his former colleagues.

"Team Zeng, I'll report to the leaders of the Municipal Bureau."

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