Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 757: 757

"This..." Song Jingshan sighed, "I'm not very clear either."

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"My wife dotes on bochen. He is willful and simple. He must have been cheated by that woman again."

Han Bin asked, "what does Zhang Li want to cheat song bochen?"

"Our family's conditions are not bad. Bochen is also a big spender. They spent hundreds of thousands on the woman named Zhang Li after only a few months together. No one's money is coming from the strong wind. How can they afford to spend it like this? " Song Jingshan some hate iron does not become steel, "my son is a heartless, by that woman play round turn."

"Now that my son wants to break up with her, she won't be reconciled. Maybe she killed my son."

Han Bin said, "do you have any evidence?"

Song Jingshan shook his head. "I saw that woman twice. What evidence can I have?"

"What's the name of the girlfriend your wife introduced to song bochen?"

"Cui Xinxin."

"Do you know her contact information and home address?"

"I don't know, but my wife knows. I can ask him when I go back."

Han Bin nodded, pondered for a moment and asked, "how is the relationship between Song Bohui and song bochen?"

Song Jingshan was stunned for a moment and sighed, "the relationship between the two brothers was originally very good, but it was because the woman Zhang Li had caused conflicts between the two brothers, which was very unpleasant some time ago. Officer Han, why did you think of asking that? "

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"According to Zhang Li, when song bochen's accident happened, she saw a person dressed as a clown, much like song Bohui."

Song Jingshan widened his eyes, "nonsense, this woman killed bochen, but also want to frame bochen, it is a snake and scorpion woman, I want to say that he is the murderer who killed bochen."

"Mr. Song, please don't get excited. The reason why I ask this is to eliminate the suspicion of song Bohui and return his innocence."

"Police comrades, let me tell you this. My eldest son was on a business trip a few days ago. He was not in Qindao city at all. How could he be in the playground?"

"How do you know about his business trip? Did song Bohui tell you that? "

Song Jingshan said, "he didn't tell me, but I asked him to go on a business trip. I know his itinerary very well."

See song Jingshan emotional some excited, Han Bin did not ask, go, does not mean that can not secretly run back. Now the transportation is so convenient, without enough evidence or witness, song Bohui's alibi is not tenable.

Han Bin comforted song Jingshan a few words, let Zhao Ming send him away.

Tian Li came over with a glass of water, "Han team, this family is really chaotic. Zhang Li is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. "

Han Bin picked up the box of gum from the table and poured two tablets into his hand. "According to song Jingshan, song bochen wants to break up with Zhang Li. In other words, Zhang Li is likely to be dumped. Then some of Zhang Li's words are not so credible. "

Tian Li subconsciously said, "do you mean Zhang Li also has a motive to commit a crime?"

Han Bin did not answer the rhetorical question, "what do you think?"

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If it's Tian Li, she'll break up after breaking up. It's good to be free and easy. She certainly won't have the idea of killing people. But people are different in this world, and she can't say whether Zhang Li will be born of love and hate.

"Team Han, why don't you summon Zhang Li to the police station to make a supplementary record?"

Han Bin also has this idea, but song Jingshan's statement can only prove that Zhang Li has motive, but motive does not represent action. At present, there is no evidence that Zhang Li is related to the case.

Besides, Zhang Li was at the scene at that time, and she could not be a clown. Instead, she provided her with the best alibi.

Of course, we can't completely rule out her suspicion. Zhang Li can't be a clown, but it doesn't mean she didn't participate in the case. The clown may also be her accomplice.

The above is only Hanbin's guess. Before there is no evidence, Hanbin does not intend to summon Zhangli for the time being.

"Creak..." When the door rang, Zhao Ming pushed the door and came in.

"Team Han, song Jingshan is gone."

Han Bin nodded.

Zhao Ming sat down in his position and added, "when song Jingshan left, he said he would contact his eldest son and ask him to come and take notes as soon as possible."

Referring to song Bohui, Tian Li took over, "compared with Zhang Li, I think song Bohui is more suspect."

"Why?" Zhao Ming shrugged his shoulders. "Song Jingshan also said just now that song Bohui is really on a business trip."

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"Don't you think it's a coincidence? When his younger brother died, he happened to be away from Qindao, which can reduce other people's suspicion of him. " Tian Li asked.

Zhao Ming said, "you mean that he deliberately went on a business trip to forge an alibi."

"I think it's very possible." Tian Li said, and looked to the side of Han Bin, "Han team, what do you think?"

Han Bin hesitated for a moment, "now the focus is to find out whether song Bohui is likely to run back to qin island during his business trip.""Let's assume that if we were song Bohui, what would we do..."

Song Bohui has a motive to commit the crime, but he is suspected of committing the crime of clown, which is the clue provided by Zhang Li. But from the existing evidence, Zhang Li's words can not be fully believed, Han Bin still needs more clues and evidence.

Half an hour later, the door of the office rang.

Han Bin looked up and said, "come in."

The door opened and song Jingshan walked into the office, followed by a man in his twenties.

Seeing that Han Bin and others cast puzzled eyes, song Jingshan quickly introduced, "Captain Han, this is my eldest son song Bohui. I'll bring him here to explain the situation clearly."

Han Bin turns to look at Song Bohui. He is tall, thin, wearing a black frame glasses, a shirt on his upper body and trousers on his lower body. He is a standard professional.

Song Bohui came over and handed over his business card. "Hello, comrade police. I'm song Bohui."

Han Bin took the card, "Mr. Song, let's talk. You should believe me now."

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Song Bohui pushed his glasses and sighed, "Comrade police, it's not that I don't believe you. Bochen is so young. I didn't expect that something would happen to him "

" listen to my father, you want to ask me, what's the matter? "

Han Bin looks at Song Bohui, then takes out a photo from the drawer and compares it. He has to say that song Bohui and the clown are similar.

However, the clown's clothes are fluffy, and Han Bin is not sure if it is song Bohui.

Han Bin put the photo in front of song Bohui, "look at this photo."

Song Bohui picked up the photo and said, "isn't this a clown? Does it have anything to do with me? "

Han Bin replied, "when song bochen was killed, the clown was in the playground and was suspected of committing a major crime. According to witness Zhang Li, the clown's physical features are very similar to yours. "

Song Bohui's face changed slightly. "It's just nonsense. I've been away on business. How can I go to the playground? It's clear that Zhang Li is setting me up."

"Why did she set you up?"

"Some time ago, song bochen took the initiative to find me. He felt that he wanted to ease the relationship with me, but what he said was..." Song Bohui sighed again and bit his teeth. "He wanted to break up with Zhang Li, but he couldn't get rid of it. He wanted to ask me how I split up with Zhang Li at the beginning. Are you angry when you say that? Ah, I wanted to beat him at that time."

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