Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 758: 758

"When I think about it, it's a good thing for them to break up, so I don't care about him. After all, it's a family, and we have to meet in the future. Without Zhang Li, we may be able to make up with each other. I told him the reason for the breakup Song Bohui sighed,

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"my brother doesn't have much heart and mind. To put it mildly, he is heartless. Maybe he told Zhang Li what I said."

Han Bin asked, "why did you break up with Zhang Li?"

Song Bohui thought about it and replied, "Zhang Li is a money spinner and willful. She always asked me to buy some valuable bags, shoes and accessories, and I promised her at the beginning. I think most women like this luxury, and they can't make their own women too shabby. "

"And I think two or three or three or four of these luxuries are enough. No matter how many they are, they can't be worn. Who ever thought that Zhang Li is like a bottomless hole? Take bags as an example. Each bag needs one. Different styles, different colors, different brands, and there will be new styles every quarter. Not to mention shoes and accessories, she didn't know that enough was enough. She just asked for them

"No one can afford to support this guy. When I started to refuse, she lost her temper with me. When she refused more times, she took the initiative to break up with me."

"That's what I told bochen at that time. If I asked him to spend less money, or even not to spend money on Zhang Li, that woman would take the initiative to leave him."

Han Bin glanced at his notebook and asked the next question, "do you know they're going to the playground?"

Song Bohui frowned and thought for a while, "that day, he told me about it. He said that Zhang Li wanted to go to the amusement park and asked me if he should go with Zhang Li."

Han Bin picks an eyebrow, "are you sure Zhang Li wants to go to the amusement park?"

"Anyway, that's what he said. I'm not very clear about what happened to them, but I don't think it's necessary for bochen to lie about it."

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Han Bin wrote down in his notebook that this clue is quite important. Now the known clue is that Zhang Li wants to play with hot-air balloons, so song bochen bought tickets for hot-air balloons. As a result, Zhang Li stopped playing again.

If Zhang Li wants to go to the amusement park, then Zhang Li's suspicion must be on the rise.

Han Bin knocked on the table, then led the topic to the clown's photo, "do you know the clown in the photo?"

Song Bohui took another look. "He's wearing a mask. How can I recognize it?"

Han Bin asked, "is your height and figure like someone you know?"

"No impression." Song bochen replied and said with some trepidation, "however, this person's back is really like me. No wonder Zhang Li admits her mistake, but I was not in Qindao at that time, and I could not harm my brother."

"Where were you then?"

"In Mordor."

"How to prove it?"

"I went to Mordor by plane a few days ago and came back this morning. If you don't believe me, you can check my ticket information."

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Zhao Ming said, "the transportation is so convenient now. If you really want to come back, you don't have to take a plane. You can also take other means of transportation. If you want to clear your suspicions, you should come up with some practical evidence, preferably with witnesses to testify. "

"Yes, I didn't go to the devil to play. I went to sign a contract. I talked with a company about cooperation yesterday morning. I signed the contract at about 4 p.m. and I only had a two-hour break. When you called me, I was in a meeting, so I didn't answer your call. My assistant and the company I worked with can testify to me. "

"What's your assistant's name?"

"Ran Xiaodong, mobile number 132458xxx, you can ask him if you don't believe me."

"What's the name of the company you're talking about, and who can testify to you?"

"Mingyao real estate company talked with us about cooperation at that time. General manager Wang and manager Chen of the project department." With that, song Bohui was worried again. "Captain Han, what I said is true. If you don't believe me, you can ask my assistant. He can testify to me. It's better not to contact manager Wang and manager Chen. "

Zhao Ming took a look at him, "how can the police investigate a case? It's still under your command. If you are innocent, why should you be afraid of the police questioning witnesses?"

Song Bohui said helplessly, "police comrades, I am not afraid, but feel that the influence is not good. We have a cooperative relationship with other people. They are still Party A. We are asking for cooperation from other people. If we leave a bad influence, the project will be yellow. I hope you can understand that small companies are not easy. "

Song Jingshan on one side echoed, "yes, comrade police, my son is not afraid of you asking, but afraid of causing bad influence on our company. I hope you can understand."

In addition to witnesses, there is a lot of evidence to prove a person's whereabouts, such as monitoring.

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Han Bin changed a question, "where did you sign the contract?"

"Mordor, fangning Road, Dongsheng building."

"Where did you have lunch that afternoon?""There's a Taihe restaurant not far from the building. We ate it in Taihe restaurant. His seafood is good. It's different from Qindao's, but each has its own characteristics."

Han Bin recorded in his notebook that song bochen's death time was around two o'clock. If song bochen was eating in Taihe restaurant that day, as long as he could check the corresponding monitoring and the assistant's confession, it could prove that he was not lying.

Han Bin took out a business card and handed it to song Bohui, "Mr. Song, this is my business card. If you think of any clues, you can contact me."

Song Bohui took the card and asked, "Captain Han, can I go now?"

"Of course." Han Bin gets up and sees his father and son off.

After Song Jingshan and his son left, Han Bin said, "Tian Li and Zhao Ming, you two check song Bohui's alibi."

"Yes." Tian Li answered.

Zhao Ming came to one side, licked his face and asked, "do you think song Bohui lied?"

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Zhao Ming knows that Han Bin is always accurate in judging people. He trusts Han Bin's vision.

Han Bin shook his head, "didn't see anything unusual, the possibility of lying is not big, of course, also can't check, he had been prepared, the mood hidden very well."

In the final analysis, subjective judgment can only affect the direction of the investigation. If you want to determine whether the other party is suspected, you can still speak with evidence.


Zhao Ming and Tian Li began to investigate song Bohui's alibi.

Han Bin yawned and took a nap in his chair.

After more than ten minutes, a sound of footwork rang out, and the door of the office opened. Li Hui brought people in, "binzi, I have found a new thread here."

Han Bin sat up straight, "what clue?"

"I went to the communication company to investigate and found some information about Lin Hongping."

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