Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 779: 779

Yuhua Branch, No.2 Middle School office.

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"Diddidi..." The watch on the wall rings every minute.

Han Bin sat at his desk and closed his eyes. More accurately, he was waiting for the news from the technical team.

Once the person of technical branch has determined Zhang Li's position, Han Bin will take a person to carry out arrest.

Zeng Ping has taken another group of people to action.

Han Bin doesn't like the feeling of waiting. He goes out of the office, walks to the window of the corridor and takes out a cigarette box from his pocket.

Zhao Ming also walked out of the office, trotted over, took out a box of Chinese cigarettes, "brother bin, smoke mine."

Han Bin takes out a Chinese cigarette and holds it in his mouth.

Zhao Ming takes out a lighter and lights it for Han Bin.

Han Bin took a cigarette and glanced at Zhao Ming. "What's the matter with you being so attentive?"

Zhao Ming also lit a cigarette and said with a smile, "brother bin, look at what you said. I don't usually light a cigarette for you less."

Han Bin didn't answer and continued to smoke. He had already seen that Zhao Ming seemed to have something on his mind these days.

Zhao Ming said with a smile, "brother bin, you are really eye-catching. To tell you the truth, I really want to ask you something."

Han Bin showed a true appearance, "what's the matter?"

Zhao Ming looked around and said in a low voice, "when the case is over, I'll treat you to dinner, and then we'll talk slowly."

"It's mysterious, OK. What would you like to treat me to?"

Zhao Ming said with a smile, "if you want to have a big meal, you must have a big meal."

Han Bin laughed, "it's almost the same."

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On the other side of the corridor, Lu Wen came quickly, "team Han, mobile phone positioning is successful."

Han Bin put out the cigarette end, patted Zhao Ming on the shoulder, "go, work first."


Wanda mall, Menghua jewelry store.

This is a shop specializing in diamond jewelry. At the door stands a waitress, slim and slim in a knee length skirt, with a professional smile on her face.

Wei Zimo with three team members strode over, looked at the shop signboard, straight to the store.

The salesgirl was a little puzzled. After working in the shop for several months, she saw for the first time four men buying jewelry together. However, due to the requirements of her profession, she bowed slightly, "welcome."

Wei Zimo stopped, glanced at the shop and asked, "does Zhang Li work here?"

The waitress asked, "are you looking for Zhang Li?"

Wei Zimo did not delay, directly showed the police officer card, "we are the police."

The waitress opened her eyes and looked at the certificate. It was the first time that she saw the police officer's certificate. She didn't know much about it, let alone whether it was true or false. "Just a moment, I'll ask the store manager."

The waitress walked behind the counter and whispered to a woman in her early 30s.

Then, the older woman came over and said, "Hello, my name is Chen. I'm the manager of this store."

Wei Zimo showed his police certificate again, "we are from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Yuhua Branch Bureau. Is Zhang Li working here. "

manager Chen replied," yes, what can I do for you? "

Wei Zimo took out his mobile phone and opened Zhang Li's photo, "is it her?"


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"She didn't come to work today?" Wei Zimo has already observed Zhang Li in the shop.

Chen store manager way, "the day before yesterday afternoon she asked for leave, said home something, to rest for a period of time, yesterday did not come."

Wei Zimo frowned, "thank you."

Manager Chen asked, "Comrade police, what can I do for you to find Zhang Li?"

"We are investigating a criminal case. We want to know something about Zhang Li. If you know where she is or see her, please let me know as soon as possible." Wei Zimo handed over a business card.

"Well, I see."

Wei Zimo asked subconsciously, "by the way, has anyone else found Zhang Li recently?"


"Well, thank you for your cooperation." Wei Zimo finished, took people out of the shop.

He left two team members to watch nearby and left the mall with them. At the same time, he also called Zeng Ping to report the situation.

"Hello, team Zeng."

"What's the situation over there? "Zeng Ping's voice came from his mobile phone.

"According to the manager of the jewelry store, Zhang Li asked for leave the day before yesterday. She said she had something to take a few days off in her hometown, but she didn't come to the store yesterday. I left two of my team members to watch around. "

Zeng Ping sighed, "so it seems that this woman has been prepared for a long time and probably has absconded. I've taken people to her residence. There are traces of being picked up at the scene. I should be in a hurry when I leave. "

"Well, go back to the bureau first. Now it's up to the Korean team. "……

On Huaqing Road, two cars are driving fast.

In the black car in front, Han Bin sits in the back seat.

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Li Hui, holding a mobile phone, is contacting the technology department to locate Zhang Li's mobile phone number in real time.

A moment later, Li Hui hung up his cell phone, and Han Bin asked, "how's it going?"

"Zhang Li's position has not been moved, and she is still near the intersection of Huaqing Road and Jiu'An street."

Han Bin took a tablet computer to enlarge the map. "It's very remote near here. There are farmland on both sides. What's the matter with her?"

Li Hui boldly guessed, "has she been silenced?"

Han Bin did not answer, although Li Hui's guess does not have enough evidence, but there is a certain possibility.

It's the clown who directly murdered song bochen. Even if Zhang Li participated in the case, she must have an accomplice. Now, the identity of her accomplice has not been found, and the possibility of her being killed exists.

However, there is one more thing that makes Han Bin doubt. If Zhang Li is really killed, why does her mobile phone not stop, and the suspect is not afraid that the police will follow the clues of the mobile phone to find Zhang Li's body?

Another, if Zhang Li is really one of the suspects, who is her accomplice?

Twenty minutes later, Han Bin took people to find the location.

The location is in a forest by the side of the road. Although the general scope can be determined, the specific scope still needs to be found by the police themselves.

At this time, it was autumn, and the leaves began to fall in the forest. Although the leaves were not very thick, they could cover the footprints.

Li Hui glanced at the woods and rubbed his nose. "Team Han, it's hard to find this large area. Do you want to call the police dog?"

Han Bin didn't speak, took out his mobile phone and Kwai dialed the number of Zhang Li, and soon the cell phone was connected.

"Ding Ling Ling..."

A slight ringing of mobile phone may not arouse people's vigilance in noisy cities, but it is enough in this forest.

Han Bin mobile phone mobile phone rang, soon found the exact location of the phone, Li Hui digging with a shovel two underground, and dug up a jewelry bag.

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Li Hui picked up the bag and handed the shovel to Zhao Ming beside him. "Keep digging."

Li Hui opened the bag with a mobile phone and a letter inside.

Han Bin took the letter and looked at it. It was the same as the envelope of the threatening letter. After opening it, there was a piece of white paper, which said, "Comrade police, when you see this letter, I have left the city. Don't think about me! Hee hee

"Scum man, damn it


Zhao Ming digs 30 centimeters down and stops digging.

This kind of work he did not do less, and he was also experienced. At a glance, he knew that the underlying soil layer had not been excavated.

Han Bin put the letter away and said to Li Hui, "apply for calling the search dog and search all of this one."

"Yes." Li Hui ran to one side to contact him.

Han Bin took out his mobile phone and dialed Zeng Ping, "Zeng team, where are you?"

"I'm still at Zhang Li's house. The technology department is investigating the scene to see if we can find any clues about her accomplice." After Zeng Ping finished, he asked, "how is the positioning? Have you found Zhang Li?"

"I found Zhang Li's mobile phone, but I didn't find Zhang Li herself."

"To divert the tiger from the mountain?"

"It's not clear yet. By the way, did you find her notes at Zhang Li's house? "

"Yes." Zeng Ping wondered, "what do you want this for?"

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