Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 780: 780

Half an hour later, a car pulled up to the side of the road.

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Zeng Ping came down from the car with a kraft paper bag in his hand.

"Team Zeng."

"Team Zeng." They said hello.

Zeng Ping nodded and went to Han Bin. "Here, this is Zhang Li's note."

"Team Zeng, you came very fast." Han Bin took it and opened the bag to have a look.

"Anything new at the scene?"

"No Han Bin looked at his watch. "However, the search and rescue dog should be coming soon. The scene will be handed over to you. I'll go back to the bureau first."

"Well, you're going to leave as soon as I'm here. Why are you yelling? What's more important than the scene? "

Han Bin explained, "in addition to Zhang Li's mobile phone, there was also a letter written in Zhang Li's tone."

Zeng Ping understood, "you asked me to bring her handwriting here to identify the authenticity of the handwriting."


Zeng Ping frowned, "this handwriting identification needs professional institutions to do, we can't do it."

"Just give it to me. It's up to you." Han Bin said, with information left.

Zeng Ping was stunned for a moment, and then reacted. Can this boy identify handwriting? When did he learn it? Why don't I know?

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"Well, don't go yet." Zeng Ping called each other, "you can do handwriting identification."

Han Bin smiles, "understand a little."

As for Han Bin, Zeng Ping is quite familiar with him. If he knows a little, he must know, or even master, "when did you learn it, I don't know."

"I learned it after I went to the Municipal Bureau. As long as I don't have a case, I will study it blindly. I have some experience. I'll report to you later. I'll go first. "

Seeing Han Bin leave, Zeng Ping is stunned for a long time. No wonder this boy has been promoted so fast. He is really diligent in criminal investigation skills, and he is still busy learning.

Zeng Ping thought to himself that he would have to work harder in the future.

You can't let this old subordinate compare himself to others Well, I seem to have been compared.

But at least It can't be too far away.


Han Bin has learned handwriting identification for some time, but he doesn't use it much.

Handwriting identification needs a relatively quiet environment for careful study.

Because as long as you dare to imitate the handwriting, it means that the imitator and his handwriting are similar. If you don't observe carefully, it's easy to distinguish the authenticity.

Once the identification error will mislead the investigation of the case.

Han Bin shut himself in the office, do not let people disturb, full research to five o'clock in the afternoon just ended.

Of course, the reason for such a long time is that he uses less skills and is unfamiliar.

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He was basically sure that the handwriting on the letter was the same as the notes found by Zhang Li's family. It should have been written by Zhang Li himself.

Han Bin stood up, his butt was numb and his mouth was a little dry. He moved his hands and feet and poured a cup of tea.

Tian Li came over, "Han team, Dai Bureau informed the meeting that you were studying handwriting, so no one bothered you."

Han Bin drank a mouthful of tea, some hot, "in the meeting room?"


"Yes, I'll be right there." Han Bin screwed on the tea cup, took Zhang Li's handwriting and letter, and rushed directly to the meeting room.

"Dong Dong." Han Bin knocked on the door of the conference room.

"Come in." There was Dai Minghan's voice.

Han Bin pushes the door and goes in. He finds Dai Minghan, Zeng Ping, Li Hui, Wei Zimo and others at the meeting.

"Dai Ju, I'm late."

"It's not too late. I'll keep a seat for you." Dai Minghan pointed to the chair beside him. "Listen to Zeng Ping, you are learning note identification recently. How is your research going?"

"I compared the handwriting on that letter with Zhang Li's previous notes. It was really written by the same person."

Zeng Ping said, "this is the same as our search results. The search and rescue dog didn't find any other clues, let alone Zhang Li's body. She is likely to abscond."

Dai Minghan pondered for a moment, asked, "Zhang Li's search, have you found any clues?"

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Zeng Ping replied, "Zhang Li's family didn't find any obvious clues related to the case, but I have sent Zhang Li's mobile phone to the technology department for identification."

For Zhang Li's mobile phone, Dai Minghan did not hold too much hope. If that mobile phone is really valuable, Zhang Li will not stay.

"Since all the clues point to Zhang Li, I have decided to apply to the superior leaders for a wanted warrant. You should also make every effort to search Zhang Li's whereabouts and never let her escape."



After dinner, when he got home, Han Bin lay on the bed to rest.

Check for a long time, finally found Zhang Li, but let her run, to tell you the truth, not disappointed that is false.Tian Li checked Zhang Li's identity information and found no record of buying tickets. The police temporarily lost her trace.

Wang Ting went back to her parents' home, and Han Bin was the only one in the family.

The more Han Bin thought about it, the more depressed he was. In addition, he was a little tired after a busy day and wanted to have a little wine to sleep.

However, he is not allowed to drink according to the regulations during the investigation. In order to curb this idea, Han Bin simply brush his teeth, lying in bed listening to novels, at the same time set a time, listen to tired, directly sleep.


The next morning.

Han Bin rubs Li Hui's car again.

On the way, Han Bin bought breakfast and invited Li Hui to eat it, which was also worth the cost of oil.

Of course, money is not the most important thing. The key is that both of them are very busy. There are few opportunities to get together to have a meal as before, which is very rare.

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Han Bin and Li Hui found a small shop for Hui people. Each of them had two roasted buns and a bowl of mutton soup. It was autumn now. The breeze was a little cold in the morning. After drinking the mutton soup, they were very comfortable.

Hanbin two people to the branch, the office has a lot of people.

Tian Li came first today. She was assigned a task last night. As soon as Han Bin arrived, Tian Li quickly reported, "team Han, after I came here this morning, I checked Zhang Li's identity information, but there is still no record of buying tickets."

Han Bin nodded, but he didn't have much hope. Zhang Li, a woman, could escape before the police arrested her, which shows that she has a certain anti reconnaissance consciousness, so it's impossible for her to risk buying plane and train tickets.

The reason why Tian Li was asked to investigate was just a routine investigation.

There is little hope for this kind of clue, but if there is no investigation, and Zhang Li escapes by buying train tickets and air tickets, the responsibility will be greater at that time.

Han Bin doesn't want to make such a low-level mistake of being smart instead of being smart.

Tian Li continued, "by the way, team Han, there is another situation to report to you."

"He said

"I just received a call from Song Bohui. He has come back from the capital and said that he would come to the police station to take notes later."

Judging from the current situation, song Bohui can basically eliminate the suspicion.

Of course, the notes should be made. Han Bin points to Li Hui on one side,

"it's up to you."

Li Hui made an OK gesture.

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