Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 802: 802

Han Bin will be his job exchange situation briefly said.

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Zhao Ying smiles, "that case, is I listen to you, or you listen to me?"

"I am now the police chief of Baohua police station. Since this case has been handed over, it is natural that the criminal investigation team of the Branch Bureau will be the main force, and our police station will assist in the investigation." Han Bin put the attitude very right.

Later, Han Bin told Zhao Ying about the case.

After learning about the scene, Zhao Ying began to arrange tasks, investigate the scene, collect the surrounding monitoring, and called several car owners to make supplementary notes.

This is not to say that she does not trust Han Bin, just out of habit.

When the criminal investigation team of the sub bureau came, there were more people on the scene. Han Bin asked Guo Tianxu to go back to the police station to have a rest. He stayed to help the criminal investigation team handle the case and maintain the order of the scene.

This kind of feeling is quite strange. In the past, Han Bin was in charge of the investigation, and the comrades of the police station and Branch Bureau assisted him in his work. Now it is the reverse.

Although he was a little lonely, he was relaxed. Standing there, he basically didn't have to do anything. To maintain the order of the scene and assist in the collection and monitoring, it was also the police officers of the police station who worked for him.

Han Bin chews gum and wanders around the scene of the crime. After listening to Zhao Ying's arrangement of tasks, he goes to the technical team to have a look. After the case is handed over to the criminal investigation team of the Branch Bureau, the pressure on him also shifts.

In fact, many people don't understand why there are so many opportunities for the criminal investigation team to perform meritorious service, and why some criminal policemen are willing to be transferred to the police station. To put it bluntly, the working atmosphere is more relaxed.

Maybe some people will retort that the police in the police station are also very hard-working and tired.

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It is true, but most of the criminal police are not grass-roots policemen when they are transferred to police stations. The most typical example is Han Weidong.

Han Weidong used to be a criminal police officer. He had made contributions and won awards. He did a good job in the criminal police force, but later he was transferred to the police station on his own initiative.

When he was transferred to the police station, he was the deputy director of the police station. Although he was not the first leader, the second leader had a good life and was very comfortable.

At this time, Zhao Ying came over, "team Han."

"Sister Zhao, what can I do for you?"

"I don't dare to ask you what you think of the case?"

Han Bin thought about it and said, "I feel like this case is sabotage, and the purpose is probably revenge."

"How can I see it?"

Han Bin continued, "a total of eight cars were damaged at the scene, but only one car showed signs of theft. If the suspect's purpose is to steal, then the technique is too crude. I don't think it's possible."

Zhao Ying nodded, "I think so too. From the records of several victims, we can see that they have a lot of opinions on the night market vendors, and there are conflicts of interest between them."

Han Bin said, "I also think we should check."

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Zhao Ying took a look at the time, it is almost ten o'clock in the morning, "according to these car owners, those night market stall owners will come at more than five o'clock in the evening, and wait."

Han Bin said, "if you want me to tell you, you'd better go directly to the neighborhood committee nearby to find out the situation. You'd better make a list of the stalls in the night market and wait for them to roll out in the evening."

"This is a way." Zhao Ying answered and looked at Han Bin, "team Han, I brought a group of people here. The police force is not enough, and we are not very familiar with the situation nearby. Can you take the comrades from the police station around for a visit? "

"No problem." Han Bin directly should come down, "if found the witness, I will contact you directly."

"Hard work."

"It should be." Han Bin said, called on several members of the police station to visit nearby.

It's good to stroll around. Han Binquan is distracted. He and Dahan are in the same group.

Along the way, Hanbin leisurely stroll, just like a walk, ask things to Dahan to do.

This stroll is more than an hour, more than 11 o'clock in the morning, Han Bin called the team to gather clues.

The visit lasted more than an hour, and a large number of people visited. Many of them were villagers living nearby. Many of them heard the car alarm last night.

Some people couldn't sleep because of the noise. They even looked around the window, but because it was dark, no suspicious person was found.

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In short, although the news last night was not small, because it was late and there were few pedestrians on the road, no witnesses were found, and no one had seen the whereabouts of the suspects.

After summarizing the situation, Han Bin finds Zhao Ying and tells her about it.

After hearing this, Zhao Ying sighed, "team Han, our progress here is not very smooth. We haven't found any clues related to the suspect yet."

Han Bin found, "the technical team there also did not find clues?"

Zhao Ying replied, "the technical team found some items at the scene, but it still needs to do further testing. Whether it can find clues related to the suspect is still unknown."

Han Bin nodded and did not ask any more. He is not a criminal policeman now, and he is not in charge of the technical team.Two people chat a few words, and then Zhao Ying took the team to leave, Han Bin also took people back to Baohua police station.

As soon as I entered the hall of the police station, I saw Guo Tianxu coming over with a teacup. "Team Han, oh no, it should be Sheriff Han. How do you feel?"

Han Bin touched his nose, "it's very good. The case has been handed over, and I don't have to worry about it."

Guo Tianxu said with a smile, "I'm afraid you're not used to it."

Han Bin shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.

"Dinner." At this time, Li Jie, who is in charge of the logistics, yelled. The police all took lunch boxes to the canteen.

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Baohua police station also has a canteen. Han Bin used to eat here. Other dishes are common, but the sliced noodles are very authentic. Han Bin often thought about it when he was in the Municipal Bureau.

Then, Han Bin, Guo Tianxu and others went to the canteen to eat together.

There are a few pieces of beef and coriander on the sliced noodles. If you take a bite of them, they still taste the same, which makes you feel fragrant.

Han Bin asked for a 12 yuan dish, two meat and one vegetable, and a large bowl of noodles with tea and eggs. The price is not expensive, and the materials are enough. It's very affordable. It's much cheaper than eating outside.

After dinner, Guo Tianxu called the police officers who participated in the case and held a summary meeting.

The case happened in the jurisdiction of the police station. As long as the case is not solved for a day, they will assist the criminal investigation team of the Branch Bureau in investigating the case. Naturally, they can't stand idly by.

After the meeting, Guo Tianxu asked several police officers to continue to visit and investigate.

Han Bin called the swallow and asked about the monitoring.

Swallow and Xiaoyan assist the people of the criminal investigation team of the Branch Bureau to collect the monitoring. They give a copy of the monitoring to the criminal investigation team of the Branch Bureau, and at the same time, they also keep a backup.

Han Bin did not go out to visit the investigation, to the backup video, began to check the monitoring.

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