Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 803: 803

With Han Bin check monitoring, there are swallows and small eyes.

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In fact, compared with the criminal investigation team of the sub Bureau, they still have a certain advantage in checking and monitoring, that is, they know more about the road conditions nearby.

Of course, the inadequacy is that the police officers in the police station lack experience in handling criminal cases and may miss some very important clues.

Of course, this does not exist in Han Bin.

Han Bin can be said to focus on the advantages of both. He is familiar with the surrounding situation and has rich experience in handling cases. When checking the monitoring, he can get twice the result with half the effort.

If you count in his excellent observation, he can at least take one top five.

According to the residents around, the car alarm time, about 12 o'clock last night.

In other words, the suspect's crime time will be between 11:30 p.m. and 12:30 p.m.

Han Bin also focuses on the monitoring of this time period.

These monitoring are only the monitoring around the crime scene, and none of them can directly capture the situation of the crime scene. Therefore, we can only speculate according to the time when the people in the monitoring appear and the situation of the scene.

Because it is at night, there are few pedestrians, so monitoring is relatively easy to check.

An hour before and after the crime, Han Bin found six people in the surrounding surveillance.

The crime scene is on the south side of the road. Further south is a green belt. Further south is the wall of the community. There is no monitoring on this side.

In addition to the monitoring of Skynet intersection, most of the monitoring collected by the police are on the north side of the road.

Han Bin found that three of them were suspicious. One of them went from west to East and appeared in the first Skynet monitoring station. He was on the right, that is, on the south side of the road.

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But soon after that, he appeared in the surveillance of Lubei, which means that he deliberately avoided the smashed cars. Even if he is not a suspect, he is likely to be a witness.

Han Bin named him the number one suspect.

Although the second person has been on the south side of the road, he wears a black hat on his head and walks with his head down all the time. Han Bin checks all the surveillance videos, but he doesn't see his face.

The third person is the most suspicious. When this person appears at the first monitoring intersection, he does not have any personal belongings, but when he appears at the second monitoring intersection, he carries a black bag.

When the police took notes before, the owner of the lost item reflected that his lost cigarette was packed in a black backpack.

Han Bin carefully compared, looking for clues to these three suspicious people in the video.

However, he did not tell Zhao Ying this clue. It's very simple. He believes that with Zhao Ying's ability and the ability of the criminal investigation team, he will certainly find these three suspicious people. Han Bin doesn't need to do anything more.

To say the least, the criminal investigation team copies the surveillance video. If they can't find such an obvious suspect, they can't solve the case even if Han Bin takes the initiative to provide clues.

Han Bin also looked carefully, did not find more information about the three people in the video, if you want to find out the whereabouts of the three people, I'm afraid you need more monitoring along the way.

Monitoring the investigation has come to an end, Han Bin stood up, activities, and a cup of tea.

Han Bin stood by the windowsill, drinking tea, for a while.

"Creak..." A sound, the door of the office opened, Guo Tianxu came in.

"Oh, my God, it's raining outside. It's freezing to death. It's an autumn rain and a cold. It's not bad at all."

Hearing Guo Tianxu's complaint, Han Bin poured him a cup of tea, "master, drink some tea, warm."

Guo Tianxu wiped it with a towel, took the tea cup handed by Han Bin and took a sip, "it's good, it's still the same flavor as before."

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Han Bin smiles. When he was in Baohua police station, he would help Guo Tianxu make tea every day.

"Master, my craft has not improved?"

Guo Tianxu snorted, "it's just adding some hot water in the tea. It's a fart craft. Can you expect a mint flavor? "

"Ha ha..." Han Bin laughed.

Guo Tianxu also laughs. It's good to drink Hanbin's tea again.

"Master, how are you doing?"

Guo Tianxu put down the cup, "the time of the crime is too late, nearby residents have heard the movement, but so far there is no witness."

"By the way, what about your side? How's the surveillance going?"

"I'm going to report to you." Han Bin picked up the mouse, click on the surveillance video, "you come here to have a look."

Guo Tianxu came over, squinting at the screen, the screen saw a man in a hurry, "do you think this person is suspected?"

"During the time of the crime, six people once appeared in the nearby surveillance, and three of them were suspicious. This is suspect No. 1. He used to walk on the south side of the road, but later he ran to the north side of the road somehow.""The second suspect was wearing a hat and kept his head down all the way, as if he was deliberately hiding his appearance."

"The third suspect is the most suspicious. He didn't carry anything at the beginning, but after passing the crime scene, he had a black bag on his body."

Guo Tianxu carefully stared at the computer screen and watched the three suspects several times. Finally, he fixed the surveillance video on the third suspect.

Guo Tianxu frowned and said in a low voice, "I have an impression of this man. I should have seen him somewhere."

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Han Bin enlarges the front photo of the third suspect. He looks like a man in his twenties. He is wearing a black sweater with long hair and bangs on his forehead. He is honest.

"Master, take a closer look."

Guo Tianxu stares at the enlarged screenshot and slaps him, "no mistake, I've definitely met him."

Han Bin asked, "where have you met? "

Guo Tianxu looks like a memory. After thinking for a long time, he shouts to one side," you boy, get out of the way. "

Han Bin let to one side, Guo Tianxu sat in front of the computer, "crackling" search up.

Han Bin did not speak, standing behind, lit a cigarette, quietly watching.

After a while, Guo Tianxu stopped the computer operation and pointed to the screen, "do you think this kid looks like the person in the monitor?"


name, fan Xiangfei

gender, male

date of birth, July 22, 1996

native place, Qindao City, Xiaoma village

reason for arrest, theft (time, November 2019)

address, Qindao City, Yuhua District, Baohua Road, Room 202, building 3, Sports Bureau District

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there is a picture of a man in the upper right corner.

Han Bin compared some, hit hit hit mouth, "tut Tut, or master you powerful, all of a sudden found the identity of the suspect."

Guo Tianxu smile, showing a little complacent color, "other I dare not say, as long as this boy in my jurisdiction, I will be able to recognize."

Although there is some exaggeration in this statement, there is also a certain truth. The police station is the most basic Department of the public security department. Its jurisdiction is relatively small and its scope is relatively fixed. As long as it is people who mix in this area, Guo Tianxu basically knows them.

This is also why the local police station is needed to assist in handling criminal cases. The police force is only one of the reasons. More importantly, they are familiar with the situation near the scene of the crime.

If they are recidivists, they can even recognize them at a glance. Even if they don't know the thief himself, they may know the thief's boss.

Guo Tianxu put on his equipment and patted Han Bin on the shoulder. "Let's go and meet this boy."

With that, Guo Tianxu strode out of the office and yelled, "swallow, Xiaoyan, Dahan, follow me."

The swallow was confused and asked, "sheriff, where are we going?"

"Investigation, of course."

Although the police station is assisting the criminal investigation team of the Branch Bureau to investigate, it does not mean that Guo Tianxu does not want to solve the case himself.

Can we help solve a case as well as solve it in person?

He also wants to make contributions!

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