Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 804: 804

Baohua Road, Room 202, building 3, Sports Bureau community.

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A young man in his twenties was sitting beside the tea table, pouring and drinking. On the tea table, there was a bottle of half Red Star Erguotou, a plate of peanuts and a plate of cucumbers.

Young people eat peanuts and drink wine. Every time they take a sip, they are very happy.

young man looked at the half bottle of wine on the table. He always felt a little insufficiently. According to his liquor consumption, a bottle of Baijiu was just good and a bit intoxicated, but it would not be on top.

However, he has something else to do tonight, so he can only drink less. If he drinks too much, he is likely to miss things. He must keep his mind sober enough.

The young man drank slowly because he was still waiting for a hard dish.

If you get drunk before the hard food comes, that's bullshit.

He turns on the TV and searches for TV programs, which is also a habit of him. He likes to watch TV and drink at the same time.

"Ding Ling Ling..." A burst of mobile phone ringing, young young out of the phone pressed the answer button, "hello."

"Hello, is that Mr. Fan?"

"It's me."

"I'm a delivery man. Please press the elevator for me."

"All right." Little young should be a, their community elevator need to swipe card to press floor, delivery of no way directly up.

The young man took another sip of wine, then got up and went out of the house, went to the elevator and pressed the elevator key.

After a while, the elevator door opened. Inside, a man in a yellow uniform looked at the young man. "Are you Mr. Fan?"

"It's me."

"This is the outside of your order."

The young man took the take out and wrapped it with a layer of silver insulation tin foil. When he opened it, he saw that there were mutton kebabs, roasted kidney, chicken wings, Banjin and leeks inside. The smell was intoxicating.

"Brother, please order a five-star high praise, thank you." With that, the elevator door closed.

The young man said, "cut, why, I don't have that spare time."

The young man took out a mutton kebab and took a mouthful of it. He muttered, "hum, the taste is OK, but it's not as delicious as it's baked now."

Speaking of this, the young man felt a little sorry. If he had something to do today, he would not order takeout. Instead, he would go to the store to eat it. The roast mutton would be delicious.

The young man swayed his head and walked into his house. However, before he reached the door, he felt something was wrong. He fixed his eyes on his door and didn't know when there were two more people.

Young young Leng for a while, turned and walked back, but just turned to the general body, heard a shout, "police, don't move."

Then he felt his neck tightened, as if he had been strangled, and then he fell back.

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"Bang!" After the young man fell to the ground, he found that there were two men behind him.

Then, the two men in front of him also rushed up and pressed his hands and feet.

"Don't move, police."

The young man was frightened. He didn't think of this sudden encounter, and his brain still turned around.

"What's your name?"

Little young still didn't respond.

"Pa!" He got a brain slap on his head, and then he woke up, "I My name is fan Xiangfei. "

"Speak up, I can't hear you."

"My name is fan Xiangfei, Fan Jin's fan, flying Xiang, flying man's flying."

Then fan Xiangfei was pulled up. He saw clearly that there were several people in police uniform around him. Suddenly, he lowered his head like frost beat eggplant.

This group of people wearing police uniforms are Han Bin and Guo Tianxu and others.

Guo Tianxu was full of energy and raised fan Xiangfei's chin. "Hey, don't pretend to be dead. I know why I caught you."

Fan Xiangfei replied very simply, "I don't know."

Guo Tianxu's hand is more forceful, "think again, give you another chance."

"I really don't know."

Guo Tianxu snorted and turned to look at the door, "is there anyone else at home?"

"No Fan Xiangfei shook his head.

Fan Xiangfei's answer was very firm, but Guo Tianxu didn't believe it. He took several team members into the room carefully.

Han Bin came near, looked at fan Xiangfei, and then asked, "do you know why I arrested you?"

Fan Xiangfei stood up and said, "I don't know. I just handed in a takeout. It's not against the law."

"Dress, you take the dress."

"I didn't install it. I just ordered a takeout. If you don't believe me, my kebab fell to the ground. What a pity." Fan Xiangfei sighed, showing a look of grievance.

"Really just ordering takeout?"


"Do you think the police are idle? Isn't it comfortable chatting and drinking tea in the office? But I'm here to catch you. I'm from the outside? "Fan Xiangfei cried, "I don't know. There are so many takeout orders. Why do you only arrest me?"

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Hanbin just don't believe his lies, Hanbin has been observing each other, will he and the suspicious man in the video comparison, found that face and body shape is very similar, he should be last night carrying a black backpack man.

"Where were you between 11:30 and 12:30 last night?"

Hearing this question, fan Xiangfei was stunned for a moment, and his body trembled gently.

He took a deep breath and said calmly, "Comrade police, what does this have to do with my order of takeout? I didn't order takeout last night

"I didn't ask you for takeout. What were you doing between 11:30 and 12:30 last night?"

"I I can't remember. I didn't order takeout anyway. " Fan Xiangfei showed a look of fear, "don't scare me. I'm a common people, but I can't stand your threat."

"Don't be modest. It's the first time I've seen a common man with criminal record like you. If you are caught again this time, you should be in the second palace. No, you should be in the third palace."

Fan Xiangfei was worried. "Comrade police, what do you mean by that? You can't say that I discriminated against me just because I have a criminal record. It's very difficult to correct my mistakes. Although I made mistakes before, I've changed them now."


Fan Xiangfei said solemnly, "it's time. It's more real than real gold."

"Well, think about it. Where were you between 11:30 and 12:30 last night?"

Fan Xiangfei forehead see sweat, silent for a long time, just looked up and said, "I'm at home."

"What are you doing at home?"

"What else can I do? I must be sleeping."

"Are you sure?"

Fan Xiangfei hesitated for a long time, "of course."

Han Bin takes out a picture from his pocket, "is the man in this picture you?"

Fan Xiangfei took a look, his face changed, "I can't see clearly."

Han Bin a pick eyebrow, "that look carefully."

Fan Xiangfei took a deep breath, his face changed again and again, "I I remember that I didn't sleep last night, but I went out to eat. Because I drank some wine and my brain was not clear, I went out for a walk, right

"So you admit that the man in the picture is you?"

"It should be me."

"What should be, yes, no, No."

Fan Xiangfei lowered his head, "yes, it's me."

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"What did you do?"

"I didn't say that just now. I went out to eat and had a drink. I didn't think about it for a moment because I was wandering in the street because I didn't wake up. "

"Who did you drink with last night and where did you drink?"

Fan Xiangfei patted his head and said, "ah, I drank a lot of wine last night. I'm so dizzy that I can't remember I like to drink alone. I should drink alone. "

Han Bin pointed to the backpack in the photo again," where did you get this black backpack? "

"What do you mean, it's my own. Yes, it's my own. " Fan Xiangfei's tone gradually increased, as if he was cheering himself up.

Han Bin ha ha laughs, "the suspect has seen many, looks like you such cheeky, really is not many."

Fan Xiangfei said bitterly, "Comrade police, what I said is true. This may be a misunderstanding. Please let me go."

Han Bin did not answer, a wave of his hand, motioned to the police next to him to the room.

Guo Tianxu is still searching.

Han Bin is guarding the side of fan Xiangfei, but did not ask.

He knows such suspects as fan Xiangfei very well. They are full of lies. Unless they find concrete evidence, they can make up a set of lies.

If you can expose him first, you have to hold your stomach. So the best way is to find practical evidence first.

Han Bin did not idle, in the living room around, the living room does not have too much furniture, some messy.

Han Bin asked coldly, "did you buy or rent this house?"

"Hey." Fan Xiangfei sneered, "just like me, how can I afford a house."

Han Bin is not talking, just waiting quietly.

Guo Tianxu is still searching with people. He looks a little anxious. He has searched the room inside and outside, but he still hasn't found any suspicious items.

Is it too late to say that fan Xiangfei has transferred the stolen goods?

Han Bin thinks that the possibility is not big. It's only ten hours since the crime. It's not easy to sell the stolen goods in such a short time.

Fan Xiangfei squeezed out a smile, "Comrade police, you see, you have searched for so long, but you haven't found anything. Do you think you should let me go first?"

Han Bin said, "hum, when you say that, I remember. Where was the black backpack you carried last night? Is it hidden by you? "The smile on fan Xiangfei's face was a little stiff. "How can I? I can't do this kind of thing. I drank too much last night. I can't remember where the bag was put. Maybe it's on the road. Ah, it's a mistake to drink. I can't drink so much in the future. "

Looking at each other's cheap acting skills, Han Bin curled his lips, but he didn't say anything. If Guo Tianxu can't find evidence, he can't help it.

Fortunately, Han Bin's patience has the result, Guo Tianxu strides over, carrying a black backpack in his hand, "fan Xiangfei, you see clearly, is this the bag you carried last night?"

Han Bin took a look and laughed, "master, where did you find this bag?"

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"On the ceiling of the toilet, good guy, it's really secretive. I've turned over the cupboard and the bottom of the bed at home, but I can't find it. Together, you've hidden on the ceiling of the toilet, and it's really yours." Guo Tianxu tone increased a few minutes, questioned, "is this backpack yours?"

This time fan Xiangfei completely flustered, hesitated for a long time, and did not have an accurate answer.

Han Bin scolded, "fan Xiangfei, don't think you're smart. The police are not stupid. Now the evidence is solid. If you argue again, you'll have to go to jail."

Fan Xiangfei hesitated for a long time and lowered his head. "Comrade police, what you said is too scary. Even if it's my bag, it's not normal for me to put it in my own home."

"Ha ha." Guo Tianxu sneered, "if you put it on the table or in the cabinet, it's normal. If you hide it in the door of the ceiling, it's normal."

"Fan Xiangfei, I warn you, don't play tricks with me. I'll recognize you at a glance. I'm Guo Tianxu, the police chief of Baohua police station. I dealt with you once last year. Don't say you don't remember me. If you pretend to be with me again, hum Guo Tianxu snorted coldly, a pair of originally not big eyes staring round.

Fan Xiangfei looked at Guo Tianxu's language, then quickly lowered his head. His eyes twinkled. He seemed to be afraid of Guo Tianxu. "Comrade police, what do you want?"

Guo Tianxu said subconsciously, "I ask you, did you steal this black backpack?"

Fan Xiangfei is adamant, "No."

Han Bin took out a picture again, "this surveillance screenshot was also taken last night. In this video, you don't have a black backpack at all. You only carry a bag when you get to Huian community. This distance doesn't pass your home. You can't change this backpack. Besides, it's a crime to cheat the police."

Fan Xiangfei lowered his head and was silent for a long time, "I I had too much to remember last night

"You don't cry when you don't see the coffin." Guo Tianxu sneered and opened his black backpack. "Look what's in it. Maotai liquor, Chinese tobacco, OK, it's luxurious."

One swallow reminded, "sheriff, according to the owner of the Mercedes Benz, he lost Maotai liquor and Zhonghua tobacco in his car, which is just right."

Guo Tianxu stares at fan Xiangfei, "well, last year it was just theft. This year you have a long skill. Before theft, smash the car to pieces. A crime of intentionally damaging property can't run away. The combined punishment of the two crimes is enough for you to live in prison for several years."

When he heard that he was going to be in prison for several years, fan Xiangfei trembled. "Officer Guo, don't scare me. I picked up this bag. I didn't commit any crime."

Guo Tianxu laughed, "ah, you can do it. Do you remember my last name?"

"How dare I not remember you? I'll give you a real account. I picked up this bag. I didn't commit any crime."

Guo Tianxu asked, "there's no crime. What do you do when you lie so much? If you have a clear conscience, why don't you admit it directly?"

"I have a criminal record, I think. Even if I tell the truth, you will not believe it. You will think that I stole and smashed those cars." Fan Xiangfei cried, "that's what you think now. I'm afraid."

Guo Tianxu touched his nose. Well, he admitted that he really had some preconceptions.

Han Bin said, "come on, don't tear yourself so clean. You talk like a white lotus. As far as we know, the wine and cigarettes are in the trunk of Mercedes Benz, and they are no longer in the black backpack. This can't be explained by the word" pick up ". If you want us to believe it, tell us the truth."

Fan Xiangfei took a deep breath, "OK, I said, you're right. I put cigarettes and wine in my black backpack, and these things were taken from Mercedes Benz. However, I didn't damage the car intentionally. When I went, the cars had been damaged."

Fan Xiangfei looked at the top and recalled, "at that time, I was still a little puzzled, how this good car was smashed, and so many cars were smashed at once. Later, my old problem was made again, and my hands itched, so I turned over in the car. I didn't think I really turned over a good thing."

"I admit I took all these cigarettes and drinks from Mercedes Benz cars, but I didn't smash those cars."

Han Bin has been staring at fan Xiangfei. He finds that fan Xiangfei's eyes flicker when he talks, either concealing something or lying

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