Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 818: 818

Han Bin will return the phone to the other side, temporarily suppressed the mind, continue to ask, "how is the relationship between your daughter and son-in-law?"

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Liu Li Neng sighed, "today's young people have personalities. They often quarrel with each other, but they don't know how many times. My daughter, I know, is a little temperamental, but not unreasonable. "

The old lady continued to complain, "that's Zhang Haiqiao. A man is not like a man. He worries with a woman every day. It's nothing."

"We just made a record for Zhang Haiqiao. According to him, Liu Xiaolin had a younger brother who wanted to buy a car some time ago and borrowed 50000 yuan from Liu Xiaolin. Is that true?"

"Yes, we all know that. My son has made a girlfriend. Now he's happy to drive out on his own. My son wants to buy a car, but he's still tens of thousands of yuan short. This can't be delayed. I'm afraid it's yellow, so I want to borrow some from her sister. " Liu Li Neng said, and added, "Zhang Haiqiao also knows this, this boy lies, what is yesterday just told him, bullshit."

"I remember the day I borrowed the money very clearly. I asked them to go to dinner. My son said it at the dinner table, together with them. At that time, Zhang Haiqiao also agreed. My son also said that he would give them interest. Zhang Haiqiao also said that everything was relatives, so there was no need to give it. Who knows that this boy is the first and the second. He even takes this matter to throw his face at my daughter and says that he's been kept in the dark. That's bullshit. "

Hearing this, Han Bin is increasingly sure that the previous live broadcast should be self directing and self acting.

"Has your daughter's son-in-law ever mentioned divorce before?"

Liu Li Neng replied, "yes, these two people often quarrel. My daughter is willful, but she was like this before she got married. You don't know anything about Zhang Haiqiao. Ah, now that I'm married, my daughter is self willed. What has he done for a long time. Besides, Zhang Haiqiao is not a good-natured man. If you look at the video, he is no less angry than my daughter in any quarrel. He is not a man. "

Han Bin frowned. He felt that his recording was not very successful. Liu Li Neng obviously didn't distinguish the video from reality. He always thought that the content in the video was real, and explained some things he saw from the video to the recording.

This is a big problem and it is easy to mislead the police in handling cases.

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Han Bin has been in contact with some cases about anchors. He knows that these anchors often exaggerate the facts and make some eye-catching gimmicks for the sake of click through rate. Many of the contents are fabricated. Quoting a word from Hong Kong opera, this story is purely fictional. If it's similar, it's pure coincidence.

Han Bin has seen a video titled "late night beauty, let me eat it. It's really delicious". It's a video of an anchor going to a noodle restaurant for dinner.

You say you owe me a beating.

My pants are all off. Show me this.

At this moment, Li Hui came over, "binzi, what's the matter with you?"

Han Bin walked over and said in a low voice, "these are the parents of the dead. When they are old, don't say anything to stimulate them when taking notes."

Li Hui said lazily, "if you don't take notes, I'll listen."

"Don't mention it. You'd better take notes. My notes are a little messy."

"What do you mean? You've seen the wind and the waves, too

Han Bin reminded, "Liu Xiaolin is an anchor, and has always been in the habit of shooting videos. Just now, her suicide by jumping from a building has been broadcast live. Old people and old women have seen it. They take the content of the video seriously. When you take notes, you must remind them clearly and answer all the questions according to the reality."

"My day, so powerful, the process of suicide has been broadcast live!" Li Hui looked surprised.

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"More than that, I just looked at it, and the number of people who have viewed the video has exceeded 10000. Regardless of whether the victim committed suicide or not, the influence of this case is not small."

Li Hui thought for a moment, "it's normal to say that the negative event of jumping off a building can't be broadcast live."

"This is where they are smart. I just watched the content of the video. There was no picture of jumping off a building. I could only hear the sound of quarreling with each other, but the camera was stuck by the window. Anyone who watched the live broadcast knew it was jumping off a building."

"Professional enough." Li Hui hit it, hit it mouth, "that is to say, Zhang Haiqiao and Dong Wenhuan are lying."

"It seems so."

"These two grandsons are quite alike."

"I'll meet them again. You can take notes for the old and the old." Han Bin patted Li Hui on the shoulder and went back to building 7.


709 room door guard two police officers, see Han Bin came over, coincidentally greeting, "Han sheriff."

Han Bin nodded and entered the room.

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Zhang Haiqiao and Dong Wenhuan are both sitting on the sofa.

See Han Bin come in, Zhang Haiqiao quickly get up, "Han team, my father-in-law and mother-in-law nothing."

"You care about them?"

"Ah They are all old, and I'm afraid they won't be able to take it for a while. "

"Then you don't go down to have a look. It's a little far to care about here.""I I don't have the face to see them. I'd rather die. " Zhang Haiqiao patted his forehead hard.

"Oh, by the way, what's the reason for your quarrel?"

"Ah Zhang Haiqiao Leng for a moment, do not know why Han Bin suddenly mentioned this stubble, "you just asked?"

"I don't remember. Say it again."

"Some time ago, when my brother-in-law wanted to buy a car, he borrowed money from my wife. My wife gave the money to my brother-in-law privately. She told me about it only yesterday. I thought she didn't respect me, so they quarreled."

"You really don't know about borrowing money?"

"I don't know. I won't be angry if I know."

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Han Bin nodded and said to the police next to him, "arrest them both and put on the handcuffs."

Zhang Haiqiao was confused.

One side of Dong Wenhuan scared a shiver, "police comrade, this has nothing to do with me, how to catch me together?"

"Well, don't pretend. I already know about you. If you take the initiative, you can still strive for leniency. I'll give you one last chance. "

Zhang Haiqiao and Dong Wenhuan looked at each other, Zhang Haiqiao swallowed, "police comrade, what do you mean? We don't know anything. Is there any misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding?" See two people still refuse to recruit, Han Bin face slightly changed, "that line, you don't say, I say."

"Liu Xiaolin didn't commit suicide by jumping off a building. It was a conspiracy designed by you two." Han Bin pointed to Zhang Haiqiao and Dong Wenhuan and said sternly, "you two killed her together!"

Hearing Han Bin's words, they both showed a look of panic. Zhang Haiqiao clenched his fist and said, "I didn't, you framed a good man."

Dong Wenhuan collapsed on the ground in fright. "Comrade police, we really didn't kill people. This is an accident. This is really an accident."

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