Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 819: 819

"Ha ha, people are dead. You tell me it's an accident. It's an accident for you, not for Liu Xiaolin. " Han Bin hummed.

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Dong Wenhuan yelled, "I have evidence. It's all Liu Xiaolin's idea. It's all her design."

"Wen Huan, you!" Zhang Haiqiao yelled.

Han Bin to the side of the police raised his head, "take him away."

Two policemen took Zhang Haiqiao to another room.

Han Bin looked at Dong Wenhuan, "what do you mean by what you said just now? What is her design?"

"Oh, I'll tell you the truth. In fact, the couple didn't really fight, and Liu Xiaolin didn't really want to commit suicide. All this was for others to see."

"For whom?"

"We are we media, making videos for our fans."

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"What's not a good video to shoot? Why shoot a suicide video?"

"There's no way to do that. Now the Internet is more and more developed, and the threshold of we media is lower and lower. Anyone who can use a mobile phone can shoot. They all know that they can make money and want to try it. If you want to attract fans, if you want to be seen, you have to have characteristics. Only in this way can you attract fans' attention. This is only the first step. Fans will also be tired of aesthetics. They must have new patterns and different shooting themes every day to retain fans. "

Dong Wenhuan sighed, "this industry is very competitive and has many followers. People don't like to see the same shooting themes. The three of us racked our brains for the shooting theme, thinking about the highlights, contradictions and shooting content of each episode all day, just to make the fans enjoy it. "

"After a long period of summing up, we found that fans like to watch couples quarrel. As long as there is contradiction in any episode, the greater the contradiction, the higher the click rate. There is an episode in which Liu Xiaolin says she wants to divorce. The guy's Broadcasting rate is ten times higher than usual. One video can hold up half a month's income. Who can stand it? "

"When we tasted the sweetness, we began to make their husband and wife create conflicts, cold war, divorce, quarrel and make up again. Every time I come here, I can shoot for a long time. With the theme, the click through rate is also high, so we often shoot conflicts between husband and wife in this period of time. "

"However, those fans are also smart. After watching it a few times, they are familiar with this routine, tired of aesthetics, and their click through rate has dropped. The three of us had a discussion, and then we came up with the theme of jumping off a building. "

"You don't have to say that this morning's live broadcast ratings report is dozens of times higher than before, and fans' attention is also rising. Watching them quarrel there, I feel happy. Who knows Then there was an accident. Liu Xiaolin stood on the shelf of the air conditioner and fell off with the shelf. "

"I was really scared to death at that time. You said that it was a good thing. The fans enjoyed it. We made money. How could it be like this? Ah, I'm so wronged..."

Dong Wenhuan's confession is roughly the same as Han Bin's guess. Some people are cheap. If you don't scare him, you won't recruit them at all.

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"Why lie?"

Dong Wenhuan wanted to stop talking and sighed, "I We can't do it either. "

"What is no way? Is it fun to cheat the police? Do you know what it means to obstruct law enforcement? If it's serious, you can be punished. "

"Comrade police, I know I'm wrong. Please forgive me this time. I don't want to cheat. I want to tell the truth, but Zhang Haiqiao is a little worried..." Dong Wenhuan hesitated. Seeing Han Bin staring, he gritted his teeth and continued, "we know it's wrong to shoot a suicide video, but Zhang Haiqiao was afraid that the police would seal his account when they knew, so he discussed with me "

Li Hui also went upstairs, heard what he had just said, and hummed," because he was afraid that the video account would be blocked, he dared to lie to the police and hide the cause of Liu Xiaolin's death. You are brave enough. "

"This is Zhang Haiqiao's idea. I listen to him." Dong Wenhuan looked in the direction of his bedroom and lowered his voice. "You can't underestimate this account. There are hundreds of thousands of fans. You can earn tens of thousands of yuan a month, hundreds of thousands a year, and even millions of good business."

Li Hui was a little surprised and hesitated for a moment before he asked, "I just contacted the property management company. According to them, the shelf is uniformly installed and can bear 150 kg. Liu Xiaolin is less than 60 kg. It's reasonable that she can't fall down."

"I don't know. It's not my house. I haven't lived here." Dong Wenhuan quickly cleared his suspicion, "by the way, when she fell down, I had been broadcasting live with my mobile phone. You can't believe it. I didn't get close to the window at all. Her death has nothing to do with me. It's really just an accident."

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Han Bin and Li Hui communicate in a low voice, and then Li Hui enters the bedroom next to them.

Han Bin sat on the sofa and continued to ask, "what's the relationship between Zhang Haiqiao and Liu Xiaolin?"

"I don't know."

"Tell the truth about what you see and hear. I don't want to listen to the fake, your choreographed subjects. "

Dong Wenhuan thought, "in fact, the videos are not all fake. Sometimes they do have conflicts and quarrels.""What do they fight about?"

"I can't say it well. Sometimes it's just a matter of one sentence, which may stir my mouth."

Han Bin forward together, "I'm quite curious, you always make these false quarrel theme, also not much clever, those fans can't see."

Dong Wenhuan said with a smile, "how can we not see that there are so many smart fans, many of them will scold in the comments, saying that it's too fake. All day long, they just quarrel, cold war, go back to their mother's home, make up, and treat our fans as fools. In general, when we meet this kind of fans, we will directly pull the black, and they will not be able to comment again. After a long time, we will screen out some targeted fans. "

"These directional fans won't question the authenticity of the video. Of course, they may have doubted it, but they don't question it publicly, and they will continue to watch it. This kind of fans is iron powder. What we want is these fans."

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"There are also some fans who may know it's fake, but they just love to watch it. As long as they don't make random comments, they are also good fans."

"There are hundreds of millions of people on the Internet. As long as we select them by orientation, we will gradually form our own fans. We don't need to have too many fans. If we have millions of fans, we will have nothing to worry about in our life."

"It's hard to say that no matter how well you shoot, you can't make every fan like it. It's hard for everyone to say."

Han Bin laughed, "you can see through."

Dong Wenhuan held up the handcuffs, "police comrades, what I said is true, can you release the handcuffs for me?"

"What's the hurry? Wear it. It looks good."

Dong Wenhuan wants to cry without tears.

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