Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 829: 829

"What exactly does your company do?" Although Han Bin guessed that they should be engaged in MLM, it's no use just guessing. He still needs to find enough evidence for them to admit.

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Fu nianqiao said with a cry, "it's sales."

"I've seen a lot of sales, but it's the first time that more than 40 people like you live together." Han Bin said, "our police can decide for you, but there is a premise that you must tell the truth."

"I'll ask you again, are you engaged in MLM?"

Fu nianqiao sobbed and nodded.

"Speak up."

"Yes." Fu nianqiao nodded and shook his head again. "I didn't know it at the beginning. My boyfriend introduced me to sell cosmetics and make tens of thousands of yuan a month. I believed it. Who knows After coming, I can't leave. I give them all my money. They still have classes all day and let us develop offline. They also say that with offline, we can make money, and even there will be offline. In the future, we can make money by lying at home without doing anything. "

"Who's your boyfriend?"

Fu nianqiao bit his teeth, "Dou Xiangrong."

"He's your online guy?"


"Do you have a development plan?"

"I I dare not tell my family that they would not come even if I called my classmates. It's not offline yet. "

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"Who is in charge of you?"

"Chen Minggui."

"What is he in charge of?"

"He is in charge of everything we do. He is in charge of food, drink, housing, lectures and work. Anyone of us who fails to do well and violates the regulations will be punished for standing, having no food to eat and writing a review."

Han Bin asked, "are you willing to stay there? Or forced? "

Fu nianqiao hesitated for a long time and shook his head.

"What do you mean by shaking your head? Make it clear."

"I don't know. At first I wanted to leave, but they wouldn't let me. Later, my money was taken away by Chen Minggui, so I didn't want to leave. I wanted to earn money, or I would lose my life, and some people were caught sneaking away. Chen Minggui had several thugs under him, and I was afraid of him."

"Do you really think you can make money by following Chen Minggui?"

"I don't know. I'm a fool..."

"Why did you change your tongue after you called the police?"

"Chen Minggui asked me to change my words. He said that when the police came, they would take us away. At that time, all of us would be in prison, and so would my boyfriend. I would be the culprit who killed everyone. He also said that the money we invested before can't be earned back, nothing. Listen to him say so, I dare not tell the truth, I'm really scared, really. They all said that. They advised me. I... " Fu nianqiao showed a helpless look. The more he said, the more he cried.

"What kind of guns are those gangsters using?"

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"I don't know what kind of pistol is. Anyway, it looks scary. I'm scared. I can't control so much."

"Do you remember what those gangsters looked like?"

"They're all wearing police uniforms and handcuffs."

Han Bin stopped the pen in his hand, "what I asked is appearance?"

"At that time, the light was dim, so the vision was not good, and they didn't let us look up. Later, they all put on masks, and I can't remember clearly."

"What are the characteristics of your man?"

Fu nianqiao did not answer, just kept shaking his head.

"Think about it carefully so that the police can catch the suspect."

"He His accent is like a stranger. He is about 1.7 meters tall and strong. I can't remember anything else

"Do you have any reserved evidence?"

"He used a dodger. I don't have much evidence."

"What's the name of the other strong woman?"

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"Xu Yuehua."

Han Bin wrote in the book, "how many of them are there? "

" I don't know, I saw six. "

"Besides Chen Minggui, do you have any other person in charge of your MLM organization?"

"There are also a few team leaders."

"What's your name?"

"Zhang Xiaosi, Ma Xiaoyu, Zhao Dingshan, Ma Sihan, Hu Yunpeng. They are all business backbones, Ma Sihan is Dou Xiangrong's online, I also belong to her

"Comrade police, I know I'm wrong. Since I joined MLM, I've never had enough to eat. Every day there are clear water cabbage and steamed bread. I haven't eaten meat for half a month."

Li Qin sighed, "girl, do you think you are stupid? If you let your parents see you now, how sad they will be."

"It's Dou Xiangrong. I especially trust him. I want to marry him and spend my life with him. I didn't expect that he would cheat me here." I can see that Fu nianqiao really regretted it. He was worried and said, "please don't tell my parents that I don't want them to see me now."Li Qin said helplessly, "girl, I can understand your idea, but we also have regulations. If your situation is not serious, you may not be detained, but you must be taken away by your family."

"Wuwu I'm like this now. I have no face to see my parents. I'm the only college student in my family. My parents have always been very proud and think I'm a promising person. I don't want them to see me like this... "

"Sister Li, it's up to you." Han Bin made clear the situation, there is no need to stay here, this case is more complex than imagined, he has a lot of people to interrogate.

Out of the interrogation room, Han Bin lit a cigarette, smoked a few mouthfuls, and then called ma Jingbo's mobile phone.

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"Hello, horse team."

"It's me. What's the situation over there?"

"Fu nianqiao has admitted that they are MLM organizations. In addition, according to Fu nianqiao, a group of people pretended to be police officers robbed them last night. At the same time, they also killed her and a woman named Xu Yuehua."

Ma Jingbo said, "I also asked about this matter. These people are really bold and dare to commit crimes by posing as police officers. If there is another similar case, it will definitely affect the reputation of our police. I will report this matter to the team leader and you will continue to investigate the case."

"I see."

Han Bin put away his mobile phone. In fact, he didn't fully believe Fu nianqiao's words. This woman has cheated the police once. Who can guarantee that she is not good at acting and wants to cheat the police for the second time?

At this time, Li Qin and Bao Xing also come out of the interrogation room. Han Bin asks Li Qin to sort out the interrogation record, while he takes Bao Xing to bring Chen Minggui to trial.

Chen Minggui was taken to the interrogation room. His face was very ugly and his body was filled with decadence.

Han Bin did not ask, went to the front, "take off your coat."

Chen Minggui Leng for a while, or in accordance with Han Bin's command to take off the coat.

Chen Minggui's body is blue and purple, with obvious marks of being beaten. Han Bin also found many pinholes on him.

"How did you get your scars?"

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