Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 830: 830


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"By whom."

Chen Minggui glanced, "beaten by the police."

"Make it clear when and where you were beaten."

"At more than 11 o'clock last night, a group of police rushed into my home and beat me. They asked me to tell me where the company's property was hidden. They beat me. They robbed our company's money and my two female employees."

"How did they hit you?"

"With fists, with feet, with needles. He threatened to kill me if I didn't tell where the property was. " Chen Minggui covered his eyes and cried, "I was stabbed dozens of eyes by that bastard. He is not human."

"Why didn't you say that before?"

"You are all police, I dare not say."

"Bang!" Bao Xing slapped on the table, "you still have reason, don't spit out blood, I ask you, how do you prove that group of people last night are police?"

"They're wearing uniforms and guns, not cops. Who are they?"

Han Bin said, "did they show their identification when they arrested people?"


"Did they take anyone to the police station?"


"Which branch are they from?"

"No," he said

"What's their alarm number?"

"I don't know."

"Do you know that you can buy a fake police uniform for tens of Yuan online, plus a fake gun, it's only 100 yuan at most."

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"I don't know. They claim to be police, so I believe them."

"Then why would they rob you?"

Chen Minggui said angrily, "I'm the victim. I was robbed. Is it my fault?"

"Bang!" Bao Xing patted the table again, "what's your attitude! I'll tell you, we all know what you did. Don't pretend to be innocent. "

Chen Minggui said, "I didn't commit a crime. I'm the victim."

Han Bin said, "well, the victim, what did you get robbed of?"

Chen Minggui hesitated, "about 1.5 million in cash."

Bao Xing smashed his mouth and said, "tut Tut, you can put so much cash at home. It's not easy to see cash these days. Who won't rob you?"

"How did the money come from?"

Chen Minggui touched his nose, "it's all our company's money."

"What does your company do?" Han Bin asked

"I said it. I'm a salesman."

"Sales? I think it's MLM. "

Chen Minggui yelled, "Comrade police, you can't slander good people, it's sales!"

Bao Xing said, "Why are you shouting so loud? Shouting loud doesn't mean you are reasonable. I tell you, your partner has been recruited, you are the MLM organization, and you are the person in charge of the MLM organization. The money you are robbed is also illegal money from pyramid schemes. "

Chen Minggui shook his head, "I'm a salesman."

Bao Xing scolded, "you dare to be tough."

"I don't have a hard word. I'm sales."

Han Bin waved his hand and motioned Bao Xing to stop arguing. "Do you remember the appearance of those suspects?"

Chen Minggui hesitated for a moment, "I can't remember clearly."

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"What about the one who hit you? You should never forget this man. "

Chen Minggui bowed his head and said nothing.

See the other side does not like to cooperate, Han Bin added a fire, "so white, so white, let the person who robbed you with the money that should belong to you get away with, but you have to be in prison, willing?"

"Not reconciled!" Chen Minggui growled, "I just want to kill him. Don't let me see him again, or I will never let him go."

"Don't worry, he has already run away with your money. Your chance of seeing him again in your life is lower than the chance of winning the lottery. Now we are the only ones who can catch him."

Chen Minggui sighed. He seemed to have figured it out. He bit his teeth and said, "the man who hit me is in his thirties. He's a little black, hairy and has a foreign accent. He's about 1.8 meters tall."

Han Bin wrote down in the book and continued to ask, "has Fu nianqiao been strengthened?"


"Why did you lie when we arrived?"

Chen Minggui opened his mouth and said, "I don't trust you. I'm afraid you are with the police last night."

Bao Xing snorted, "nonsense, you are afraid of being detected by the police to engage in MLM."

Chen Minggui said, "we are doing sales."

Han Bin asked, "when did the robber leave?"

"More than twelve."

"When exactly?"

"About twelve forty."

"Some time before the crime, did you find anything unusual, such as being peeped at secretly, or any suspicious person?""No impression."

"Then why do you think the suspect chose you as the target?"

"Maybe Because our company has money. "

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"Who knows about you putting more than a million dollars in your house?"

"Besides me, there are several backbones who know."

"What are their names?"

"Zhang Xiaosi, Ma Sihan, Hu Yunpeng, Ma Xiaoyu, Zhao Dingshan."

"Is it possible for these people to collude with the robbers to rob you?"

"It's impossible. They have a share of the money. It's not necessarily more than I give them. Besides, our company will make a lot of money in the future. They won't be stupid enough to ruin their future."

Han Bin laughed, "you think very thoroughly, then why do you say the robbers will stare at you?"

"I've been thinking about it all night. If I can figure it out, I won't be sitting here."

"You, since you've come in, be smart and don't talk with emotion. You can't find pleasure for yourself." Han Bin leaned back on his chair and continued, "we're not the only one who catches you. Even if you don't admit the MLM, you can guarantee that your partner won't recruit. To carry on with death will only make you more guilty. "

Chen Minggui stalled, "don't care what you say, I feel like I'm doing sales, I didn't break the law."

"OK, you're not in a hurry, and I'm not either. Let's see who can afford it?" With that, Han Bin got up and left the interrogation room.

Han Bin smokes a cigarette in the corridor, and then enters another interrogation room to interrogate Dou Xiangrong.

Dou Xiangrong is about 30 years old. His skin is a little white. He combs his hair separately. He is chained to the interrogation chair. He lowers his head and dares not look at Han Bin.

Han Bin throws the information on the interrogation table.

"Dou Xiangrong, do you recruit yourself? Or something. "

"Comrade police, I have nothing to recruit. I have said that before. This is a misunderstanding."

"Ha ha." Han Bin smiles, "Fu nianqiao doesn't think it's a misunderstanding. She has changed her story and said that you have strengthened her."

"What? I'm not. She's my girlfriend. We've been sleeping for a long time. Why should I strengthen her? "

"Never mind if you've slept before, as long as you go against her will once, you're strong." Han Bin advised, "you'd better recruit it yourself, to save us some trouble, can also reduce their crimes."

Dou Xiangrong anxious, "I recruit what, I recruit, I did not touch her last night, we dozens of people live in a house, how can I do that kind of thing."

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"Fu nianqiao said that it was because there were so many people that she didn't want to, so you should use strong."

"She's bullshit. She's trying to hurt me."

"Since you are lovers, why does she want to harm you? From my years of experience as a policeman, her words are more credible than yours. " Han Bin said, looking to the side of the package star, "do you think?"

Bao Xing echoed, "if you look at him like that, he looks like a strong criminal. There's no mistake."

"You can't do me wrong. What I look like has nothing to do with what I've done. Police comrades, don't be fooled by Fu nianqiao. She is deliberately lying to harm me. "

"Why harm you?"

"Because I tricked her into it. "

"What do you mean by cheating?"

"We are engaged in pyramid selling. When I bought a product and needed a lower level agent, I cheated Fu nianqiao to be my offline agent."

Han Bin asked, "do you know it's MLM? Do you still do it?"

"I don't have a choice. I've lost all my money. If I don't go offline, I can't even get my money back I want to... "

"What do you want?"

"I don't know I'm already in. What can I do? "

"So is it false that Fu nianqiao was killed?"

"No, it's not fake. Last night, a group of people came. They disguised as police and controlled us. Then they robbed money and bullied nianqiao. At that time, I even had the heart to die. Seeing my girlfriend being bullied, I wanted to kill that person... " Dou Xiangrong hugged his head and began to cry.

"Do you want to stop Fu nianqiao from calling the police?"

"It's Chen Minggui's idea. He said that it's useless to report to the police. The police's detection rate is very low, which will bring trouble to the company. He also said that he would pay us some money after the event. I thought it was reasonable, so I agreed. "

"Tut tut." Bao Xing is a little sour. "It's really good. People like you still have girlfriends. It's a response to the old saying that men are not bad and women don't love them."

"I'm just so kind."

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