Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 831: 831

It's half past four in the afternoon.

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The municipal Criminal Investigation Brigade held a case summary meeting.

Attending the meeting were Feng Baoguo, deputy director general, Ding Xifeng, Deputy Branch leader, Ma Jingbo, squadron leader, members of the second squadron and members of the technical section.

Feng Baoguo glanced at the meeting room. "People are almost here. Let's have a meeting. If the case is urgent, let's stop talking nonsense and talk about the situation of the case directly. "

Ding Xifeng then said, "this case is in the charge of the second team. Captain Ma, you can talk about it first."

"Our second squadron received a case. A resident of Jianhua community claimed that he was injured. I took someone to check it. As soon as she arrived at the scene, the victim changed his tongue and said that everything was a misunderstanding. It was her conflict with her boyfriend that called the police. At that time, we were also dubious. We had better investigate carefully. "

"We found that there was a door in the living room of the household that could lead to the next door. The reporter and the reporter's boyfriend were not clear about the function of the door, so we went to the next door to investigate. We found that the owners of the two households were the same person and also rented to the same tenant. We realized that there might be a problem here, so we went into the house to search."

"As a result, a MLM dens was unexpectedly found, with a total of 42 MLM personnel."

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"After that, I investigated the case separately with Han Bin. He continued to be responsible for the case, and I controlled the scene. After a surprise interrogation, we learned from the MLM personnel that last night a group of people, posing as police officers, robbed the MLM dens and strengthened two female MLM personnel. However, because they were engaged in illegal activities, they did not dare to call the police. "

"I asked people to visit the residents around, and the residents on the same floor also heard the news. However, they thought it was the police who really came to handle the case and didn't meddle in their business."

"I've asked people to collect the monitoring of the community, but I haven't had time to check it yet. Jianhua district investigation of the current situation on these

Ding Xifeng looked at Han Bin again, "Han Bin, what's the situation over there?"

"After I brought Chen Minggui, Dou Xiangrong and Fu nianqiao back to the police station, they have been interrogated. Dou Xiangrong and Fu nianqiao have admitted the fact of MLM and identified Chen Minggui as the leader of MLM. Chen Minggui himself refused to admit it and insisted that they were doing sales. "

"The three also admitted that they were robbed by a gang of gangsters last night. Among them, Chen Minggui was beaten and maltreated. Fu nianqiao and another woman, Xu Yuehua, were injured. Chen Minggui threatened them not to call the police out of his own interests."

"Fu nianqiao took advantage of the confusion to steal a MLM backbone's mobile phone, and then dialed the alarm call. However, half of the call was found, and Fu nianqiao was hung up before he could give his name."

"Later, Fu nianqiao was once again threatened by Chen Minggui, asking her not to admit that she had been bullied. At the same time, she transferred all the MLM staff to another house in an attempt to deceive the police investigating the case. So when the police station comes to the door, Fu nianqiao will suddenly change his words. "

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"Li Qin took Fu nianqiao to the forensic medicine department for testing, and she did have strong marks on her lower body, which can basically determine the authenticity of the case."

"As for the suspects, Chen Minggui and Fu nianqiao have some descriptions. Later, they will be asked to cooperate with the technical department to make sketches. So far, that's all I know. "

Ding Xifeng continued to ask, "is there any discovery in the technology department?"

Ma Xiwen of the technology department stood up and said, "we went to investigate the scene and were seriously damaged by human activities. Those MLM personnel never thought of calling the police. Even if the suspects left evidence, they were completely destroyed. Another, the two female victims have been bathed, and it is difficult to find clues about the suspect on them. "

Ding Xifeng snorted, "this group of people engaged in MLM are not successful enough, and they are more than defeated."

Feng said, "although these pyramid schemes are hateful, they have been brought under control. The key problem now is that the gangsters are disguised as police officers. Their nature and influence are too bad. They must not be allowed to go unpunished."

Ding Xifeng agreed, "Feng bureau is right. These gangsters are corrupting the image of our police force. If they can't be arrested in time, it's our whole Qindao public security system."

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"Jingbo, Hanbin, the case was investigated by you two. You should have a deeper feeling about the case. What's your opinion about the suspect?"

Ma Jingbo pondered for a moment. "According to the existing evidence, there should be six robbers, all of them in police uniforms. According to the MLM staff, four of them were armed with pistols. As for whether they were real guns or fake guns, they were not sure."

"If these gangsters only rob, it means that they are asking for money, but there are still two women who have been violated, which means that they have no bottom line in committing crimes, and they are likely to be a vicious gang. If they commit crimes again, once they encounter the resistance of the victims, they are likely to turn into homicides. "

"According to the multi-party interrogation, several of the robbers have foreign accents and are likely to commit crimes in exile. It can not be ruled out that they have a criminal record before and absconded from other provinces and cities to commit crimes locally."

"That's all my analysis is for the time being."

Ding Xifeng said to Han Bin, "what do you think?"Ma Jingbo has said a lot just now, and many of his views are the same as Han Bin's. Han Bin went over it in his mind and added, "I think this gang of robbers' crime node is very accurate. They robbed more than one million yuan of cash in one move. Now it's different from a few years ago. No matter the company or the family, they rarely put huge amounts of cash. The robbers should have been investigated in detail."

"In addition, the organization and management of MLM is relatively strict. It's not easy for outsiders to find out what's going on inside. I guess the robbers probably have insiders. They know when they have a large amount of cash, and they won't report the case when they get it."

"Fu nianqiao's report was just an accident."

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After listening to their analysis, Feng Baoguo said, "this case seems complicated. To put it bluntly, a group of people disguised as police robbed the pyramid schemes. The pyramid schemes leaders are afraid of being caught and dare not call the police. They are typical black eaters."

"As the saying goes, good steel should be used on the blade. You don't have to worry about the pyramid scheme case. I'll send someone to take over the case. You focus your investigation on that gang of robbers, and they must be knocked out for me. "

"This case involves guns. We need to be careful in big housework. All the team members who go out to investigate will issue guns. No matter they use real guns or fake guns, we should be prepared ourselves. "

"In addition, I will also contact the provincial criminal investigation team to see if similar cases have occurred in other areas. If you need anything, you can directly tell me that if you want people to give you money, I have only one requirement. You must solve the cases as soon as possible, and never let these people tarnish the image of the police force."


The crowd responded with high morale.

They are also members of the police force, and they are very anxious to arrest the suspects who have ruined their reputation.

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