Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 83: 83

Qindao, golden beach.

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South of the Yellow Sea, the crescent shaped east-west extension, a total length of 3500 meters, 300 meters wide.

The sea is blue, the spray is snow-white, the sand is as fine as powder, and the color is as gold. It has the reputation of "the first beach in Asia".

At the end of 2008, it was rated as AAAA scenic spot.

Today is the weekend. Han Bin, Li Hui and Zhao Ming have a rest. They are all single and have nothing to do, so they make an appointment to play together.

The work of the police is very busy, and the pressure is relatively high. When there is a case, they are too busy to touch the ground. It is necessary to come out occasionally for leisure.

Three people spread a blanket, wearing swimming trunks, lying on the blanket, blowing the sea breeze, basking in the sun, listening to the waves, a bottle of iced beer for each person, just like a pair of holiday style.

Li Hui took a sip of beer and said with emotion, "it's comfortable. It's life to blow the sea breeze and look at beautiful women."

A pretty girl walked in front of the three. Zhao Ming looked at her and said, "this girl looks good."

"I've been single for a long time, which girl looks good." Han Bin joked.

"Binzi, when did you share with your girlfriend?" Li Hui said curiously.

"Huige, you sound like schadenfreude." Zhao Mingdao.

"Either it's a little bit like it, or it is." Han Bin hummed.

Li Hui said with a smile, "if there's anything unhappy, let's say it to make everyone happy."

See two people a face gossip, Han Bin some laugh and cry, also nothing wrong said: "a few months."

"Does it have anything to do with your being transferred to the criminal police?" Li Hui asked.

"It's none of your business." Han Bin scolded.

"Huige, how long have you been single?" Zhao Ming asked.

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"Well..." Li Hui hesitated.

"I understand that." Han Bin pinched his fingers and calculated solemnly: "it's about twenty-four or five years."

"Poof..." Zhao Ming couldn't help laughing: "old virgin."

Li Hui, with a gloomy face, stares at Han Bin and Li Hui: "have you seen the famous detective Conan?"

"I've seen some cartoons. What's the matter?" Zhao Ming asked.

"I'm done," Li said

Zhao Ming

Han Bin

The dragon will die if it is touched.

Out of his understanding of Li Hui, Han Bin changed his mind: "it's not a matter for us to be alone. We have a chance to solve our personal problems."

"Well, how can we have time when we are so busy as policemen?" Li Hui snorted.

"Zhou Shuren once said that time is like water in a sponge. As long as you are willing to squeeze, there will always be some." Zhao Ming said with a smile.

"Bah, that's what Lu Xun said." Li Hui turned his lips and looked contemptuous.

Zhao Ming "..."

Han Bin laughs: "what you are catching is Zhou Shuren. What does it have to do with Lu Xun?"

Li Hui also reacted, showing an embarrassed look, deliberately changing the topic, pointing to a girl by the sea:

"there is a beautiful woman over there, protruding forward and long legs, on time."

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As a group of three bachelors, this topic is still very attractive. Even knowing that Li Hui is changing the topic, Zhao Ming can't help but look at it and praise it:

"Yo, you look beautiful, that's good."

"Just see what's the use, just chase after what you like." Han Bin egged on.

"Bingo, do you know him?" Zhao Ming squeezed his eyes.

"I don't know."

"Cut, then how to chase?" Li Hui snorted.

"Big brother, what age are you? You used to want a wechat. If someone's sister wanted to chat, she wouldn't give it." Han Bin said.

"Bingo, we are the police."

"Yes, is that good?"

"The police have to get a wife too. They can't be single all their lives." Han Bin can't laugh or cry.

Zhao Ming and Li Hui stare at the beauty for a while, but they just look at it, but they don't act.

"Well, if you don't go, I'll go." Han Bin stood up and stretched.

"Binzi, can you do it?"

"Look, all right."

Han Bin is going to set an example for Li Hui. They have been friends since college. This boy has never been in love, so he can't be single all his life.

Han Bin went to the seaside, looking to the sister not far away, is holding a mobile phone in the video, think of a good speech, walked along the seaside in the past.

"Hi, beauty." Han Bin said.

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Not far away, Li Hui and Zhao Ming both stood up and looked more nervous than Han Bin.

Sister heard the voice, turned to look at Han Bin, first confused, then showed the color of panic, "ah" a scream, ran away.

"Nest grass!" Han Bin was a bit surprised.

I'm not ugly either. How about it?

"Ha ha..."Not far away, Zhao Ming and Li Hui laugh back and forth.

The younger sister ran panting, standing on the beach in the distance, pointing to the direction behind Han Bin: "drowned!"

Han Bin turned his head and saw a woman not far away. With the waves surging up and down, her hair was scattered, her body was pale and bloodless, and she was no longer alive.

Hearing the cry, the lifeguard ran over and dragged the drowned woman to the beach. Han Bin rushed to check for the first time.

The woman was young and pretty. She was wearing a blue sleeveless dress. Her skirt was hit by the sea on her upper body. Her arms and thighs were exposed. She had no shoes on her feet. She wore a silver ring on her right little finger and a shell bracelet on her left wrist.

"Police, spread out. Don't come around." Zhao Ming pointed to a few onlookers to maintain order at the scene.

Li Hui looked at the corpse, frowned and asked, "binzi, do you want to call the police or Zeng?"

"Call Zeng first."

Li Hui nodded and went to one side to dial Zeng Ping's mobile phone.

"Brother bin, I didn't hear anyone say drowning just now. Why did you drown?" Zhao Ming was a little puzzled.

Han Bin shook his head: "people are not drowned now."

"How do you know?"

"Although it's not very obvious, the body has been swollen. Salt in the seawater can inhibit the decay of the body. The time of death should not be short." Han Bin said.

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Zhao Ming squatted down and looked at it carefully: "it's really rotten."

"I called team Zeng. He will report to the leader. We will take the case." Li huidao.

"Just finished a kidnapping and murder case, and found a female corpse at sea, some busy." Zhao Ming sighed.

"Binzi, how long has this man been dead?" Li Hui asked.

"At least ten hours." Han Bin analysis.

Since the density of human body is about the same as that of water, the corpse first sinks into the bottom of water when the breathing movement stops.

With the gradual generation of corpse corruption, more and more corruption gas is produced in the body. Only when the corpse is filled with corruption gas, the corpse will gradually surface.

"Why ten hours?" Zhao Ming asked.

"There is a big temperature difference between the South and the north, and there is also a big difference in the time when the bodies in the water surface. It is difficult to have a unified standard. According to the actual climate of Qindao, it should be more than 10 hours." Han Bin explained.

"It's ten o'clock in the morning, which means the victim was killed before twelve o'clock last night." Li huidao.

"Huige, how do you know it was homicide, not suicide or accidental death?" Zhao Ming asked.


Li Hui coughed, pointed to the corpse on the beach, and said in a instructive tone, "if you look carefully, there are wounds on the corpse's arms and thighs."

"That's true." Zhao Mingdao.

Han Bin shook his head: "I just checked, those wounds are left after death."

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