Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 84: 84

"How can you tell, before death? Or a wound left after death? " Zhao Ming has little experience and is too professional to understand.

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"When a person is injured alive, because of the contractility of the surrounding skin and muscles, he will turn to both sides; if he is injured after death, the periphery of the wound will not turn out." Han Bin explained.

Zhao Ming looked at the corpse again. As Han Bin had said, he showed a look of admiration: "brother bin is still a professional!"

Han Bin smiles. These are the knowledge points he exchanged from the criminal investigation database with his merit.

Li Hui rolled his eyes: "binzi, can you not tear down the brotherhood platform?"

"I'm afraid you'll teach the new kids bad." Han Bin is in a good mood.

"Huige, just three of us are here, and you're still acting like a ghost." Zhao Ming had a bitter smile.

Li Hui scratched his head and glanced around as if That's true.

Before long, the police of the police station rushed over and set up a cordon around.

The leading policeman is sun Jianyi, the police chief of the local police station. After introducing each other, the two sides have different views.

Han Bin looked down and suddenly remembered that the three of them were only wearing swimming trunks.


Homicide is not a trivial matter, especially for Qindao, a tourist city. The homicide in a seaside scenic spot has a certain impact on the economy of Qindao.

In the absence of the forensic and technical team, + could not move the body at will, and no fatal injury was found. According to the situation at the scene, it is difficult to judge whether it was suicide or homicide.

Forty minutes later, Zheng Kaixuan led the team to Jinsha beach.

Zeng Ping, Tian Li, Wu Xia, Qiao Ziming, a forensic assistant, and Lu Wen from the technical team arrived together.

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"Why are you three boys here?" Zheng Kaixuan asked.

At this time, Hanbin three people have changed their clothes, are serious appearance, they dare not wear swimming trunks in front of Zheng Kaixuan.

"The three of us agreed to go to the seaside together after a break. Unexpectedly, we met the corpse." Han Bin has some helplessness.

One is to feel sorry for the dead, and the other is that their weekend also failed.

The scene has been handed over to the forensic and technical team, Zheng Kaixuan also can't get involved, continue to ask Han Bin three: "what do you find?"

"We found the body around 10 o'clock. No fatal injuries were found. It's very likely that it was drowning. It's not clear whether it was suicide or homicide."

"Is there anything to prove the identity of the dead?"

Han Bin thought for a moment: "I think the dead may be foreign tourists."

"How do you know?"

"The deceased's left wrist is wearing a bracelet with pearls, shells and other accessories. It is a common tourist souvenir in Qindao, which is rarely bought by local people." Han Bin analysis.

Tian Li went to the body and observed: "Han Bin is right, local girls really rarely buy this kind of bracelet."

Zheng Kaixuan nodded and said:

"Tian Li and Zhao Ming, go to the police station under your jurisdiction to check the missing persons, especially the female tourists from other places."


Forensics and technical teams are busy.

Zheng Kaixuan, Zeng Ping, Han Bin and Li Hui stood together to discuss in a low voice.

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Zheng Kaixuan looks serious: "Jinsha beach is a well-known tourist attraction of Qindao. The discovery of a female corpse on the beach has a bad impact on the image of Qindao. If the deceased committed suicide, the identity of the deceased should be identified as soon as possible to help his family come to identify the corpse; if it is homicide, the case must be solved as soon as possible to minimize the impact of the homicide."

"Team Zheng, don't worry. No matter what cases are handed over to us, we will try our best to solve them." Zeng Ping Road.

"I know that of course, but I have to say it." Zheng Kaixuan said with a smile.

"You two should handle the case well. After a while, I will make up for your vacation."

"Team Xie Zheng."

Han Bin and Li Hui look at each other and smile bitterly. Just listen to this. The police are not busy.

After a while, Wu Xia and the technical team were busy. Zheng Kaixuan went over and asked, "Lao Wu, suicide or homicide?"

"I can only tell you that the dead were drowned without obvious signs of binding and fighting. As for whether they committed suicide or homicide, you have to find out for yourself." Wu Xiadao.

"What was found in the dead?" Han Bin asked.

"There are debris in the cracks of the deceased's fingernails. We have to take it back for further testing."

"What's the exact time of death?"

"Because the corpse is soaked in seawater, it will affect the accuracy of autopsy. The approximate time of death is between 10 and 14 hours."

"Are there any other features of the dead that can help identify the dead?"

"Not for the time being." Wu Xia shook his head and took off his gloves: "the detailed information and test report will not be known until after the body is dissected.""Hard work."

"Reuven, where are you?"

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"The deceased was drowned. After being immersed in the sea for too long, a lot of evidence has disappeared. Moreover, this is not the first scene, and very little evidence can be collected." Lu Wen habitually held his glasses with his palm, and suggested:

"it's better to find the location where the dead fell into the water, so as to find more clues."

"We'll try our best." Zheng Kaixuan responded.

"We have taken photos for the dead, collected DNA and fingerprints, and are ready to take them back to the branch for comparison." Lu Wendao.

"If you find out the identity of the dead, let me know as soon as possible."



The body of the dead was carried away in the body bag, and the technical team and the forensic also left.

"Team Zheng, what are we doing now?" Li Hui asked.

Zheng Kaixuan glanced at his watch: "it's more than eleven o'clock. You go to have something to eat. When Tian Li or the technical team confirm the identity of the dead, they can arrange the next action."


"Binzi, where shall we eat?"

"When the vacation is over, find an affordable place. There's nothing delicious around here."

"Yes, it's over before it starts." Li Hui shrugged his shoulders.

"That's what we're supposed to do." Han Bin patted Li Hui on the shoulder.

I don't know whether to comfort Li Hui or himself.

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"Binzi, it's a pity." Li Hui sighed.


"The drowned girl was good-looking and in good shape. She died young. What a pity!" Li Hui's face was filled with emotion.

"You don't miss your daughter-in-law, are you crazy?" Han Bin is worried.

"What do you say? I don't want to find it myself, OK?" Li Hui corrected.

"Well, just be happy." Han Bin shrugged his shoulders.

When they got into the car, Li Hui started the car and asked, "what do you want to eat?"

"I don't know."

They have just finished looking at the corpse. It's strange that they have an appetite.

"Go straight back to the sub Bureau. Eat instant noodles when you are hungry." Han Bin suggested.

"Can I have an egg?" Li Hui asked.

"I'll wrap the mustard for you."


Two people just walk not far, see Tian Li in wechat mass message, the identity of the dead found, someone came to the district police station reported missing.

Han Bin waved his hand, learning Zheng Kaixuan's tone: "Huizi, turn around!"

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