Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 838: 838

Binhai International community.

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This is a high-end community in the center of the city. In front of it is Wanda Square. Across the street is the city hospital. There is an elite middle school in the south. All the people who can live here are rich.

This district and Jianhua district form a sharp contrast. Jianhua district belongs to affordable housing. If it is described in six words, it is dirty, poor, old and small, while Binhai International District is tall and big.

Ding Xifeng, Ma Jingbo and Han Bin get off at the gate of the community. They want to check the monitoring and security of the community.

There are two security guards at the gate. They are both young people in their 20s and 30s. They look much more reliable than the 50 or 60 year old doorman in an ordinary community. Of course, the salary of these security guards is much higher than that of the doorman.

After entering the community, there is a monitor not far away. The environment of the community is good, with green lawn and some trees and vegetation. The houses are all low rise western style buildings. Although they are not as comfortable as villas, they are much more comfortable than high-rise buildings, and they are very different from towers.

The scene of the crime is Room 501, unit 1, building 6.

Han Bin and others went directly to building 6. There were monitors at the entrance of the unit and in the elevator of building 6. Han Bin found that the building had no four floors, that is to say, the family of the dead actually lived on the fourth floor.

Han Bin and his party went down the elevator from the fifth floor. There were two households on one elevator. The door of Room 501 was open. Many people were standing around. A cordon was set up at the door. There were uniformed police officers on guard.

Ding Xifeng said in a loud voice, "who is in charge here?"

A man in his forties came over with a flat head and a scar on his right face. He said, "I'm Zhang Huayi, director of Binhai Road police station."

"I'm Ding Xifeng, deputy leader of the municipal Criminal Investigation Detachment."

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Zhang Huayi came over quickly, shook hands and said, "good team Ding. I didn't expect you to come so fast."

Ding Xifeng pointed to Ma Jingbo and Han Bin, "director Zhang, let me introduce them to you. They are ma Jingbo, leader of the second squadron of the municipal Criminal Investigation Brigade, and Han Bin, deputy leader."

The three got to know each other.

Later, Ding Xifeng led to the main topic, "director Zhang, what's the situation at the scene?"

Zhang Huayi said, "a female victim was found at the scene, and the identity of the other party is not clear for the moment."

Ma Jingbo asked, "isn't the crime scene indoors? Is it a female owner or tenant? "

Zhang Huayi said, "we checked the photos in the room. The dead woman is not the same person in the photo."

Ma Jingbo asked, "can it be a nanny?"

Zhang Huayi said, "the deceased was wearing famous brand clothes and valuable accessories. The watch on his wrist alone is estimated to be able to cover the nanny's salary for one year."

Ding Xifeng said, "director Zhang, please take us to the scene."

"All right." Zhang Huayi made a please gesture, leading Ding Xifeng and others into the porch.

The dead man was lying on the floor of the living room, with no bloodstain and obvious strangulation marks on his neck. He looked like he was in his forties, wearing a red dress and a famous watch on his wrist. He could already smell a rotten smell.

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Han Bin squatted down, staring at a crystal clear object on the ground, "Captain, there is a diamond beside the dead."

Ding Xifeng also squatted down, carefully looked for a long time, "look at the style like the diamond on the necklace."

Han Bin carefully looked at the scene, said, "the scene did not find the necklace, is likely to be taken away by the murderer."

Ma Jingbo looked at the watch worn by the deceased and said, "the strap of the deceased's watch is not in the clasp. It's very likely that the killer also wants to take the watch, but because of the panic after the killing, he didn't untie it in a hurry, so he gave up."

Ding Xifeng nodded and agreed with their analysis, "director Zhang, where is the reporter?"

"The reporter is the cleaner of this unit. When she was cleaning this morning, she found that the door of the deceased's house was open. She was worried that she might recruit a thief, so she knocked on the door, but no one responded. I went into the room to check and found that I was out of breath. Scared to call the police

"After we received the alarm, we rushed to the scene immediately. At that time, the property also knew about it and sent security guards to guard outside the house. At that time, I heard one of the security guards say that the police visited the family yesterday afternoon. I quickly reported the situation. "

After hearing this, Ding Xifeng said, "Han Bin, you will make a detailed record for the reporter later."


Taking advantage of the reporter's absence, Han Bin turns around the room. There are a lot of photos in the room, all of which are pictures of a man and a woman. It feels like the owner of the room, and the dead are more like redundant people.

To find out the identity of the dead is also a top priority. Han Bin goes to the dead and looks at it carefully, hoping to see some clues from the dead.

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Before long, the technical department and legal medicine came, and Han Bin stepped aside.

After a while, a police officer came and said that the reporter had come.

Han Bin takes Bao Xing to take notes.The reporter is an aunt, looking 50 or 60 years old, wearing a clean uniform, short hair, very rich.

Han Bin said with a smile, "aunt, are you the reporter?"

Aunt quickly nodded, "I am, I was found cleaning."

"Don't be nervous. I'm Han Bin from the City Criminal Investigation Brigade. I want to make a record for you."

"All right."

"What do you call it?"

"I My name is Wang Qimei. Just call me Lao Wang. "

"Auntie Wang, when did you find the body?"

"More than seven."

"Do you remember the exact time?"

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"About seven forty."

"Was there anyone else present besides you?"

"No, I was responsible for cleaning the building. We were all responsible for the building by ourselves. When I saw that her door was open and no one came in or out, I was worried about hiring a thief. I just wanted to remind her of the house and knocked on the door. Who knows that no one responded all the time, I was even more worried. I opened the door and found a man lying on the ground. I thought she was ill, I want to help her up quickly, but it's cold when I touch her. It scares me to death. " Speaking of this, Wang Qimei patted her heart,

"my mother, I saw a dead person for the first time in my life, and I touched her. Now my hands are shaking and my legs are soft. "

Han Bin thought for a moment and asked, "when you opened the door, you could see the dead lying on the ground through the crack of the door?"

"I didn't see the whole person, I saw half of my arm on the ground."

Han Bin nodded, from the door really can only see the dead half of the arm, "do you know the dead?"

Wang Qimei first nodded and then shook her head. "I've seen her, I know she lives in this building, but I haven't said anything. However, I have a good impression of her family. Her family often goes shopping online. There are a lot of boxes piled up at the door. Sometimes there is garbage in the boxes, and they don't want any more. I thought I could sell the box for a little money, so I helped her family dump the garbage, and I took the box away. "

Han Bin's family also has this kind of situation, Wang Ting also likes to shop on the Internet, the boxes that have been removed will be put at home.

It's a good cleaner who helps to take out the garbage. If you don't help to take out the garbage, you can't help.

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