Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 839: 839

"Do you know the relationship between the dead and this family?"

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Wang Qimei shook her head. "I don't know. I'm just a cleaner. I don't talk to the residents in the building."

"Have you seen any suspicious people these two days?"


"Has something similar happened in your community before?"

"No, I haven't heard of it anyway. If there's such a frightening thing, we have to be careful, don't you think?"

Han Bin continued to ask, "listen to Director Zhang, when they arrived at the scene, the security of the community was also there. Did you inform the security?"

"Yes, the first thing I thought of was to call the police. Then I called the property management company. Not long after that, manager Qin of the property management company came with the security guard Comrade police, there should be no problem for me to do so. "

"No problem." Han Bin should be a, handed each other a business card, "Aunt Wang, thank you for your help, this is my business card, think of what new clues, you can contact me."

"Well, good."

Han Bin finds Ding Xifeng and gives a brief report on the content of the record.

After hearing this, Ding Xifeng asked, "since the reporter is the cleaner of this building, she should often see the dead. Does she know the identity of the dead?"

Han Bin replied, "although the reporter has seen the dead, they haven't spoken to each other, and they don't know each other's identity. They only know that she really lives in this building."

"Captain, the property owner should have a phone call."

Ding Xifeng nodded, "I know, I let the horse team contact, but the phone has been in downtime."

For the identity of the dead, Han Bin has some conjectures, but some places are also illogical, some contradictions.

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Judging from the current situation, it is unlikely that the deceased is the owner of the house. If it is not the owner, it is likely to be the nanny. However, the deceased is gorgeous in clothes and wears expensive watches. Ordinary nannies can't afford to wear these things.

From the existing situation, the deceased is most likely to rely on friends or relatives in the owner's home.

But where are the owners? Do they know about the death?

After a while, Ma Xiwen of the technology department came over and said, "team leader, the scene investigation has been completed."

"What do you find?"

"Judging from the situation at the scene, this should be the scene of the first crime. No obvious drag marks or footprints of suspicious persons were found." Mahevington continued,

"We searched the house and found no items that could prove the identity of the dead. Mobile phones and other items that could prove the identity of the dead may have been taken away by the murderer."

Ding Xifeng asked, "has the scene been cleaned up?"

Ma Xiwen thought, "there is no obvious trace of crime on the scene, but there is no obvious sign of cleaning up."

Ding Xifeng subconsciously said, "you mean that the murderer may be wearing gloves."

"It's possible." Ma Xiwen answered and continued, "in addition, we will take the dead man's watch and the broken diamond on the ground back to the police station for detection. Maybe we can find some clues."

"Let me know as soon as you have the news."

"Yes." When mahiwen finished, he left.

The technology section is finished, and the forensic medicine is almost finished. Han Bin and others all look at the forensic medicine.

Just then, there was a lot of noise outside.

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"Let go of me."

"Don't stop me."

"I'm looking for my wife. I'm looking for my wife!"

Ding Xifeng frowned and raised his chin to Han Bin, "go out and have a look."

Han Bin turned out of the room and saw a man in his forties stopped by two police officers at the door.

"Don't stop me. I'm looking for my wife."

Han Bin walked over and asked, "what are you shouting about? If you have something to say, you can't say it well."

The man asked, "what do you do?"

Han Bin showed his police card, "I'm from the city criminal investigation team. Take out your ID card."

"I I don't have it

"What's your name?"

"My name is Peng Zhicheng."

"You said you wanted a wife. What does your wife do? What's your name? "

"My wife works as a nanny in this family. Her name is Liu Yufen."

"Do you have a picture of her?"

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"Yes." The man took out his cell phone and found a picture, "this, this is my wife. I couldn't get in touch with her. I made a lot of phone calls, but I couldn't get through all the time. If I didn't answer, I would not return. I was worried about her. Comrade police, why are you stopping me? What's the matter? "

Han Bin sighed, "Mr. Peng, please be patient."

Peng Zhicheng's face suddenly changed, "I'm sorry for the change. What are you talking about? Are you lying to me. Are you making a movie, my wife? I want to see my wife, Yufen and Xiaofen. Are you in there? Answer me. I'm Zhicheng, I'm your husband! "The more Peng Zhicheng yelled, the louder his voice was, "wife, wife, please answer me, please don't leave me!"

Peng Zhicheng was first stopped by two police officers, and then the whole person became paralyzed and became supported by two police officers.

A big man was crying. The heartrending roar attracted many people, who were blocked by the police at the entrance of the elevator.

However, the autopsy has not been completed at this time, in order to avoid him damaging the scene and the body, Han Bin can not let him in for the time being.

Peng Zhicheng squatted in the corner and cried for a long time, then gradually calmed down.

Han Bin handed him some paper towels.

Peng Zhicheng took the paper towel and wiped it casually, "police comrade, I want to see my wife, please."

"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll see them, but you're too excited now. You need to be stable."

"How did my wife die? She was fine yesterday. How could she I don't get it. I don't get it. "

"We have just received the alarm and only found her body this morning. The case is still in the early stage of investigation, and we don't know the specific cause of her death."

Peng Zhicheng wiped his tears, "who is so cruel? Why do you want to kill her? My poor wife has not had a good day."

"Do you know the owner of this house?"

"I don't know. I only know it's my wife's employer. My wife says she has a lot of money, but I haven't met her." Peng Zhicheng said while hammering his chest, "police comrade, please, let me see my wife. I didn't see her with my own eyes. I feel in my heart..."

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Han Bin hesitated for a moment, took out his mobile phone, "I can let you see the scene photos, but you have to have a psychological preparation."

"Well, I'm ready, I know."

Han Bin takes out his mobile phone and opens the photo of the dead lying in the living room. Peng Zhicheng takes a look at the photo and tears flow down the corner of his eyes. "Wife, you died miserably, wife Wu Wu... "

Peng Zhicheng holds Hanbin's mobile phone and cries again. Seeing that he is in a bad mood, Hanbin immediately takes it back.

After a while, Peng Zhicheng's mood stabilized.

Han Bin took back his mobile phone, "Mr. Peng, do you know the whereabouts of the owner of the house?"

"I don't know. Didn't you find the owner?"

Han Bin did not answer.

Peng Zhicheng continued, "my wife is dead, how can the owners not be here, will they kill my wife?"

"Mr. Peng, don't get excited. There is no evidence to prove that this case is related to the owner of the house."

"My wife died in their house. How could it have nothing to do with them? They must have killed my wife and fled with fear of crime. "

seeing that he was emotional, Han Bin knew that it was useless to say anything at this time, and his words changed," Mr. Peng, did Liu Yufen buy this dress herself? "

Peng Zhicheng took a look and shook his head. "I don't know. This dress is very beautiful, but I haven't seen her wear it before."

Han Bin enlarges the picture, "the watch she is wearing, did she buy it?"

Peng Zhicheng frowned, "this watch I'll see you for the first time, too. "

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