Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 859: 859

November 14, afternoon.

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Han Bin has been tracking pan Xiujie's car. After tracking to anqiao market, the car disappeared.

Han Bin reported the situation to Ding Xifeng. Ding Xifeng considered it and asked Zhu Jiaxu to visit anqiao market.

Han Bin is to continue to stay in the traffic police brigade to check monitoring.

Because pan Xiujie has a record of changing license plate, Han Bin checks the black Hyundai Car again, and then has a new discovery. At eight o'clock last night, two cars with the court logo left the anqiao market, one of which was a black Hyundai car.

Han Bin checked the license plate number of the car and found that it was a set of license plates.

This discovery makes Hanbin immediately alert, before found six sets of discarded police uniforms in Yangma village stronghold, Hanbin suspected that the suspect may have changed the way of committing a crime.

Now it seems that he only guessed half right, the suspect is still posing as a public official, only from the police to a judge.

Han Bin continues to track and finds two suspected vehicles with court signs going to rongguofu community. After staying for dozens of minutes, he returned to anqiao market and then disappeared again.

Han Bin reported the news to Ding Xifeng immediately, and also told the other side of his analysis.

Ding Xifeng makes an immediate decision to let Han Bin rush to rongguofu community for investigation.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Han Bin took people to rongguofu community.

Han Bin went to the property company first, checked the monitoring of the community, and found that the car entered the community from the underground garage. Four people came down from the suspect's car, all in court uniforms.

Hanbin guess, there should be a suspect left to watch.

These people entered unit 1 of building 3 and took the elevator to the eighth floor.

When they came down again, they were escorted by a man, who could be clearly seen in handcuffs.

After that, the man was taken into the car and two cars left the community.

Han Bin opened the previous monitoring and found that the man who was detained should be a resident of the community.

With the content of the surveillance video, Han Bin basically analyzed the general situation, the suspect disguised as court personnel kidnapped a man.

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Han Bin contacted the owner of Room 802 through the property. According to the owner, he rented out the house, and the man who was detained was his tenant.

This should prove Han Bin's conjecture.

Han Bin to the tenant's mobile phone number, through the public security system to find the identity of each other, found that this man has a criminal record, was restricted consumption, is an old Lai.

Casinos, pyramid schemes, Lao Lai.

Lao Lai has illegal behavior, improper income, and is likely to hide a lot of cash. At the same time, even if he is robbed, he may not dare to call the police, which is in line with the law of the suspect's target selection.

Through the above evidence, Han Bin is more convinced of his guess.

However, for the sake of safety, Han Bin first inquires about the situation.


Room 802, unit 1, building 3.

Lu Cuiluan is sitting on the sofa knitting. It's a habit of her. She likes knitting as long as she's upset, which diverts her attention.

The nurse came over and said, "what would you like to eat this evening, madam?"

"Ah, aunt Tian, what did you say?"

"I said, what would you like to eat in the evening?"

"You see, I don't have an appetite."

"Then I'll make you some millet porridge."

"All right." Lu Cuiluan sighed and thought of her husband who had been arrested. She said softly, "I don't know what happened to him? If you don't get used to it, can you have enough to eat? "

"Dong Dong..."

"Who is it?"

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"Gas company's, copy gas meter."

"Aunt Tian, go and open the door."

Aunt Tian hesitated and said, "madam, is that group of people in the court again?"

Lu Cuiluan put down the sweater needle in his hand, "yes or no. How can you do without opening the door? "

Aunt Tian opened the door, and without waiting for her to speak, a group of people rushed in, "police, don't move."

Aunt Tian and Lu Cuiluan are under control.

"What are you doing? Why do you break into my house? "

"We're police. This is a search warrant." Han Bin shows a search warrant and begins to search the house.

Han Bin and others still have guns in their hands. Aunt Lu Cuiluan and Tian tremble with fright, and the atmosphere dare not come out.



"There's no one in this room, either."

Han Bin led people to search, and returned to the living room, he looked at Lu Cuiluan and aunt Tian, "who are you?"

Lu Cuiluan was stunned for a moment and asked in a loud voice, "who are you? Are you a policeman or not? I don't know our identity and dare to search our house."

Han Bin explained, "we are investigating a case. The suspect in this case is very dangerous. It's a must to search the house.""What does that have to do with us?"

Han Bin took out his mobile phone and opened the surveillance screenshot. "These people are the suspects we want to track. Do you know the man they arrested?"

Lu Cuiluan's face suddenly changed, "that's my husband! They're not from the court. What's going on

"First take out your ID card, let us verify the identity, will tell you the details."

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Then, accompanied by the police, the two men went back to their bedrooms to get their ID cards.

Lu Cuiluan more flustered more confused, "my ID card, ran where, how can't find."

Nanny aunt Tian first found the ID card and gave it to Han Bin, "police comrade, I'm a nanny. This matter has nothing to do with me."

"Is the name of the arrested man Jiang Kangming? "

" yes. "

"Was he captured by the gang?"

"Last night, the gang claimed to be judges and took Mr. Jiang away."

Han Bin nodded and asked two police officers to take her to the bedroom to take notes.

Lu Cuiluan also rushed over and handed his ID card to Han Bin, "police comrade, this is my ID card. What's the matter? Please tell me quickly."

Han Bin handed his ID card to Bao Xing and asked, "what's your husband's name?"

"Jiang Kangming."

"Where is he?"

"He was taken away by those who claimed to be judges. He was taken away at more than 8 o'clock last night. He should have gone to the court."

"Do you really believe they are judges?"

"I I don't know. Our family really owes money and has taken a lawsuit. It's not the first time that a judge has come to arrest someone. I didn't expect anyone to impersonate a judge Lu Cuiluan with a cry, "police comrades, you will not be wrong, maybe they are really judges."

Han Bin laughed, "you are really Your husband was arrested, you did not go to the court to ask

"This morning, my husband called me and said that he was OK. He put it back after two days in the court. He also said that he would let me rest assured and stay at home honestly. He would not let me go to the court to toss about. The more the trouble, the worse the end." Lu Cuiluan seems to be aware of the problem, and the more she says, the smaller her voice is.

"I listened to him and didn't go to the court."

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Han Bin shook his head. "He's really going to be arrested by the court. Can he call you so easily?"

Lu Cuiluan grabbed Han Bin's arm and asked nervously, "Comrade police, what do these people do? They won't hurt my husband

"You have to ask yourself if you have ever done anything illegal, if you have a lot of money that you can't see."

Lu Cuiluan's voice trembled, "no No, "he said

Han Bin shrugged, "if not, then I don't know their purpose."

"Comrade police, I It's not After all... " Lu Cuiluan panicked and clenched her fist tightly, showing a struggling look.

Han Bin continued, "this group of suspects have no profit and can't get up early. Their targets are people who are engaged in illegal industries or have gray income. These people dare not deposit their money in the bank, let alone put it in their own name. They have a lot of cash. And even if the money is robbed, it usually doesn't go to the police. Because the money is illegal, even if the police get it back, they have to return it to other victims. "

"If your husband is really captured by these people, he is in danger."

"Wuwu..." Lu Cuiluan began to cry, "how can this happen? How can there be such a person? What should I do..."

Han Bin said, "which court is the one who arrested your husband?"

"They said it was Qindao people's court."

Han Bin said, "Sister Li, check it."

Although Han Bin is 90% sure that Jiang Kangming must have been robbed by that group of suspects, there should be some procedures. This matter must be notified to the court, and we can learn more about Jiang Kangming.

Han Bin said, "Ms. Lu, I have made it clear to you that your husband is in a very dangerous situation. We must rescue him as soon as possible. We need your help."

Lu Cuiluan wiped his eyes. "How can I help you? What should I do?"

"The purpose of these robbers is very simple. It's for property. If you really have a lot of cash or valuables, that's their target. Tell me where it's stored, and we'll be waiting. "

Lu Cuiluan raised her head and looked warily at Han Bin. "I'm going to the Public Security Bureau. I don't want to say it here..."

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