Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 860: 860

"Why do you go to the public security bureau? Your husband is very dangerous now. If he wastes one more minute on the road, he will have less hope of survival. "

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Lu Cuiluan showed his vigilance. "You say those judges are fake, how can I know if you are..."

Lu Cuiluan's voice became smaller and smaller. He didn't say anything at all, but everyone at the scene understood.

Jiang Yang showed the police officer's certificate, "our police officer's certificate and search warrant are all here. Can they be fake?"

"I've dealt with judges, but I haven't dealt with the police. Besides, there are so many false certificates now, I can't tell."

"All right, I've got all your heart." Han Bin warned, "I have said all that should be said. Since you don't believe us, you have to go to the Public Security Bureau. But I don't know if the robbers will give us time to trust each other. "

Lu Cuiluan clenched her teeth. "Anyway, I won't say anything until I get to the police station."

Han Bin made a please gesture, "let's go, we didn't go to the Public Security Bureau, go to the nearest police station.". Save time. "

"Yes, but I'll go myself."

"No, it's Jiang Kangming who's missing now. As her wife, you haven't reported the case. You don't believe me, and I don't believe you. "

Lu Cuiluan was worried. "What do you mean? Do you think that I and the suspects are partners and kidnap my husband together?"

"It doesn't matter what I think. For the sake of Jiang Kangming's safety, I have to follow the rules. From now on, you can't get out of the sight of the police."

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"What's the difference between you and those judges? My husband has been arrested. I'm not afraid."

Bao Xing was a little impatient. "We have guns in our hands. If we were a robber, we would have taken you away. What do you say When it's time to be shrewd, it's time to be shrewd. When it's time to be shrewd, it's time to be blind and shrewd. I've used all that shrewdness to the police. "

"Wuwu..." Lu Cuiluan sat on the sofa and began to cry.

"Creak..." A glottis ring, a teenager came in, "who are you, what are you doing in my house?"

"Mom, mom, why are you crying?"

"You bad guys captured my father yesterday and bullied my mother today. I'll fight with you." Young angry, with a bag to Hanbin body hit.

One side of the Jiang Yang sharp eyed, grabbed his bag, "don't move, we are the police, we come here today is to rescue your father."

"Son..." Lu Cuiluan quickly hugged her son.

"Mom, what's the matter? What's the matter?" The boy began to cry.

In the face of this situation, Han Bin also some speechless, zhengse way, "Ms. Lu, we have shown enough sincerity, if you still don't trust us, let's go to the police station now, further dally, Jiang Kangming may be torn."

Lu Cuiluan looked at her son, "OK, I'll go with you."

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"Mom, I don't want you to go. Dad didn't come back when he was arrested. If you were also arrested, what should I do in the future? Wuwu How much money do we owe? You can pay it back. I've already returned my mobile phone. I'll never buy a mobile phone again. I'll give you my lucky money for the new year. Give it back to others. I don't want to be Lao Lai's son. I don't want to be called Xiao Lao Lai... " The boy's mood is a little broken.

Hearing this, Lu Cuiluan felt his heart broken.

Lu Cuiluan calmed the boy down after a long time. The boy stayed at home with the nanny, and Lu Cuiluan followed the police to the police station.

There was a traffic jam at this time point. Besides, everything went well. After Han Bin and others arrived at the police station, they explained the situation to the comrades of the police station. The police station cooperated very well and vacated an office for Han Bin and others to use.

As soon as she entered the office, Lu Cuiluan cried again, "Wu Wu You are really policemen. I wish I had believed you earlier. What's the matter with my husband now? "

After tossing about for so long, Han Bin didn't have the patience to comfort her. "How is your husband now? Only the robbers know that they want to save your husband and tell us where your money is hidden."

"I Our family's money... " Speaking of this, Lu Cuiluan hesitated again, "police comrades, you can't go directly to rescue my husband. Why do you have to ask where my money is? You're not looking for distance."

"If we knew where your husband was and what we were going to do with you, we would have asked the special police to rescue him. The problem now is that you don't know where your husband is hidden, and the target of the robbers is the property hidden in your family. They will certainly look for it. " Han Bin sighed, "now, you still can't bear the money. Is your husband important or money important?"

"All It's important. How can our family live without money? What's more, I know my husband. He is a man who wants money. His mouth is much stricter than mine. "

Han Bin planed the matter and said, "those robbers are not as gentle as we are. They reason with you again and again. Your husband may have been beaten to pieces now. Can he carry on all the time? Once the robbers take the money, your family will not only lose money, but also your husband will be killed. ""But if I said it, my husband didn't say it. He would certainly scold me to death. I know him too well. He often says that people can die, but they must not die poor. "

Hanbin some helpless, "well, I said for such a long time, play the lute to the cow, then you wait for him to be killed."

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"I..." Lu Cuiluan showed a tangled color and struggled for a long time, "OK, I'll tell you. We do have some money in our house. "

"Where is it?"

"Daxin community, room 902, building 1."

"How much did you hide?"

"About a million."

"Where is it hidden and what is it loaded with?"

"Hidden in the bedroom closet, it's a black suitcase."

"Besides Xinda community, is there any other place to hide money? We have to control where the robbers may go. "

Lu Cuiluan shook his head and said, "no more."


"No, if our family still had money, it would have paid off the debt, and it would not have lived like this."

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Han Bin immediately calls Ding Xifeng to report. With Ding Xifeng's permission, he takes Lu Cuiluan to Daxin community. It's only meaningful to catch up with the robbers before they get the money. If the robbers run away with the money, they can only follow other people's cars to suck the exhaust gas.

Arriving at Xinda District, Han Bin arranges Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang to guard at the gate of No. 1 building. He goes to the property company to check the monitoring.

Surveillance shows that two men in cap took the elevator up nine floors two hours ago. Ten minutes later, when they came down again, they were still dragging a black trolley box.

Han Bin immediately called Lu Cuiluan over, "you look carefully, this box is not your home?"

Lu Cuiluan was a little nearsighted. She came close to the computer screen and said, "this box It's as like as two peas in my family. Yes, I remember clearly. I bought it. "

Han Bin sighed. According to this, the suspect probably took the box first.

"Sister Li, Bao Xing, you two continue to check the surveillance, check the escape route of the two suspects." Han Bin orders, take Lu Cuiluan and Zhao Ming to check the location of the money.

1 downstairs, Han Bin and Wang Xiao two people met, a line of five people on the ninth floor.

Han Bin looks at the lock in room 902. There is no obvious sign of being prized, but then he is relieved that these people are thieves. It's not surprising that they can unlock the lock.

After entering the room, Lu Cuiluan was the first one to run into the bedroom. Seeing the cupboard door open, he took a look at it. It was empty, and he burst into tears. "My money, my money is gone. How can these robbers be so cruel? They have taken it away, Wuwu..."

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