Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 861: 861

"Don't cry. What did you do long ago? Now it's too late." Lu Cuiluan's cry makes Han Bin a little upset. After all, he is one step behind the suspect.

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"I've never seen anything like this before. How could I have thought of so much?" Lu Cuiluan shows her weak side. Although she is Lao Lai, her husband is always ahead of her. Now that her husband has been arrested, she has no idea.

"It doesn't matter if you can't think of it. As long as you listen to the arrangement of the police, we will help you save Jiang Kangming. If you don't want to help the police, I have no way."

"I'm willing to help you. I'm willing to."

Han Bin shook his head, "what's the use of your willingness now? The suspects have all taken the money and run away. Do you know where he can go?"

Lu Cuiluan blurted out, "I know."

"What do you mean?"

"Our family There's more than one place to hide the money. "

Han Bin scratched his hair. "I asked before, but you clearly said that there was only one place to hide money."

"My husband said that cunning rabbit has three caves. If you really need money, you can come here to get it. You can't tell anyone where the rest of the money is. I thought I could catch the robbers just by saying this

"Obviously, your husband is not as tough as you think, and even another money hiding place may have been patronized by the suspect."

"No way. I know my husband. He won't easily tell me another place to hide money."

"Where's the other place?"

"Baitong community, building 2, 703."

"How much did you hide?"

"About two million dollars in cash and hundreds of thousands of gold bars."

"Ha ha." Han Bin laughs, "really, you are really rich. What kind of old rascal do you want to be? Give the money back to others and live a good life?"

"This money is also earned by us. If we pay off our debts, there is not much left. Who should we put it on I'm not reconciled. "

Han Bin shook his head, or the first time to see debt can be owed such a comfortable person, whose money is not blowing from the wind, you owe money is not hard?


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Anqiao market.

Pan Xiujie stopped the car, went to the black iron door, two fast and one slow, knocked on the door three times.

After a while, there came a man's voice, "who is it?"

"I'm in the corner."

"Creak..." A, Xuan elder brother opened the door, looked toward the outside for a while, "come in."

Jiao tou, Lao Xue and Si wa entered the door carrying the box.

Xuan elder brother looked at a time, "how, still smooth?"

"Brother Xuan, just put your heart in your stomach. It's going well." The corner patted the black trolley box, "we brought back the money, no less than a million."

Old Xue also shows happy color, "Xuan elder brother, we gain a large sum again this time, when cent."

On hearing this, Jiaotou and Siwa also looked forward to it.

"Don't worry, you are indispensable."

All three of them laughed.

The corner head pushes the trolley box in front of brother Xuan, "brother Xuan, there's nothing wrong at home."


"Then why do you open the door yourself, snake boy? He won't go out to look for a woman again."

"He dares." Xuange snorted, "he is still interrogating Jiang Kangming in the basement."

Siwa asked in a low voice, "brother Xuan, we have all got the money. What should Jiang Kangming do with it?"

"Got it." Xuan elder brother sneered, "this just which with which, this goods but a famous Lao Lai, can't only hide a million."

The angle head is surprised a way, "Xuan elder brother, you say that old boy still has money."

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"It depends on the snake's ability."

When the four entered the room, they could hear a whimper from the basement.


Half an hour later, the snake went up to the first floor.

"Xuan elder brother, you guessed right as expected, that old boy didn't hold back what good fart."

"What did he say?"

The snake boy laughed, "he said another place to hide money?"

"How much is it?"

Snake son stretched out two fingers, winked, "more than two million!"


"Yeah, yeah."

"Rich." Several people cheered.

Xuan elder brother is also very happy, but still keep a trace of reason, "where is the money hidden?"

"Baitong community, room 703, building 2."

"Are you three clear?"

"I hear you."

Brother Xuan looked at his watch. "It's eight o'clock in the evening. You go to Baitong community immediately to withdraw money. You must be careful. In addition, every half an hour, remember to report safety to me. "

"Don't worry, brother Xuan. It's not the first time for us.""Then be careful. As long as we finish tonight's vote, we can go far away."

"All right." With that, the three of them packed up and left.

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Snake son wiped the blood on the hand, "Xuan elder brother, what can I do?"

"What did you do before, what do you do now?"

The snake boy was surprised and said, "ah, I'm still fighting. That boy has already told us about the two places where he hid his money."

Xuan elder brother pie pie pie mouth, "how do you know to hide money in two places?"

"Yes, the old boy is a miser. Maybe there are other places to hide money. I'll go." Snake son walked two steps, and then turned back, "this old boy has been beaten a lot. If he continues to fight, he may not be able to carry it."

Xuan elder brother light says, "among these several people, he is most impressive to you, you still plan to send him to leave?"

"Hey, brother Xuan, with your words, I have the bottom of my heart." The snake boy gave a grim smile and turned to get out of the basement.

It wasn't long before there was another whimper in the basement


Baitong community.

A car drove to Baitong community, which is an open community. The car drove directly to the second building.

Jiao tou and Lao Xue get out of the car.

Jiao tou took a cigarette in his hand and took two puffs. Then he threw it to the ground and trampled it out. "Siwa, you wait here. Lao Xue and I will go up."

"I see. Remember to shout if you have any problems."

"You too."

Jiaotou and Lao Xue enter the unit building and press the upward elevator. While waiting for the elevator, they look around warily. At this time, they are also nervous and afraid that the police will set up an ambush.

"Ding." The elevator came, two people on the elevator, press seven.

Jiao tou took a deep breath and put his right hand in his arms. He didn't have a gun, but he carried a knife with him. It was the so-called "seeking wealth in danger". He always felt that if he had been born in ancient times, he would have become a general in war.

"Ding." When the elevator reached the seventh floor, the door opened.

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Jiao tou's right hand knife was more tightly held, and he walked out of the room carefully. Lao Xue was almost the same, with a nervous look on his face.

Two people went to 703 door, did not see the shadow, heart secretly relieved.

Jiao tou winked at Lao Xue, "you stare at me. I'll work."

"All right." Old Xue answered and turned his back to the corner.

The corner head opens the carry on bag and takes out the unlocking tool from it.

Not only can Jiaotou steal a car, but the door lock can't beat him. In less than a minute, the door lock opened with a click.

Old Xue turned his head, a thumb, "yes, it's shorter than last time."

The corner head put away the tool and took out the knife from his arms. When something happened, it was easier to chop, "go in."

Two people entered the door, light handed and light footed go inside, just walk to the living room mouth, corner head was stunned.

"Go." Old Xue urged.

Just as the voice fell, three men with pistols appeared in the living room, "police, don't move!"

Jiao tou's right hand trembled with a knife.

Old Xue felt that his legs were weak. For the first time, he was pointed at by three guns.

Han Bin scolded, "don't talk, don't have small action, put the knife in your hand on the ground to kick over."

Horn head and old Xue dare not disobey, according to Han Bin's command, the knife kicked over.

Han Bin again ordered, "hands holding the head, squatting on the ground."

Jiaotou and Lao Xue do it again. Although they have a strong will and dare to fight, no one is willing to die in vain in the face of three black holes.

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