Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 878: 878

Zhong Xiuyuan promised to come to the police station, but he didn't have time in the morning. He could come in the afternoon.

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Han Bin finds Zhu Jiaxu and asks him to take people to Hejing community to check the house rented by the deceased to see if he can find the clues of the suspect.

Han Bin led the investigation of Lou Hexiang.

Lou Hexiang's ID card and mobile phone address are the same. They are all international trade community, Room 301, building 1.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, Han Bin took people to the international trade community.

This is an old-fashioned community. The community is not big. There are only six buildings in total, and each building is also six stories high. One of them has an elevator installed outside, which looks a little nondescript.

Han Bin looked around the community and pointed to Wang Xiao on the side, "Wang Xiao, you take people to stare at the community. The others follow me up

The party went up to the third floor, and Bao Xing knocked on the door of Room 301.

"Dong Dong."

"Who is it?" A woman's voice came from the room.

"We are from the Public Security Bureau."

Not every time I go to the home of the person involved in the case, I need to disguise my identity, or I need to analyze the specific situation.

"Creak..." The door opened.

A woman in her forties was standing at the door, looking at Han Bin and others in a puzzled way, "why don't you wear police uniform?"

"We are criminal policemen of the Municipal Public Security Bureau." Bao Xing shows his police certificate.

"You criminal police are not arresting criminals. What are you doing in our house?" Women blocked in the door, did not let Hanbin and others in the meaning.

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Bao Xing said, "is Lou Hexiang here?"

"That's my son. What are you looking for?"

"What do you call it?"

"My name is Lou Yuenan."

Han Bin said with a smile, "aunt Lou, is your son here? We want to see him. "

"Yes, you're just in time. I just want you to take care of him."

"What happened to him?"

"What's the matter?" Lou Yuenan snorted, "I don't do anything every day. I just sit in front of the computer and play games. If you go and have a look, there is no human form. I can't manage it. You can manage it for me. If you really can't, you can take him away for a few days. As long as you can help him quit online banking, I'll send you a banner. "

Bao Xing "..."

Han Bin and others are also muddled.

Auntie, auntie, we are criminal police. You don't take us seriously. If your son let us go, it's not a matter of a few days.

Han Bin said, "Auntie, I will help you to persuade, provided you let us see him first."

"Yes, but what are you looking for? I have to know that when I'm a mother, it's hard for me to tell the neighbors. " Lou Yuenan holds her chest in both hands, still blocking the door.

Han Bin also can't use strong, retreat and seek second, "do you know Dong Yubei?"

"Hum." Lou Yuenan snorted, "I don't know cats and dogs."

As soon as you listen to this tone, you can see that not only do you know each other, but you may also have some contradictions with each other.

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"Auntie, what is the relationship between your son and Dong Yubei?"

"Oh, don't mention that woman to me. I'll have a headache if I mention her. If she hadn't dumped my son, my son would be useless. I tell you, if you want me to see her, I have to slap her a few big mouths. "

"When did your son and Dong Yubei break up?"

"I don't know exactly when they split up, but I guess it's been half a year since then, when my son began to be wrong. I don't go to work, so I start to play computer at home. " Lou Yuenan asked, "Comrade police, you are looking for this woman in the wrong place. She and my son have been separated for a long time. You'd better go now. "

Han Bin said with a smile, "Auntie, you don't want us to persuade your son not to indulge in computers all day. Now how can you let us go again?"

"I'd like you to persuade me. When you see him and ask about Dong Yubei, he's getting worse. Who can I talk to?"

Han Bin did not want to ink any more. He said, "Dong Yubei is dead."

"What, dead!" Lou Yuenan seemed to be frightened and stepped back, "how did she die?"

"The case is still under investigation. It's not convenient to disclose for the time being. Auntie, we have told you so much. We should meet Lou Hexiang."

Lou Yuenan blocked the door more tightly, "then I can't let you in any more. Dong Yubei's death has nothing to do with my son. They broke up half a year ago."

"If you don't let us take notes at home, we can understand. We'll take him to the police station to investigate."

"No, I can't go to the police station."

Lou Yuenan's voice is not small. If Lou Hexiang is really in the bedroom, he should be able to hear it. But for such a long time, Han Bin feels that something is wrong.

"Auntie, either you call Lou Hexiang out or we go in. If you are obstructing us, it's obstructing law enforcement. Then we will take you away with us.""Catch me? Why do you arrest me? Even if you are a policeman, you can't arrest people. "

What should be said is clear. Han Bin is too lazy to write ink with her again and winks at Li Qin.

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Li Qin comes forward to pull Lou Yuenan apart. Han Bin and others enter the living room. This is a two bedroom room. The door of the master bedroom is open, and there is no one inside. The door of the side bedroom is closed.

Han Bin walked over and tried to open the door. The door was unlocked and opened directly.

A strong smell of sweat floated out of the room. A man was sitting at his desk, playing with a computer and wearing headphones on his head.

After Han Bin enters the bedroom, the man just responded, "who are you? Why did you come to my house? "

"We are the police."

The man didn't respond. He took off his earphone and asked, "who are you?"

"We are the police!" Bao Xing called.

"Why are you shouting so loud? The police are great. No, what are you doing at my house? "

Han Bin didn't answer. He picked up Lou Hexiang's earphone and listened. The sound was really loud. No wonder the other party couldn't hear the outside.

Bao Xing showed his police officer certificate, "Lou Hexiang, between three and six o'clock yesterday afternoon, where were you?"

"What does it have to do with you? What are you doing at my house? "

Han Bin said, "we are here to investigate a case related to Dong Yubei."

Lou Hexiang widened his eyes. "Beibei, what's wrong with her?"

"Dong Yubei is dead!"

"Beibei is dead!" Lou Hexiang said, "no, you lied to me. No, how could Beibei die? We only talked on the phone yesterday."

"What did she tell you?"

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"She didn't say anything at first, it was all I said, and then She borrowed money from me I I'm sorry for her

"Why do you say that?"

"I haven't worked for several months. Where can I get the money to lend her? If I have it, I will lend it to her, but I don't have it. Then she hung up Lou Hexiang's voice choked, "if I had money at that time, so I gave it to her directly, maybe she would not have an accident. "

"How did Beibei die? Who killed her? "

"The case is still under investigation, and we are not clear at the moment. We are here to find you. We hope you can provide some valuable clues so that the case can be solved as soon as possible."

Lou Hexiang hugged his head, "you let me slow down. I can't believe how Beibei died. She's so good, so young, she shouldn't have died like this. "

After a while, Han Bin continued to ask, "what's the relationship between you two?"

"She's my girlfriend. No It's an ex

"When did you two break up?"

"August 24th of this year."

Han Bin some accident, "remember so clearly?"

Lou Hexiang sighed, sad with a trace of helplessness, "that day I will never forget, want to forget."

"Why did you two break up?"

Lou Hexiang shook his head, "blame me, I have no ability, can't give her the life she wants."

Han Bin asked, "do you know a man named Zhong Xiuyuan?"

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