Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 879: 879


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"Zhong Xiuyuan."

"I don't know." Lou Hexiang asked, "what's the matter? What's the relationship between him and Beibei?"

"He's Dong Yubei's landlord."

"Landlord." Lou Hexiang muttered, "Beibei borrows money from me. I ask her what to do, but she won't say. Is that why she asked me for money because she had no money to pay the rent

Lou Hexiang said with remorse, "I'm really stupid. Why didn't I give her the money? I knew earlier that I would rather be scolded by my mother than lend her the money to pay the rent."

"How much does Dong Yubei borrow from you?"

"Five thousand."

"After Dong Yubei broke up with you, did she have any other boyfriends?"

"There should be. Beibei is so beautiful. There must be a better man than me who pursues her."

Han Bin confirmed, "is this your guess, or do you know that she has a new boyfriend?"

"I guess we haven't been in touch since we broke up, and I haven't heard from Beibei. I was so happy to receive her call yesterday. I thought she was going to get back together with me. " Lou Hexiang scratched his hair hard,

"it's all my fault that I gave up on myself. I haven't earned any money in recent months. If I work hard in these months, Beibei will borrow money from me and I will give it to her happily, maybe we can get back together."

Han Bin doesn't think so. Dong Yubei is pregnant. Her problem can't be solved by money. It's urgent to find out whose child is?

"When was the last time you and Dong Yubei met?"

"That's the day we broke up. We haven't seen each other since we broke up."

Han Bin calculates that if Lou Hexiang is telling the truth and they haven't seen each other since August, then Dong yubeihuai's child is not his.

Of course, Han Bin did not fully believe his one-sided statement, "November 30, between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., where are you?"

"I'm at home."

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"What do you do at home?"

"Play computer."

"Are you sure you haven't been out?"


"Who can prove it to you?"

"I My mother is at home, and she can prove it to me. "

Han Bin wrote in his book, "have you been to mount Wuhua recently?"


Later, Han Bin came out of the room. Lou Yuenan sat on the sofa with a nervous face and stood up quickly. "Police comrades, what did you ask my son and what did he say?"

Han Bin did not answer the rhetorical question, "where is your son between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m. on November 30?"

"At home."

"You don't even have to think about it?"

Lou Yuenan snorted, "what do you think? Where can he go if he's not at home? What can he do if he doesn't play games? I wish he could go out and stay at home all day. "

Han Bin took out a business card, "aunt, this is my business card. If you and Lou Hexiang think of any clues, you can contact me."

Lou Yuenan took the business card and said with emotion, "you say that this woman, when she was alive, bewitched my son, and when she died, she came to upset our family. What's the matter?"

When Han Bin is ready to take people away, his mobile phone rings and Wang Xiao's number is displayed on the screen.


"Team Han, I visited downstairs. According to the neighborhood, Lou Hexiang left the neighborhood at about 2 p.m. on November 30."

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Han Bin slightly frowned, "when did you come back?"

"No neighbors."

"I see." Han Bin hung up his cell phone and went back to the living room.

Wang Xiao's call was timely, otherwise, he would have been cheated by the mother and son.

Lou Yuenan asked, "Comrade police, what else can I do for you?"

"Auntie, what do you do?"

"Me? Why are you asking me again? "


"I'm in sales?"

"What kind of sales?"

"Real estate agents."

"Lou Hexiang, what do you do?"

Lou Yuenan replied, "he has no job now."


Lou Yuenan is still the answer, "he used to do real estate sales, but he sold a first-hand house, why?"

"Han Bin said with a smile," I see, after those directors find actors, don't go to Beijing Film and Chinese opera. They just go to real estate sales. Their acting skills are not bad. They are all powerful. "

Lou Yuenan discontented, "Comrade police, what do you mean? Do you think we are cheating you?"

Han Bin ignored her and looked straight at Lou Hexiang, "I'll ask you again, did you go out on the afternoon of November 30?"

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"I I... " Lou Hexiang's forehead was sweating, showing a nervous look."Why not answer?"

Lou Yuenan stood in front of his son, "Comrade police, my son just said that he was at home that afternoon and didn't go anywhere."

Han Bin still ignored Lou Yuenan and said to Lou Hexiang, "Lou Hexiang, do you have a car?"


"Show me."

"What happened to the car? You won't doubt that Dong Yubei's death is related to my son. Ah, I'm wronged to die. My son doesn't dare to kill a chicken. How can he kill a man? "

Han Bin pointed to Lou Yuenan, "unless I take the initiative to ask you. Otherwise, if you say one more word, I'll arrest you for obstructing law enforcement. "

Lou Yuenan's voice rose abruptly, "why catch me?"

"It's up to you to give a false statement!" Han Bin said harshly, "a witness proved that Lou Hexiang drove away from the community on the afternoon of November 30."

"I I don't know. I wasn't at home that day Lou Yuenan's lips trembled a little. She turned to Lou Hexiang and said, "son, what did you do that day? Did you wash the car?"

"Yes, yes, I remember. I went to wash the car." Lou Hexiang echoed.

Han Bin said, "that's OK. Take us to have a look at your car and see if it's dry."

Lou Hexiang hesitated.

Bao Xing pushed him, "go, wow, what are you still doing?"

Louhexiang heart even if a hundred reluctantly, in a police custody is helpless, can only take Hanbin and his party downstairs to find a car.

Lou Hexiang's car is parked in the community, and Wang Xiao has taken people to guard beside it.

Han Bin walks in and has a look. It's a brown Nissan with a dash cam on the windshield.

"Open the door."

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Lou Hexiang went to the car door and turned to look at Han Bin. "Comrade police, I went to wash the car yesterday."

"I don't understand. I want you to open the door."

"Didi..." Lou Hexiang pressed the key to the car.

Han Bin and Wang Xiao got on the car, took off the dash cam and began to check the video inside.

The video shows that at two o'clock in the afternoon on November 30, the car slowly drove out of the residential area, along Binhai Road to Changdao District, and then drove to the nearby Wuhua mountain. You can see the towering peaks from a long distance, and finally the car stopped at the foot of Wuhua mountain.

Lou Hexiang's lies will not be broken.

Han Binzhi asked, "Lou Hexiang, the video on the dash cam shows clearly that someone drove this car to Wuhua mountain on November 30. What else do you have to say?"

Lou Hexiang bowed his head and said nothing.

Lou Yuenan rushed over, looked at his son, and then looked at Han Bin, "even if someone has driven this car to Wuhua mountain, it's not necessarily my son. Maybe someone drove my son's car to mount Wuhua in order to plant it for my son. "

The dash cam can only photograph the front of the car, not the driver directly. If the driver doesn't speak all the way, the dash cam alone can't determine the driver's identity.

Bao Xing snorted, "do you see too many spy movies? How can others drive your car without car keys?"

Lou Hexiang said, "there are two keys to the car. One is in my hand and the other is in Dong Yubei's. Since we broke up, I've been expecting her, so I didn't ask for the car keys back. "

Wang Xiao scolded, "Lou Hexiang, you dare to lie. Yesterday a neighbor saw it with his own eyes. You drove away."

Lou Yuenan widened his eyes, scanned around, tone suddenly raised, "which neighbor saw, let him come out to testify."

Are neighbors, no conflict of interest, who is willing to offend people?

Han Bin laughed. The mother and son are really difficult to deal with. "Lou Hexiang, it's not close from here to Wuhua mountain. There are many surveillance cameras along the way. Are you sure you haven't been photographed?"

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