Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 925: 925

"My son He is still a child. What do you have to talk about with him? "

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Han Bin does not answer a rhetorical question, "what's your son's name?"

"Huang Jiangxi."

"Who did Huang Jiangxi award to after your divorce?"

"Qin Yanxue and I were raised together."

"Does he know about Qin Yanxue's association with Zhang Haonan?"

Huang Guixiang slightly hesitated, "should not know."

Han Bin said, "suppose Huang Jiangxi knows about it, do you think he will object?"

"I'm not sure. I haven't talked to my son about it. After all, he's still young. It's not appropriate to say that." Huang Guixiang squeezed out a smile, "Captain Han, what's the matter? Just tell me directly. There's no need to tell a child."

"I want to tell you. But you just said you didn't know what he thought, so it's useless for me to ask you. "

Huang Guixiang tone some dissatisfaction, "Captain Han, I don't understand, his idea of a child, with Zhang Haonan's death and what relationship?"

Han Bin changed a question, "did you call Zhang Haonan on December 9?"

"Why is this question again? I have not answered it before. I admit that I have called him, but it does not mean that I have met him, let alone that I have had a conflict with him. You don't think his death has anything to do with me." Huang Guixiang shook his head, "if you doubt me, you can go to check. I'll clear myself."

"Do you remember I said that if you dare to lie again, I will arrest you for obstructing law enforcement?"

"I I didn't lie to you. I lied to you about something. "

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Han Bin Yang Yang chin, "handcuff him."

Zhao Ming and Zhang shungu came over and followed Huang Guixiang from left to right.

"What are you doing? Why do you arrest me? "

Zhao Ming scolded, "less nonsense, be honest."

Zhang shungu handcuffed him directly.

Han Bin said, "where is the mobile phone card 15739305xxx?"

Huang Guixiang showed nervous look, "I can't remember clearly, I told you, I have a lot of mobile phone cards, which can't be used."

Han Bin said firmly, "you don't know. For me, although this mobile phone number is handled by you, you are not the real holder. This mobile phone number has been used by your son all the time. It was Huang Jiangxi who called Zhang Haonan that day. Similarly, it was Huang Jiangxi who clashed with Zhang Haonan."

Huang Guixiang completely flustered, "Captain Han, my son, he is still a student, he doesn't know anything, and he can't do anything bad."

Han Bin said, "I don't know if he has done any bad things, but you deliberately deceive the police, which has constituted the crime of obstructing law enforcement. If the circumstances are serious, you can be sentenced. I think you should know the seriousness of this matter."

Huang Guixiang swallowed, "I Captain Han, I don't mean to cheat you. I just don't want this matter to affect Jiang Xi. After all, he is still a child. I don't want him to bear the mistakes made by the big man. "

Han Bin said, "I can understand your love for your children as a father, but now the problem is that Zhang Haonan is dead. This case must be investigated clearly, and all personnel related to the case must be investigated. Huang Jiangxi is also a person involved in the case, and the police have to make a record for him. As the guardian of Huang Jiangxi, I hope to get your help. "

"Let me think about it." Huang Guixiang took a deep breath and his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat.

After a long time, Huang Guixiang asked, "Captain Han, my son is in high school and under closed management. He can only go home once a week. Do you think I can take him to the police station to take notes when he comes home to have a rest?"

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"No. It's a homicide. We can't afford it. What's more, we won't take up too much of your son's time. We just need to talk to him for an hour. "

"Then I can contact Qin Yanxue. We are co guardians. We need to negotiate about children."

Han Bin said, "in this way, I'll let someone take you to school to meet Huang Jiangxi. I'll ask Qin Yanxue to go to the police station, and then you can go to the police station to meet."

Huang Guixiang helpless way, "OK."

Then, Han Bin called the team members to arrange for some time, and everyone acted separately.


1:30 p.m., Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Huang Guixiang, Huang Jiangxi and Qin Yanxue were all taken to the police station.

After discussing with Qin Yanxue, Huang Guixiang finally decides to have Qin Yanxue accompany Huang Jiangxi to make a record.

Han Bin met Huang Jiangxi in the conference room. He was a teenager, wearing rimless glasses. He was about 1.8 meters tall and was no different from an adult.

Huang Jiangxi sat at the conference table, with his legs up, looking down at his cell phone.

Han Bin knocked on the table, "what's your name?"

Huang Jiangxi put away his mobile phone and looked at Han Bin. "My name is Huang Jiangxi. Who are you?""I'm Han Bin from the City Criminal Investigation Brigade."

"You called me?"

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"If you have something to say, please. I managed to get out of school. I'll have something else to do later. "

Han Bin smiles, "you are quite calm after all."

Qin Yanxue tugged her son's arm, "Jiang Xi, you can talk to captain Han."

Huang Jiangxi shrugged.

"If you want to leave early, you can. Just answer me a few questions. "

"Then ask quickly."

"Do you know Zhang Haonan?"

Huang Jiangxi curled his lips and said with disdain, "Zhang Haonan, I only know Chen Haonan!"

Qin Yanxue frowned and said, "Jiangxi, I told you to talk well."

Zhao Ming sternly scolded, "Huang Jiangxi, what do you think this is? What do you play? I tell you, you understand everything at your age. Don't give yourself any trouble."

Qin Yanxue said quickly, "Comrade police, he is still a child. Don't give him the same opinion."

Huang Jiangxi retorted, "I'm not a child. I've grown up. Don't take me as a child."

Han Bin said, "when you say you grow up, you should be more mature. Well cooperate with our police investigation, as long as we eliminate your suspicion, we will naturally let you go. "

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"What suspicion?" Huang Jiangxi asked.

"I ask, you answer." Han Bin no doubt way, "do you know Zhang Haonan?"


"How do you know each other?"

"I don't want to say that."

Han Bin raised his head and glanced at him. "Don't you grow up and play with such a childish temper? Do you blush?"

Although he knew it was provocative, Huang Jiangxi just took it, "my father said that he was my mother's boyfriend."

"You Why did your father tell you that? " Qin Yanxue sighed.

Huang Jiangxi showed a touch of sarcasm, "you are going to hide from me all your life. If you feel ashamed, what are you doing with him?"

"You child, how can you talk to me like this, you..." Qin Yanxue is angry and angry, pointing at Huang Jiangxi and unable to speak.

Han Bin continued to ask, "have you met Zhang Haonan?"

Huang Jiangxi snorted, "I not only saw him, but also beat him up!"

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