Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 926: 926

"When did you beat him?"

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"December 10th."

"When exactly?"

"On the afternoon of December 10th, around three o'clock."

"Where can I get it?"

"It's near our school. I called him on the 9th and asked him to meet near the school. I asked the teacher for a leave and beat him up."


Huang Jiangxi disdains a way, "I hit his face swollen.". That kid's thin and can't resist beating at all. "

"Jiangxi, you were not like this before. How can you do this..." Qin Yanxue's lips trembled.

"Who am I doing this for? It's not for you. You say you want to find a young one. I understand. I don't want to care. Just like my father, I love you. That's your freedom. But you spend money to buy him a house and repay his mortgage. Are you stupid? " Huang Jiangxi gave a sneer,

"they all said that women have no brains when they are in love. I thought they were talking about young girls who are not sensible. Who knows you are the same. Can I have a little less snack? "

These words not only made Qin Yanxue confused, but also the people present were a little stunned.

But if you think about it, what Huang Jiangxi said is OK.

Qin Yanxue not only gives money to help Zhang Haonan buy a house, but also helps him pay the mortgage every month. What's the picture?

Han Bin continued to ask, "did you use weapons when you were fighting with Zhang Haonan?"

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Huang Jiangxi licked his lips, "I don't want to answer."

Han Bin said, "Zhang Haonan is dead. At that time, he didn't call the police. We didn't want to investigate the fight between you and him. We just need to make a routine inquiry and take notes to check his interpersonal relationship. You can say it boldly, and you will not be held responsible. "


Han Bin said, "as far as we know, he was not seriously injured at that time. It will not affect you."

"I took a knife to defend myself. I didn't want to hurt him, but defend myself. I'm going to reason with him, but I'm also worried about a fight. After all, I'm small. What if I'm not his opponent? "

Han Bin asked, "what are you going to tell him?"

"It's very simple. Let him leave my mother, don't affect the normal life of our family, and don't cheat my mother's money, otherwise, I'll hit him once every time."

Han Bin said, "what did he say at that time?"

Huang Jiangxi's face was a little ugly. "He laughed and said that my mother was voluntary and enjoyed being with him very much. Let me get out of here and don't care about adults. Big Mao, he's only in his twenties. He may not have gone to any school, maybe not as high as me. Rubbish. "

"After that."

"What else, we'll fight."

"Who moved the hand first?"

"Zhang Haonan moved his hand first, he pushed me hard, and then I fought back. A fist in his face, I did not lose. In another two years, I'll have to beat him all over the place. "

"Did you use the knife?"

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Huang Jiangxi nodded, "moved."

"Where did you stab him?"

Huang Jiangxi hesitated and replied, "I didn't hurt him. I just scratched his arm carelessly. It's nothing serious. It's just a small cut. Just stick a band aid. "

Qin Yanxue was worried. "Jiangxi, how dare you use a knife? What can you do if something really happens? Where did you put the knife? Give it to me

Huang Jiangxi retorted, "what can I do for you? I want to give it to the police. You're so mean to scold me. You know who you are

Qin Yanxue asked, "that's how your father taught you. He talks back to adults everywhere. You've been learning for so many years in vain."

Huang Jiangxi hummed, "when you talk about me, think about yourself first. You are also a person who went to school. I only heard that men buy houses for women and repay the mortgage. For the first time, I heard that women rush to buy houses for men and repay the mortgage. That's what your teachers taught you when you went to school?"

Qin Yanxue points at Huang Jiangxi with her right index finger, so angry that she can't speak.

Han Bin stretched out his hand and made a silent gesture, "Ms. Qin, don't fight. You want to educate your children until you go home. Now what you need to do is to listen in and let the police ask."

Qin Yanxue sighed. Now let her say, she doesn't know what to say.

From Huang Jiangxi's notes, we can basically confirm that he was the person who had a conflict with Zhang Haonan on December 10. Of course, Zhang Haonan was killed on the night of December 26. There is no direct connection between the two. It can only show that Huang Jiangxi has a certain motive.

Han Bin asked, "between 9:00 and 12:00 p.m. on December 26, where are you?"

"I'm at school."


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"I think of it, but I can't get it out. Comrade police, how long do you have to investigate this case? "

"Until we get the suspect.""Hey, it's not a short time. If there's anything unclear about the case, you can call me at any time. It's OK. I'll cooperate with your investigation. I've been tired of that school for a long time. I've wanted to get some air. "

Han Bin is a little sad. "Besides December 10, have you ever met Zhang Haonan?"


"Has he been contacted again?"

Huang Jiangxi shrugged, "No."

Han Bin asked, "why don't you contact me? You don't want to take care of this? "

Huang Jiangxi tugged at his ear," it's not that he doesn't want to take care of it. I had a fight. I understand. As long as my mother's brain is not clear, no matter how hard I use it, it's useless. "

"Where are the knives you used to fight with Zhang Haonan?"

Huang Jiangxi bowed his head and said, "I can't remember clearly."

"Think about it."

"It's like I threw it away."

"Where did you throw it?"

"I threw it in the garbage can near the school."

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"Huang Jiangxi, I promised not to pursue your responsibility, but only if you tell the truth and if you lie to the police, I can arrest you."

"I really threw it. The knife cut his arm. I threw it when I felt dirty."

Han Bin has been staring at him, feeling his manner does not seem to be fake, closed the notebook, "OK, the record to do this."

Qin Yanxue quickly asked, "Captain Han, can we go?"

"Let's go." Han Bin should be a, pointing to Huang Jiangxi warned, "after fighting with others, do not use a knife."

"I know. With my strength, it's not rare to use a knife." Huang Jiangxi stood up, stretched, and showed his curiosity, "Captain Han, how did Zhang Haonan die?"

"Want to know?"

"Yes, of course."

Han Bin asked, "you smoke."

Huang Jiangxi glanced at his mother, "don't smoke."

Han Bin solemnly said, "just don't smoke. Zhang Haonan was smoked to death."

"Ha ha Don't tease me. I know many people who smoke. I haven't heard of one who died of smoking. Do you police like to preach and scare me when you think I'm still in school and don't want me to smoke? "

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