Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 931: 931

"I wanted to call the police at the beginning, but later I found that the car didn't lose much, and I didn't put anything valuable in my car. I thought it was useless for the police to come, and I wasted some time in vain. I went straight to the repair shop and checked the car. " Jin Xiaoshan is still confused,

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"what's the problem?"



"Team Han, no one else was found at home." The team report one after another.

Han Bin nodded, took out his mobile phone to play a video, a black Buick car parked in the underground garage door, followed by another car into the underground garage.

Looking at the video, Jin Xiaoshan couldn't help frowning, "this It's my car. "

Han Bin said, "is the driver you?"

Jin Xiaoshan muttered, "where is this? I don't remember I went to the basement. The license plate number is also mine, but I'm a little strange to the surrounding environment. I don't remember driving there."

"Have you ever borrowed your car?"

"No, I never borrow the car. If something really happens, it's my responsibility."

"This surveillance video was taken on the night of December 26 in Rongyuan district. Is the driver you?"

Jin Xiaoshan was sweating, "no, I was at home that night. My car was stolen. I thought it was just stealing things from the car. I didn't expect the other party would drive out. "

"When did you park in the neighborhood?"

"Around seven in the evening."

"Did you park the car?"


"Did the car move, you can't tell?"

"I saw I also feel that the location of the car has changed a little, but it has not changed much. I'm not sure. Besides, I didn't think so much about it at that time. I just thought that the thief was going into the car to steal things. My car didn't have any valuables and it wasn't too damaged, so I didn't think much about it. "

"Do you have a dash cam in your car?"

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"Originally, it was, but it was also stolen by the thief that night. It was also the most valuable thing I lost."

"What else did you lose?"

"Nothing else. I don't usually put things in the car, only some certificates and change." Jin Xiaoshan stopped for a moment and continued to ask, "Comrade police, what did the car thief do with my car?"

Han Bin glanced at him, "you still don't know."

Jin Xiaoshan wiped the sweat on his forehead. "It really has nothing to do with us. My neighbors all know that my car was stolen. You can ask if you don't believe it."

"Yes, I can prove it." Chen jundao.

Han Bin asked, "between 9:00 and 12:00 p.m. on December 26, where are you?"

"I'm at home."

"Who can prove it?"

"My wife and my daughter."

"What are you doing at home?"

"Watch TV. Yes, I watch the inspection team."

"Which stage is on?"

"I don't remember."

"You see twelve from nine?"

"I watched the replay and watched several episodes in a row."

Han Bin recorded, seemingly inadvertently asked, "do you smoke?"


"What brand?"

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"I usually smoke Hongtashan and Yunyan."

"Who has touched your car since you found it stolen?"

"I have a neighbor and the staff of the garage. I put the car there for them to check. I don't know if anyone else has contacted me. I pulled the car back yesterday morning and changed the oil and the door lock."

Han Bin pondered for a moment, "you give me a list of the people who have contacted Buick, and ask for detailed information."

Jin Xiaoshan was embarrassed. "Comrade police, there are many people who have been in my car. Should everyone check?"

"Yes, the suspect has committed a serious criminal case in your car, and his clues may be left on the car. We should not only exclude people who have contacted the car, but also take the car back to the Municipal Public Security Bureau for testing."

"Ah, you're going to take my car?"

"If you want to prove your innocence, please help the police investigate."

Although Jin Xiaoshan was reluctant, he nodded.

Han Bin went to the window and looked out. "You asked your neighbors. On the evening of the 26th, has anyone found anything unusual? "

"No, it was very cold that night, and there was a little sleet. There was no street lamp in our community. Who would stay outside when the lights were dark I've had enough of this neighborhood for a long time. "

Han Bin said, "how many entrances and exits are there in your community? Is there any monitoring?"

"Originally, there were two doors in the community. Later, in order to save money, one door was closed. Now only the east door is available. The east gate is monitored. You can check the monitoring. ""Zhang shungu, you take people to collect the surveillance video at the gate."

"Yes, team Han."

"Ding Ling Ling..." Han Bin's cell phone rings.

Han Bin out of the room, press the answer button, "hello."

Wang Xiao's voice rang out on the mobile phone, "team Han, I have been checking along the Skynet monitoring, and found that the suspected vehicle really went to Changfeng community. And I took a high-definition screenshot of Skynet and sent it to your mobile phone. "

Han Bin asked, "did you get a picture of the driver?"

Wang Xiao sighed, "no, the driver is wrapped up tightly. He is wearing a black down jacket, a mask and a sun visor. Let alone his appearance, it's hard to identify his gender."

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"I see. I'll look at the pictures first." Han Bin hangs up his cell phone and opens the photo from Wang Xiao. The photo is clear, but as Wang Xiao said, the driver's cover is very tight, and he can hardly see any valuable clues.

Han Bin gives the photo to Jin Xiaoshan, "do you know this man?"

Jin Xiaoshan took the photo and looked at it again. "Comrade police, what do you want me to see? I can't see anything. I even wear gloves on my hands. How can I identify it?"

Han Bin retreated and asked for the second, "is the car yours?"

Jin Xiaoshan said firmly, "yes, the car is mine. It turns out that this son of a bitch stole my car and wrapped himself up so tightly that it's not a good thing. "

"Do you know Zhang Haonan?"


"Zhang Haonan."

"No, what does he do?"

Han Bin did not answer, continued to ask, "where is Qin Yanxue?"

"I don't know."

Han Bin handed each other a business card, "think of what clues, you can contact me directly."

"Well, well, comrade police, what about my car?"

"After a while, the comrades from the technology section of the Municipal Bureau will come and take your car back to the Municipal Public Security Bureau for testing. After testing, you will be informed to collect it."

"Yes, I see." Jin Xiaoshan sighed. Although he was reluctant, he could not refuse and could only cooperate.


Changfeng community, gate.

Zhang shungu and Qi Shanghai go to the guard room. An old guard is listening to the radio with a teacup. There are some peanut shells on the table. They are very moist when they are young.

Zhang shungu knocked on the door, "Hello, uncle."

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The doorman asked, "what's the matter?"

"It's something. What do you call it?"

"My surname is song. You can call me Lao song."

"Uncle song, we are from the Municipal Public Security Bureau. We want to ask you something." Zhang shungu showed his police certificate.

"From the Public Security Bureau, what's the matter?"

"We want to see the monitoring of the community."

"Monitoring." Uncle song swallowed his saliva, "the monitoring is broken."

"When did it break?"

"It just broke."

"When exactly?"

Uncle song hesitated for a moment, "yesterday, yesterday just broke."

"It's OK. We don't watch yesterday's surveillance."

"Which day do you check?"

"We'll find out where your surveillance is."

Uncle song looked embarrassed. "Comrade police, this This monitoring has been broken for some time. "

"You just said that it broke yesterday."

"Our manager said that if someone asked Just say it's just... " Uncle song's voice is getting smaller and smaller.

Zhang shungu snorted, "ah, there are all kinds of things."

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