Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 932: 932

There is monitoring around the scene of the crime, but the monitoring is broken during the investigation. This matter can be big or small. If the monitoring is really broken, it may be an accident.

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If the surveillance is sabotaged by the suspect, it can be excused.

However, if the situation at the scene of the crime is captured by the surveillance camera and the evidence is deliberately concealed, the problem will be great.

Han Bin that this situation, immediately rushed to the scene.

The porter, uncle song, was already sweating with fright. He kept explaining, "Comrade police, the monitoring is really bad. I really didn't cheat you."

Zhang shungu said, "I asked you when it was bad. You said it was bad yesterday. I said that if I didn't watch yesterday's video, you said it was bad some time ago. Which sentence did you make me believe?"

"I Our leaders asked me to say that. "

"Why did your leaders let you say that?"

Uncle song lowered his head.

Zhang shungu frowned, "look, it's like this again. You're stuck when you ask about it. What on earth are you hiding? "

"I'm not hiding anything."

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"There's something you can't say."

Uncle song lowered his head again.

After observing for a while, Han Bin found out the situation. Although he was a little nervous, he didn't believe what the police could do to him. He didn't explain the situation seriously.

"If you don't want to talk about it, you'll have to copy it first."


Zhang shungu also has some grievances. When he hears Han Bin's words, he will not be polite to him. He directly stops uncle song, and Qi Shanghai puts handcuffs on the old man.

Uncle song was confused. "What are you doing? Why do you arrest me? "

Han Bin said, "hinder law enforcement official business, have a problem?"

Uncle song asked, "what's obstructing law enforcement? I'm a gatekeeper. I didn't beat you, scold you, or stop you. How can I hinder your law enforcement?"

Zhang shungu replied, "you lied to the police. My law enforcement recorder is very clear. Do you want to play it back?"

Uncle song counseled, "I said it all. Our manager asked me to say it."

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"You are you, your manager, your manager. Let's give a clear account of your situation. We will naturally talk to your manager."

"I If I make it clear, I guess the job will be gone. "

"You can still look for a job when it's gone. If you are caught in the Public Security Bureau, you will lose your job. It's not sure whether you can find it at that time."

"I I said Uncle song is scared. He is too old to do heavy work. That is to say, it's OK to be a guard. If he is caught in the Public Security Bureau, as Han Bin said, no one will want him. That's a big loss.

"The monitoring of our community has been broken for a long time. I have also told the manager, but the manager said that the community can't charge several property fees at all. The cost of cleaning up the mess is just enough to pay the employees, and they can't give the extra money to exchange for the monitoring camera. So they have been putting it here all the time. In the words of our manager, this thing is a frightening thing It's OK. It doesn't matter whether it can be used or not. It also saves electricity. "

Zhang shungu said, "do you think it's expensive to buy it again, and you won't take it to repair it?"

"It's broken before. It's been repaired for a while. After it broke down this time, it was repaired by someone, but the repairman said that some parts were broken and needed to be replaced. Moreover, the maintenance personnel didn't suggest that we repair it. In his words, the camera is aging as a whole. Even if the broken part is replaced with a new one, maybe it will be replaced with other parts next time. It's better to buy a new one. It's more cost-effective than maintenance. He also recommended a new camera to us. "

Zhang shungu said, "then you can't cheat the residents all the time. If you don't have enough money, you can ask the residents to raise money. Just like now, who is responsible for the real trouble?"

"Comrade police, you don't know. If you can really collect money, it's not bad for the camera. A camera is not expensive. Some residents have installed cameras at their own door, but if you ask them to raise money to buy a camera, it will be very difficult. The money just can't be collected. " Mr. Song sighed,

"in fact, I know it's not good to cheat people. I've also told the manager to replace the new camera as soon as possible. But in the words of the manager, the property company can't collect money, and the company's situation is very difficult. If we really want to replace the camera, the salary of some employees may be delayed for some time.

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I'll quit as soon as I hear it. I'm not stupid. This is what I said. If I really want to deduct the employees' wages, I can't run away. The residents in this community are not willing to pay for the cameras themselves. Why should I help them buy them? "

Han Bin said, "is that true?"

Uncle song stretched out three fingers, "it's true, comrade police. I swear to God that there is absolutely no lie."

Han Bin looked at his face and asked, "what's the name of the manager you said? Which property company is it from? "

"His surname is Dong. I usually call him manager Dong. I don't know what his name is. We are from Huaxiang property company. "Han Bin said to Zhang shungu, "please check with manager Dong. In addition, people from the technology department come and ask them to check the camera at the door to see when it broke, whether it was natural damage or man-made damage."


Han Bin continued to command, "he Yingsheng."

"Team Han."

"You are responsible for collecting the monitoring around the community to see if you can find the trace of the suspect."


"You two stay here and the others come back to the market with me."

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Back to the Municipal Bureau, it's almost noon, and Han Bin has been running outside all morning.

After a simple meal in the canteen, Han Bin went back to the office.

On the desk, there are files of two cases. Han Bin uses the method of criminal psychoanalysis to profile the killers of the two cases.

But I don't know if it's because I used this skill for the first time, and the effect is not ideal. There are some common points between the two cases, but the results of the profile are not very consistent.

First of all, the time interval between the two crimes is more than two years, and the connection between the two victims has not been found yet.

If we really want to say that the victims of the two cases have something in common, it is that the victims have done immoral things, one loves to gossip about others. A person who doesn't care about other people's feelings and smokes in public.

Although these two reasons are hateful, they are not enough to kill people.

If it is because of these two reasons to kill, then the murderer is likely to have some moral Puritanism. If he wants to be Zorro's kind of person who acts for heaven, he should be more radical to a certain extent.

But this and Han Bin through the analysis of the crime scene profile results do not match, the suspect in some details of the crime is not like a paranoid homicide.

Thinking of this, Han Bin wants to go to the scene of the 821 case to check. With his excellent observation, there may be new discoveries

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