Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 949: 949

The so-called exclusion method is very simple. It is almost impossible to live without water and electricity. Two vacant houses can be excluded. Now there are questions about 1101's self housing and 1102's suspected rental housing.

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Han Bin will focus on the 1101 family. There are four people in this family. The owner is a couple, and there is a son and a daughter. The ID photos of the owner's husband and wife match the surveillance video.

Han Bin carefully observed the video and ruled out the possibility that the male owner was the suspect according to his walking posture and gait.

So the suspect's hiding place is 1102.

After arriving at this result, Han Bin immediately arranges the manpower to control.

Han Bin led the arrest, Zhu Jiaxu led the guard at the exit of the underground garage, and Wang Xiao led the guard at the hall on the first floor to ensure that the whole building was under the control of the police.

As for how to open the door of the suspect, some team members volunteered to call the door disguised as a property company, but they were denied by Han Bin.

According to Han Bin's conjecture, the suspect is likely to be a professional killer. He will definitely cut off the surrounding contact before committing the crime. He is very alert and will be detected if he knocks on the door rashly.

Comprehensive consideration, the best way is to surprise into the subdue each other.

But the problem has come again. How to break in quickly and well is a practical problem faced by the police.

There are three common means. The first is to break the door post and destroy the lock by force. But there is a problem. The suspect lives in an iron door, and no one can guarantee that he can break it with one blow.

The second method is to find an expert to unlock the lock, but whether the suspect can open the lock without being aware of it is still unknown.

The third way is to find the owner and use the spare key to open the door. This is the fastest way to unlock the door, but there is a big problem here. No one can guarantee whether the suspect has replaced the lock cylinder after he lives in. If the suspect has replaced the lock cylinder, the original key can not open the door, but will expose the police.

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Han Bin carefully considered, or invited a lock master, please lock master field to see.

According to the locksmith, it's not difficult to open the lock. He can open it in a minute.

But for the police, one minute is still too long, which has given the suspect time to prepare.

Before and after another toss an hour, in the unlock master's assistance, finally determined the way to unlock.

The quickest way is still to use the door breaking pile. The difference is that under the guidance of the unlocking master, the door can be broken accurately to ensure that the lock can be broken under one blow and the door can be broken at the fastest speed.

The lock master studied the iron gate, found out two key points, and then found two strong team members, at the same time hit the two key points of the lock.

Well prepared, with a bang, "bang!"

The door opened in response to the sound.

Han Bin rushed in with his fully armed team.

"Police, don't move!"

"The living room is safe!"

"Kitchen safe!"

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"Toilet safe!"

"Bedroom safe!"

The team searched the house quickly and orderly.

Zhang shungu put away the pistol, "team Han, no trace of the suspect was found."

Han Bin went to the tea table and touched it with his finger. There was a layer of dust on his finger. Then he looked around. The room was clean and tidy. It didn't look like it was inhabited.

Zhao Ming came over, "it's not right. It looks like an empty house. It doesn't look like someone is living in it."

Zhang shungu said firmly, "this house should be inhabited. I asked the property to check the water and electricity. There are traces of use. Is the suspect out? "

Han Bin asked, "didn't you check the surveillance, didn't you see the suspect leave the community?"

"I..." Zhang shungu was at a loss for a moment.

Han Bin pinched his forehead, recalled every detail, exactly where there was a loophole, "we carefully search the room to see if there are traces of residence or suspicious items."

"Yes." Everyone answered and investigated separately.

Before long, he yingshenghui reported, "team Han, the tap of the toilet is on, dripping water."

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Han Bin went to check, the tap is really on, but the flow is very small, drop by drop down, listen carefully, you can still hear the sound of tick by tick.

Han Bin Leng for a moment, suddenly thought of what, "we carefully look at all the electrical appliances, to see if there are electrical appliances in use."

For a moment, they don't understand Han Bin's meaning, but they still act separately.

"There are no appliances in the kitchen."

"There are no appliances in the bedroom."

"There are no appliances in the toilet."

"There are no appliances in the living room." Everyone reported.

Han Bin thought for a moment and said, "close all the doors and curtains in the room."

They were confused again, but they did as they were told.

Han Bin takes out his mobile phone, turns on his flashlight, and lights it in the living room. What he searches are some relatively hidden places, such as air-conditioning holes, corners of curtains, lampshades and sockets.Han Bin quickly found the abnormality, facing a socket in the direction of the porch, with a flashlight will reflect light, which is obviously abnormal.

"Take off this socket. Come on."

Zhao Ming took a screwdriver from the locksmith and removed the socket. "This is The camera, and it's still on. We're being watched. "

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Han Bin took out his walkie talkie and said, "I'm Dong Yao. I ordered to block the whole building. The suspect is not in room 1102. He is likely to escape in disguise. No one can leave the building without my order. "

"Two holes, get it!"

"Dongsan, get it. Guarantee to finish the mission."

Zhang shungu understood and said, "team Han, this camera should be installed by the suspect. Although he doesn't live here, he has been monitoring the situation of the house."

Han Bin nodded, "yes, the suspect does live in this building, and he does rent this house, but he doesn't live here, but takes it as an early warning place. Although he lives on other floors, every time he goes up and down the stairs, he deliberately runs to the 11th floor to take the elevator, just to give himself more protection.

Once his whereabouts are found by the police, the police will check and monitor the house. Once the police carry out the arrest operation, the surveillance camera will take a picture, the police action will be exposed in front of him, he can take the opportunity to escape.

If I'm not wrong, he should be disguised and ready to escape the building now. "

Zhang shungu homeopathy analysis, "the toilet with tap dripping, but also to deceive the police, creating the illusion that he lives here."

Han Bin nodded slightly and immediately said, "Zhang shungu, you take people to the hall on the first floor for support, and I'll take people to the underground garage for support. Remember, suspects are dangerous. Be careful. He will probably run away in disguise, and no one will be allowed to leave without my order. "

"Yes." Zhang shungu answered, and then took people out of the room.

Han Bin left two people to watch the scene, with other team members to the basement support.

The suspect is more cunning than he thought

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