Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 950: 950

Mingyue community, underground garage.

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The underground garage is guarded by eight police officers, led by Zhu Jiaxu, four of whom are from the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Bureau, and the remaining four are comrades from the local police station.

Zhu Jiaxu divided the eight people into two waves. He took Feng Na and two police officers to guard the elevator entrance. Qi Shanghai took the remaining three people to guard the staircase entrance.

The elevator and stairs of the underground garage are not far apart, that is, they block a wall, a few meters away, and they can support each other at any time.

From time to time, Han Bin's orders come out from the walkie talkie. Zhu Jiaxu probably finds out the situation. The suspect is very cunning. 1102 is just one of his strongholds, and a camera is installed. The suspect should be hiding in this building. He is likely to take the opportunity to escape. What he has to do is to intercept the suspect.

"Ding Dong..." The elevator door opened.

A man in a black down jacket and a blue mask walked down the elevator. When he saw four people around him, he was stunned. Then he got off the elevator and was ready to leave.

Zhu Jiaxu looked at the man and saw that his figure was not like the suspect in the video, but he didn't dare to be careless when he thought that the suspect might escape in disguise.

Zhu Jiaxu showed his police certificate, "Hello, I'm from the Municipal Public Security Bureau."

The man in the black down jacket was a little surprised, "from the Public Security Bureau, what's the matter with you?"

"We are on a mission. Please take off your mask and show me your ID card."

"No, I didn't do anything. What do you have to do with me when you carry out the task?"

Zhu Jiaxu explained, "this building has been blocked, only allowed to enter, not allowed to leave. In order to ensure the safety of residents in the community, we need to check the identity of every person who tries to leave the building. Thank you for your cooperation."

"Cooperate with what? You say you are from the Public Security Bureau, you are from the Public Security Bureau. Why should I give you my ID card? What should I do if you are a liar? What should I do if my ID card information is leaked? Who is responsible if you do something wrong with my ID card?"

Zhu Jiaxu showed his police officer card again, "this is my certificate. You can check it yourself if you doubt my identity."

"I don't see it. I haven't seen the police officer's certificate, and I can't tell the true from the false." The man turned to return to the elevator and said, "don't you want to block the building, block it, I won't go out."

Feng Na stopped in front of him, "please show me your identification."

"I didn't bring it. Who goes out with ID card every day."

Zhu Jiaxu can also understand, back to the second, "how do you address?"

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"My name is Liu."

"Specific name?"

"Liu Dianxing"

"tell me the ID number?"

"I can't remember."

, "you can't even remember your ID number?"

"I really can't remember, who has nothing to remember that thing."

Zhu Jiaxu frowned, his ID number looked long, but the front was fixed, and the middle was the date of birth. Only four of them needed to be remembered.

However, Zhu Jiaxu did not continue to pester with him, patiently asked, "you say the mobile phone number."


Zhu Jiaxu took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

A moment later, the phone was connected, but Liu dianxing didn't ring.

A man's voice came from his mobile phone, "who are you?"

"Do you know Liu dianxing?"


"Liu dianxing."

"No, where are you from?"

"He lives in Mingyue community of Qindao city."

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"I haven't heard of this community, and I don't know Liu dianxing. You have the wrong number."

After the mobile phone hung up, Zhu Jiaxu's sharp eyes swept to Liu dianxing, and several police officers surrounded Liu dianxing in the middle.

Zhu Jiaxu shook his mobile phone, "is it fun? If you want to take a vacation, you can take care of your food

"No, no, comrade police, don't get me wrong. I was nervous just now. Can I have my cell phone number renewed? 155327XXXXX。”

"Several numbers are different. It's not like you're nervous. You're wrong." Zhu Jiaxu dials the second number with his mobile phone.

"So I was conquered by you..." A burst of mobile phone ringing, Liu dianxing took out his mobile phone from his pocket, "mine, this time it's really mine."

"Are you the owner of this community?"

"I am."

"Tell me the room number."

"Building 1, 1503."

Zhu Jiaxu said to Feng Na, "check with the property owner to see if the owner's information and contact information are consistent."


Feng Na stepped aside to check.

Liu Dian sighed, "if I had known it was so troublesome, I would not have gone out."

"What are you going to do?"

"Isn't it nearly new year? I want to go to the supermarket and buy some new year's products. "

After a while, Feng Na came over, "team leader, what he said is consistent with the information on the property side."Zhu Jiaxu Yang Yang chin, "OK, you go back, when the task is over, we will let the property in the group notice."

"I see." Liu dianxing got on the elevator, muttering, as if complaining about something.

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At this moment, Qi Shanghai's voice rang out next door, "madam, please wait a moment."

Zhu Jiaxu went to check and found a woman coming down the stairs.

"What's the matter? Can I help you? " Asked the woman.

Qi Shanghai said, "we are from the Municipal Public Security Bureau. We are carrying out the task. According to the instructions of the superior leaders, we will temporarily close this building. No one is allowed to go out."

"Oh, I see." The woman answered and turned to go upstairs.

"Wait a minute." Zhu Jiaxu called each other, "what do you call it?"

"My name is Ma Yanyan."

"Ms. Ma, please take off your mask and show me your ID card. We need a routine check."

"I No ID card. "

"then ID number, mobile phone number, door number..."

Ma hesitated, "my ID number is not clear, the mobile phone number is 1373838XXXX, the number is 602."

Zhu Jiaxu felt her voice was a bit awkward. "You take off your mask and talk."

Ms. Ma coughed, "I I have a cold. I'm afraid I'll infect you. "

"It doesn't matter. We put on the masks and you take them off." With that, Zhu Jiaxu took out the hood from his pocket and put it on. His eyes were staring at Ms. Ma.

Ms. Ma waved to the front, "husband, you finally came, did you bring my ID card?"

Several policemen instinctively looked back.

At this time, Ms. Ma fiercely turned to run up the stairs.

"Stop, don't run!" Zhu Jiaxu has been staring at each other, immediately catch up.

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Ms. Ma's movements are very agile and her body shape is very flexible.

Other team members also responded and followed closely.

Zhu Jiaxu and others tried hard to catch up, but Ms. Ma ran very fast, always separated by half a step.

Both sides ran from the second floor to the first floor, and then from the first floor to the third floor. At this time, both the fugitives and the pursuers were panting.

At the beginning, there were police officers shouting at the back, but it was exhausting to run the stairs, and soon they couldn't shout out. In order not to fall behind, they had to try their best to catch up.

Just as Ms. Ma ran to the fourth floor, a figure suddenly flashed out of the stairway and threw him to the ground, "police, don't move!"

Then, several people rushed over one after another and followed Ms. Ma to the ground, "don't move, be honest."


After a while, Ms. Ma was stopped by several police officers.

Zhu Jiaxu and others saw clearly that it was Zhao Ming who knocked down the suspect just now.

Han Bin and others also came one after another.

Han Bin patted Zhao Ming on the shoulder, "well done!"

Zhao Ming said with a smile, "this boy is still very strong. He can hardly hold him down."

Feng Na also panted to catch up, "isn't she a woman?"

"Woman?" Zhao Ming smiles and tears off Ms. Ma's mask.

People see that Ms. Ma is clearly a man's face, but also can see the stubble.

Zhu Jiaxu pulled off his wig, "I said how your voice is so awkward, and you even play the role of a man disguised as a woman. If Han team didn't remind you in time, you would have run away."

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