Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 952: 952

Four o'clock in the afternoon.

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Qindao Public Security Bureau, the third interrogation room.

Ma Shan sat on the interrogation chair and looked around at the interrogation room.

Han Bin stood in the observation room next to him, watching through a layer of glass, and watched him for several minutes. Ma Shan's state has been very calm, not too flustered.

After a while, Han Bin pushed the door into the interrogation room, Ma Shan said, "Hello, comrade police."

Han Bin put the information on the table and said with a smile, "you are very curious about the environment."

Ma Shan replied, "yes, to tell you the truth, it's my first time to enter such a place when I grow up."

Hanbin let people check his file, very clean, no criminal record.

"When did you start stealing?"

"The first time, indeed the first time."

"I'm so experienced for the first time. I also know that there are three caves of cunning rabbits. I installed a camera in room 1101. If we hadn't found out in time, you would have run away."

Ma Shan said with a smile, "what's your name, comrade policeman?"

"My name is Han."

"Officer Han, you are really good. I didn't expect to catch me so soon."

Han Bin said, "we are more powerful than that. I advise you to be honest and don't make trouble for yourself."

"Officer Han, I've explained everything. You asked me when you were in Mingyue community."

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"I asked you, but you didn't tell the truth."

Ma Shan said solemnly, "I said, what I said is the truth."

"Then I ask you, on December 26, have you ever been to Rongyuan community?"

"Which district?"

"Rongyuan district."

Ma Shan thought for a moment, "I can't remember clearly. I've been to many residential areas, and I may have been there. But I've really done it only once, just once. "

Han Bin laughed, "don't say, your acting is really good. If I didn't have enough evidence, I would really believe it."

Ma Shan was at a loss. "Do you have any misunderstanding about me? I'm a thief. I've admitted that I've stolen from Changfeng community. What else can I do?"

Han Bin stroked his sleeve up, "do you know Zhang Haonan?"

"I don't know."



"Have you ever been to the underground garage of Rongyuan community?"

Ma Shan licked his lips, "I I don't remember

"Do you smoke?"

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"No smoking." Ma Shan answered and asked, "officer Han, what do you want me to do with this?"

"On the night of December 26, a homicide occurred in the underground garage of Rongyuan community. A man named Zhang Haonan died in his car. Do you know about it? "

"I'm not a policeman, and no one has told me. How can I know?"

Han Bin nodded, "very good. Let me ask you another question. Have you ever been to Moxiang academy community?"

"Didn't you ask? I also told you that I stepped on a little bit in that neighborhood. "

Han Bin looked through his notes and continued to ask, "do you know a man named He Jun?"

"Men and women?"


"No impression, I don't know. What's wrong with this man? What does it have to do with my stealing? I told you the truth last time. I really only stepped on it in this neighborhood, and I didn't steal anything. "

Han Bin ignored him and continued, "on the evening of December 29, there was a homicide in the community of Moxiang Academy. A man named He Jun was killed, along with his dog, an Alaskan dog. Do you know about this case? "

Ma Shan shook his head. "I don't know. Officer Han, I'm a thief. I'm really just a thief. "

Han Bin snorted, "don't pretend, the thief is just your disguise, just like you disguise as a woman, just to cover up the real crime. You are the real culprit in these two cases. "

Ma Shan took a cold breath, "officer Han, I'm timid. Don't scare me. You have to tell me the evidence. I admit that I have stolen things, but I don't recognize the two homicides you mentioned. They have nothing to do with me. "

"It seems that you are very confident to pick yourself so clean. Are you so sure that we can't find evidence of the case in the place you rent? "

"I'm not confident, I've never done it."

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Han Bin went to the interrogation table, opened a file bag, and took out a picture from it, "do you look familiar with this laptop?"

Ma Shan buttoned his nails on his left hand and said, "what do you mean?"

"Is this your computer?"

Ma Shan perfunctory way, "this computer is a factory made, a style of more is, then how do I know."

"Do you have a computer of this style?"Ma Shan's face changed several times, "I No

"Have you ever come into contact with this type of computer?"


"I gave you a chance. Why don't you cherish it?" Han Bin sighed and took back the notebook photo. "You are very careful. You wear gloves most of the time. It's the same when you operate the computer. But once people panic, they are prone to make mistakes, even low-level mistakes. We still found a set of fingerprints on the computer, the only set.

According to the fingerprints, it should be that you found from the surveillance that when the police arrested, in order to dispose of the computer, you threw the computer out of the window in a panic. You didn't wear gloves, or you just took them off.

Anyway, your fingerprints are on the computer. "

Ma Shan clenched his fist and took a deep breath, "so what if the computer is mine?"

"Just admit it." Han Bin continued, "why did you throw the computer out of the window?"

"Because..." Ma Shan bit his lip and thought for a moment, "there's something in that computer. I don't want to be seen by the police."

"What is it?"

"It's my plan to steal, but I've pleaded guilty now. It doesn't matter if you find it." Ma Shan shrugged his shoulders.

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"It really doesn't matter?" Han Bin said with a smile.

Ma Shan nodded.

Han Bin continued, "then I'll tell you another piece of news. Your laptop fell from a height and has been damaged. It can't even be turned on normally.

However, after the processing of the technology section of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the hard disk files have been saved, and the hard disk files have been copied through technical means. We have found some valuable clues. Do you want to have a look? "

Hearing this, Ma Shan's forehead was covered with sweat. "It's nothing to look at. It's all plans for theft. I've admitted the theft."

"It seems that you don't know much about computers. I didn't cheat you. If the computer is broken, it doesn't mean that the files will be damaged." Han Bin said solemnly, "we found the file you stored in the computer. There is a crime plan in it, but it's not a theft case, but a homicide case.

More importantly, we also found photos of Zhang Haonan and He Jun inside. Before you killed them, you did a lot of follow-up investigation. The photos and information are stored in the hard disk, and now they will be used as evidence of your conviction. "

Hearing Han Bin's words, Ma Shan was stunned at first, then showed a wry smile, "ha I'm still not calm enough. I'm old and flustered when something happens. My ability to adapt is too poor.

If I hadn't been in a panic at that time, I would have been able to destroy the computer as evidence, absolutely... "

Han Bin said, "it's a common fault of people. If we want to change it, the criminals will be fine. Isn't it more difficult for the police to solve the case? "

Ma Shan was silent for a moment and took a deep breath. "Officer Han, I now take the initiative to confess my guilt. Can I still fight for leniency?"

"It depends on your attitude of pleading guilty. If you have a good attitude of pleading guilty, I will fight for it for you." Han Bin did not say too full, he always feel that the other side has reservation.

Mashan gritted his teeth, "I admit that Zhang Haonan and He Jun were killed by me."

"Why kill them?"

Mashan hesitated for a moment, holding out four words, "they should die."

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