Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 953: 953

Han Bin asked, "why should they die?"

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Ma Shan did not answer the question, "officer Han, do you know which TV play I like best?"

Han Bin did not answer that there are no 10000 TV dramas in the world, and there are 8000. He is not a God. How can he guess.

Seeing Han Bin's expressionless face, Ma Shan asked himself, "my favorite TV play is Bao Qingtian." there's a Bao Qingtian in Kaifeng. He's selfless. He's honest and honest. "

I think you've seen it, too. There are people who have a clear sense of gratitude and resentment, who are chivalrous and righteous. This is the life I yearn for. I want to get rid of the moral scum and return the world to heaven and earth. "

"Then I want to ask what crimes they have committed and why they have to be killed."

"If I kill them, there must be a good reason."

"You say, I listen."

Mashan pondered for a moment, "that Zhang Haonan likes smoking. It's no problem. He indirectly contributes to the national tax revenue. Many people smoke. I smoke myself. It's just a personal hobby. But there is a premise that you can't influence others. Some people don't like the smell of smoke. It's wrong for you to smoke others.

The elevator is a public place. Smoking in the elevator itself is not right. What's more, when there are other people present, they have clearly told you not to smoke. At this time, you should stop smoking and say sorry. This is what a normal person should do. He not only refuses to put out the cigarette, but also conflicts with others because of this.

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This kind of person is very annoying, but the law doesn't care, there is no strict formation system, which indirectly connives at this kind of behavior. To tell the truth, Zhang Haonan is a kind of social garbage. Once there are more such people, it will affect the social order, and someone must remove them.

No matter the law, I'll take care of it. I'll do justice for heaven, make an example, and return the world to heaven and earth. "

Han Bin asked, "do you think this kind of immoral person is harmful to society, or killing people is harmful to society?"

Ma Shan laughed and asked, "officer Han, do you think your bureau grew up, or the American commander?"

Han Bin also laughed, "of course, our director is big."

Ma Shan shrugged his shoulders. "You and I have the same answer. No matter how powerful the president of the United States is, it's across the Pacific Ocean and can't control your head. Your director is by your side. His words and deeds can affect your work.

Similarly, immoral behavior is the same. There are many kinds of immoral behavior, such as deliberately jumping in line, spitting, defecating and so on. Many people have encountered this kind of situation. Although it is not big, it can make you depressed for a day. If you don't care, you will feel depressed. You have to deal with him, fight, win the detention center, lose the hospital.

Who dares to say that he has not been disgusted by immoral behavior? Of course, if you are also immoral, that's another matter. "

Ma Shan said this, touched his nose, and continued, "let's talk about murderers. Although this kind of thing seems to have a great impact, it's actually only a few. Most people have never met it in their life, and it's only in movies, TV dramas and news.

Just like the commander of the United States, I feel very bullish when I watch it on the news every day. But in fact, you will never meet him in your life. What he said is not as useful as what your leader said. "

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Han Bin joked, "it's a pity that you can't be a teacher."

Ma Shan a thumb, "Han police officer, you really guessed right, my childhood dream is to be a teacher."

Han Bin's words changed, "how did you kill Zhang Haonan?"

"I followed him for a few days and found out his situation. I knew that he had a car parked in the underground garage, so I parked it next to his parking space. That night, he was driving out. I threatened him with a gun when he opened the door and controlled him.

Then, I tied him up and let him smoke, one by one. In fact, I was curious to see if smoking would kill me. Hey, I didn't think about it. He was really smoked to death. I'm sure he'll love it

"What kind of cigarette did you smoke for him?"

"Cloud smoke."

"How many?"

"More than 100. I can't remember exactly."

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Han Bin wrote down in his notebook, "how do you know Zhang Haonan was smoking in the elevator?"

Ma Shan replied, "in fact, I didn't cheat you before. I'm a thief, and I've stepped on Rongyuan community. I happen to know about it. As soon as I heard that this man was really annoying, I took him as the object of punishing evil."

Han Bin said, "killing people is not a trivial matter. It takes a lot of energy from knowing about Zhang Haonan to inquiring about and tracking his whereabouts. If you're really a thief, it's enough for you to steal several things by spending all your energy on stealing. Is it worth it? "

Ma Shan spread his hand, "you still don't understand. I don't do this for myself, but for the society. What's money? What's the point of not bringing it in or taking it away. But what I am doing now is meaningful. Over time, with the development of society and the improvement of people's quality, more and more people will understand my behavior. They will worship me and regard me as Zorro of the 21st century.Of course, you may not understand or believe what I said. Just like hundreds of years ago, someone wanted to fly into the sky like a bird. You think I'm crazy, but actually... "

Han Bin quietly watching his performance, did not ask for no interest in the answer, for a question, "He Jun, why kill him?"

Ma Shan asked, "officer Han, do you like dogs?"

Han Bin nodded, "it's OK."

"I used to like it, too. But I don't like stepping on shit. If you've ever stepped on dog shit, I'm sure you may not like dogs any more. " Ma Shan sighed,

"dogs are also life and good friends of their owners. But it's just a good friend of the host. It's very dangerous for outsiders. When you meet a qualified owner, naturally there is no problem. I think it's very good to pull the dog's rope and help the dog clean his stool. These people are really qualified dog owners. I never object to these people raising dogs.

But he Jun is not the same. I have inquired about him in his community. He Jun's quality is very low. He often lets big dogs run around in the community. The dog is taller than people. You say that others are afraid of him. What's more, he lets dogs poop everywhere.

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How disgusting it was to be trampled on by other residents, so I decided to punish him and do justice for heaven

Han Bin asked, "how do you punish?"

Ma Shan laughs. "It's very simple. To borrow a word from Mr. Jin Yong, treat him in his own way. He doesn't like to let dogs poop everywhere. I'll let him eat his own dog's poop. He's got it back. He choked on the shit. "

Han Bin said, "it's really wrong to let dogs defecate everywhere in the community, but you don't think it's cruel to kill people in this way."

Ma Shan said, "people always remember whether they eat or fight. If you say that they don't listen to you at all, it can't serve as a warning to other dog owners. Although I am cruel, I can make an example. I dare not say other places, but I believe that none of the owners of the Moxiang academy community dare to let their dogs urinate everywhere, and even play a warning role in several surrounding communities.

Suppose that other people have the same idea of acting for heaven as I do, and they also imitate my behavior. Qindao city only needs a few more cases, and the news will be bigger. I believe that all the people who keep dogs in Qindao dare not let dogs pee everywhere in the community. The environment of Qindao will be improved. Isn't it worthwhile to purify the environment of Qindao with the lives of several immoral people? "

Although what Ma Shan said was unreasonable, it was somewhat impassioned. It was not clear whether he could move others, but he was very involved.

While Han Bin was interrogating, he kept observing Ma Shan and gave him a profile of his criminal psychology. His criminal behavior, means and the ideas and attitudes he expressed did not match. It was more like putting on a disguise for himself. In the 21st century, there may be Zorro who is really chivalrous and acts for heaven, but it is definitely not Ma Shan

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