Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 960: 960

Food factory family building, unit 2, Room 201.

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Zhu Jiaxu has been sending people to stare at her in the community. Zhu Xiaohong has never left her home, nor has anyone come to her home.

According to Han Bin's instructions, Zhu Jiaxu comes to Zhu Xiaohong's house again, "Dong Dong."

Two taps, no response.

"Dong Dong..."

There was another knock at the door.

At this time, a woman's voice came to mind in the room, "who is it?"

"aunt Zhu, we are from the Municipal Public Security Bureau. We came to your house before. "

after a while, the door opened, and there stood a woman in her fifties, wearing brown glasses that looked like hyperopia glasses.

"Officer Zhu, why are you here again?"

"Auntie Zhu, we want to know something about you."

Zhu Xiaohong's eyebrows drooped, "didn't you just know the situation? Why are you here again. I've told you all I know. "

"We have something new to learn from you."

"Ouch..." Zhu Xiaohong sighed, "then come in and let the neighbors see it. It's time to talk again."

After the party entered the room, Zhu Jiaxu looked at the environment in the room. He had come once before and checked the situation of the room. Now he wanted to see if there was any change.

The house is an old-fashioned three bedroom. The living room is not big. There is only one toilet. There are balconies on both sides of the north and the south. The kitchen and dining room are spacious together. Generally speaking, there is not much change.

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"Officer Zhu, what's new?"

"Did Feng Yuanhua contact you after we left?"

Zhu Xiaohong said, "no, it's only been a long time. Besides, son is different from daughter. He won't call often. If you live like this every day, how can you say so much? "

"When was the last time he called you?"

Zhu Xiaohong replied, "I can't remember clearly."

"What's his cell phone number?"

"I don't remember when I'm so old."

In fact, the police have already checked Feng Yuanhua's situation. He has two mobile phone numbers under his name, but they are temporarily unable to connect. The police can't locate Feng Yuanhua. According to Zhu Jiaxu's guess, even if Feng Yuanhua contacts his mother, he may use other mobile phone numbers.

The police also checked Zhu Xiaohong's mobile phone number, Zhu Xiaohong's mobile phone contacts are not many, so far no suspicious situation has been found.

"Aunt Zhu, we want some pictures of Feng Yuanhua."

Zhu Xiaohong was stunned. She didn't seem to expect that Zhu Jiaxu would have such a request. "Oh, it's really not. We haven't taken photos for many years. I couldn't find his photos when he was young. I should have put them in the hut downstairs. I didn't pay attention to them when I was selling waste products. I sold them as waste products. "

"Look again."

"I can't find it." Zhu Xiaohong waved her hand and asked solemnly, "team leader Zhu, tell me the truth. Why do you want to find my son? My son is always honest. What can he do for you?"

Zhu Jiaxu didn't know what the other party knew, and he expected the other party to provide some information about Feng Yuanhua's whereabouts, so he didn't want to scare the other party, and perfunctorily said, "a case we are investigating may be related to Feng Yuanhua. We have to talk to him about the details. "

Zhu Xiaohong spread out her hand, "then I can't help you, and I don't know where he is."

Zhu Jiaxu took out a search warrant. "This is a search warrant. We will search your home in person."

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"Search warrant!" Zhu Xiaohong was a little surprised, "why do you search my home? I've said that Feng Yuanhua hasn't lived here for many years. I haven't contacted him, and I don't know about him. You can ask your neighbors if you don't believe it. "

"We came here today not only because of Feng Yuanhua's problem, but also because of your situation?"

"Me? What's wrong with me? "

"Have you registered a shop on a shopping platform called" buy it now "

Zhu Xiaohong was a little confused. She didn't seem to understand the meaning for a moment, "what? What is it

"Buy it quickly is a shopping platform, we found your ID card, opened a shop on the platform, and this shop is likely to engage in some illegal activities, we have the right to investigate you."

Zhu Xiaohong was embarrassed. "I I don't know what you're talking about, what shopping platform, I've never made it. Are you mistaken? "

Zhu Jiaxu asked, "did you give your ID card or photos to other people for use?"

Zhu Xiaohong replied very simply, "no, I'm not stupid. How can I give such an important thing to outsiders?"

Zhu Jiaxu reminded, "think about it, not only outsiders, but also your relatives and friends."

Zhu Xiaohong was silent for a moment, then her face changed slightly, as if she thought of something.

Zhu Jiaxu frowned slightly, "aunt Zhu, this matter is very important, I hope you answer truthfully.""There's nothing to say. I haven't given my ID card to anyone else. I always use it myself."

"Is it?"

"Yes." Zhu Xiaohong did not hesitate.

"Then take out your ID card and we'll have a routine check."

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Zhu Xiaohong patted her forehead, "ah, look at my memory I'm too old to remember. "

"It doesn't matter. If you don't remember, we can help you find it." Zhu Jiaxu showed the search warrant again, and then told the team members on one side, "search!"

"Well You How can I go to my house at will... " Zhu Xiaohong tried to stop her, but she couldn't stop so many people.

"Aunt Zhu, where's your mobile phone? I want to see your mobile phone."

"I see You think I'm a bad guy. Here you are Look, look. It's easy to arrest me. " Zhu Xiaohong sighed, took out her cell phone from her pocket and threw it to Zhu Jiaxu.

Zhu Jiaxu took the mobile phone, but he was also a little confused. It's a black old man's machine. He hasn't used it for many years. In the modern network information society, what else can this kind of mobile phone do besides answering and making calls?


Municipal Public Security Bureau.

In the conference room, Han Bin meets Huang Jiangxi again.

Huang Jiangxi's size is similar to Han Bin's, but his appearance is slightly immature.

After the two sides met, Han Bin did not speak, Huang Jiangxi took the lead to speak, "Captain Han, did you catch my mother?"

Han Bin asked, "how do you know?"

"Leave it alone. Now I'm asking you, "why did you arrest my mother?"

Han Bin pointed to the opposite chair, "sit down first."

Huang Jiangxi was a little angry, so he pulled a chair and sat down.

"Do you know why we invited you?"

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Huang Jiangxi a stare, "don't know."

Han Bin said truthfully, "we found the key clue of Zhang Haonan's murder, and Shunteng found Qin Yanxue's bank account. If this evidence is true, then the real murderer who hired someone to kill Zhang Haonan is probably Qin Yanxue."

Huang Jiangxi clenched his fist, "nonsense, my mother can't kill people, you don't wronged good people."

"Why do you say we have wronged good people? Do you know something?"

"I don't know anything, you Hum... " Huang Jiangxi wanted to talk but stopped.

Han Bin continued, "do you know a shopping platform called" buy it now "

Huang Jiangxi turned his head to one side, "never heard of it."

Han Bin nodded, "Qin Yanxue is hired to kill people through this platform, we have found her transaction records."

Huang Jiangxi's lips trembled slightly, "you Why are you telling me that? "

"You are Qin Yanxue's son. We just want to know something about you to see if you can provide some valuable clues."

Huang Jiang Xi Meng gets up and shouts, "I can't! You are wronging good people. My mother is not behind the scenes. "

Han Bin spread his hand, "I know it's hard for you to accept emotionally, but the investigation is based on evidence, and she has pleaded guilty."

Huang Jiangxi clenched his fist and smashed the conference table, "it's impossible How can she plead guilty My mom's not the killer. She's not. "

Han Bin said, "no matter how loud you shout, you can't prove her innocence unless We can produce concrete evidence! "

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