Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 961: 961

Huang Jiangxi red eyes, roared, "why do you want to force me?"

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Han Bin said, "force you? Where to start? As the relevant personnel involved in the case, we just ask you for information and routine inquiry. If you know something about the case, you can tell the police truthfully. If you don't know, you can leave now. "

Huang Jiangxi gritted his teeth and said, "you are forcing me. If I can't get the evidence, you will blame my mother, won't you?"

"The police and Qin Yanxue have no grievances or grudges. They will not target her or anyone. According to the existing evidence, Qin Yanxue is suspected of committing a crime. We can't ignore the fact that her bank account was turned around to the suspect. We have told her the evidence that she is the registered person and holder of the bank account. If she can't give a reasonable explanation, she can only give it to the court for judgment. " Han Bin said, "although you are not yet an adult, I believe you can understand all these. I don't need to say more."

Huang Jiangxi sobbed in a low voice.

"Dong Dong..." At this time, there was a knock on the door outside. Then Huang Qianqian pushed the door and came in, whispering, "Han team, Huang Guixiang, Huang Jiangxi's father, is here."

"Invite him in."

A moment later, Huang Guixiang came in and saw his son who was sitting at the conference table wiping tears. Huang Guixiang looked angry. "Captain Han, what do you mean? My son is less than 18 years old. According to the rules, I need to be present when he is interrogated. How can you interrogate him alone? "

"Trial." Han Bin laughed, "listen to what you mean, it seems that your son has committed a crime."

"No That's not what I mean

"What do you mean?"

"I'm just saying that you can only ask my son in the presence of a guardian as required."

Han Bin glanced at his watch. "I told you an hour ago that you didn't arrive. In this gap, I just talked with Huang Jiangxi about her mother. It's neither evidence nor record. What's the problem? Or are you worried about what Huang Jiangxi should not say? "

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"No, I didn't mean that..." Huang Guixiang's tone was a little more gentle. "I just saw my son cry, a little excited. I didn't mean to blame you."

Said, Huang Guixiang patted Huang Jiangxi's shoulder, "son, be strong, it's OK."

Han Bin asked Huang Guixiang, "Mr. Huang, do you know that Qin Yanxue was arrested by the police?"

"Yes? When, I don't know. " Huang Guixiang looked surprised.

As an expert in micro expression analysis, Han Bin can see at a glance that his surprised expression is fake.

"Mr. Huang, since you are present, should the trial begin?"

Huang Guixiang looked down at his son, "Captain Han, Huang Jiangxi's mood is not stable. I want to talk to him alone."

Han Bin said, "yes, when I finish asking, you can go home and talk as you like."

"I want to..." Huang Guixiang wants to fight for it again, but he is interrupted by Han Bin.

"Huang Jiangxi, we are going to take notes now. Your words will be recorded as evidence. I hope you can answer truthfully." With a solemn look, Han Bin opened his notebook and began to ask the first question, "do you know anything else about Zhang Haonan's case?"

"I..." Huang Jiangxi clenched his fist. His face changed again and again. He seemed to be struggling and hesitating again.

Huang Guixiang was worried, for fear that his son would say something he shouldn't have said, "Jiang Xi, you tell officer Han that you don't know anything."

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Wang Xiao sternly scolded, "who let you talk. If you dare say one more word, you'll get out of here! "

Huang Guixiang explained, "my son is still young. He is nervous. I just remind him again."

Wang Xiao stood up, grabbed Huang Guixiang's shoulder, "what did I say just now, you go out for me, go out immediately."

Huang Guixiang hands together, "I don't say, I don't say anything, let me stay here, I don't say any more."

Han Bin pointed to Huang Guixiang and said, "this is the second warning, but one can be two, not three. The next time is to hinder law enforcement. You should understand the meaning of the charge. "

Huang Guixiang did not dare to speak, but nodded.

Han Bin touched his nose and looked at Huang Jiangxi, "Huang Jiangxi, answer my previous question."

Huang Jiangxi shriveled for a long time, roared, "my mother is wronged."

"What's wrong with her? How do you know she was wronged? "

"I My mother really loves that soft rice man. She can't kill him... "

"Love is the most unreliable thing that can't be seen or touched. There is a saying that the deeper the love is, the deeper the hatred is. It's too common that love begets hatred. We have seen too many cases. It's just your subjective thinking, it doesn't mean anything. " Han Bin stood up and continued,

"besides, Qin Yanxue has admitted the fact of employing people to kill people, and it is difficult to overturn it without practical evidence."Huang Jiangxi twisted his face and roared, "I have evidence..."

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"What evidence?"


Huang Guixiang fiercely pushed his son, "Jiang Xi, you can't say it!"

"Huang Guixiang warned us for the third time. We are taking notes for Huang Jiangxi. You are making trouble again and again. You have interfered with the normal recording. I have the right to let you out of the meeting room. " Han Bin gives a color to his subordinates.

Then, two team members came over and politely asked Huang Guixiang to leave the meeting room. Huang Guixiang naturally refused and was directly put out by two police officers.

Huang Jiangxi took a deep breath as if he had made a decision. "Captain Han, I'm 17 years old. I'm still a minor. If I commit a crime, can I be exempted from criminal punishment?"

"I'm not a judge. I can't give you an accurate and detailed answer, but according to the usual practice, minors should be given a lighter or mitigated punishment."

"I'm a minor, I'm a minor..." Huang Guixiang murmured, as if to cheer himself up. "Captain Han, my mother really didn't hire anyone to kill Zhang Haonan It's me

Han Bin a pick eyebrow, "this can't say nonsense, investigation is to pay attention to evidence, not you say is."

"I have proof..." Huang Jiangxi's hands kept shaking as he spoke.

"What evidence?"

"My mom's bank account is always used by me. It's bound to my other mobile phone, which is hidden under my school bed. If you don't believe me, you can find it. There's a record of my hired homicide on my cell phone, which I contacted myself. I also spent the two "buy it now" purchases. "

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"What shop?"

Huang Jiangxi thought, "it's a shop selling machines. The legal person is Feng Yuanhua. I was a little nervous at that time. I can't remember the rest. I just remember the information about the shop. "

Han Bin asked, "have you seen this Feng Yuanhua?"


"How did you get in touch with the killer?"

Huang Jiangxi pushed glasses, "more complicated."

"It doesn't matter. We have plenty of time. Take your time."

"I found a homicide website on the Internet. After contacting the website, they assigned subordinate contacts according to the target region. After communicating with subordinate contacts, they paid directly on the" buy it now "platform."

Han Bin some surprised, "what website, why do you believe that this website is not deceptive?"

Huang Jiangxi laughed, "I naturally don't believe in domestic websites. They are basically cheaters. What I contact is a foreign website with high reputation."

Han Bin wrote down in the book, "how do you go to foreign websites?"

Huang Jiangxi showed a complex look, "over the wall. I've been interested in computers since I was a child, and I've had a special training course, and I've been exposed to a lot of similar knowledge. It's very simple for me, and it's not a problem at all. Just turn over and you'll find The outside world Wow... "

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