Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 964: 964

Count, dozens of level a mages!

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Chasing the wind stutters directly. One class a can protect the whole moval galaxy cluster. What's the concept of dozens?

Moreover, according to the president, Grade A alone is not enough. You must make outstanding contributions in the field of magic or major cosmic events before you can be absorbed into the organization and become a member.

How does that AMORIS compete with ten A-level mages?

Chasing the wind was suddenly confused. For a moment, I felt that it was almost a fatal situation.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed across the meaning of the essence, and there was a shocking idea in his heart!

Chasing the wind, he leaned forward, and the facial features on his face wrestled together irregularly.

"President, will AMORIS come this time, not to help us through the difficulties, but to lock our coordinates and take you and Eros to ask for credit from the supreme mage Council as a pledge to join the organization?"

The consideration of pursuing the wind is not nonsense.

He and link have known each other for three years.

But they have only been in star harbor for a few months. It's just the so-called knowing people and faces but not heart. Who knows whether AMORIS is really helping or ready to take advantage of link.

You know, AMORIS is also a class a mage!

Imagine a wizard who doesn't want to join the super magical power of the supreme mage Council?

And chasing the wind can't think of any reason.

Will star harbor and AMORIS offend such a huge cosmic organization by joining link for a few months?

Link still didn't say anything, but listened with interest to the analysis of chasing the wind.

Compared with the previous life, the status of chasing the wind in this life, whether in the guild or in the game, has been greatly improved compared with the previous life. So I have my own ideas about things.

"You're right. We can't identify their true position now. So we must be careful at every step. But think carefully. Is there a one in ten thousand chance that they really chose me? If this is the case, will it chill the star harbor and push them against us?"

For link's rhetorical question, Zhuifeng was speechless.

Indeed, even if there is only one in ten thousand chance of such a situation, this extreme approach will only make them lose important allies.

"The president means..."

"Reply, but not completely. That's what you tell the man of fish and wild goose. We are still collecting the seals of the five sages. Please don't worry too much. We have received the news and will pay more attention. We are deeply grateful for the assistance of Archmage AMORIS, but it's not suitable for assistance now. I will announce my location coordinates at the most appropriate time, and the Archmage will arrive at that time and become the bottom of the umbrella foundation Cards! "

The wind chased down link's words and understood the meaning.

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The first is to thank Qunxing port for its kindness and express the idea of needing assistance.

However, when and where the assistance will be provided will be notified separately by link.

In this way, link has all the initiative.

At the bottom of his heart, link still has some prejudice against the star harbor autonomous Committee. This prejudice stems from the attitude of the star harbor that Eros joined the Star Alliance to carry out encirclement and suppression after obtaining the skeleton of the evil god in his previous life.

But link's reason also told him that he was not Eros. Compared with Eros, I am more valuable to the star harbor.

Together with the delegation of power to him and the sincerity shown by the star harbor, these are real.

But link didn't dare to joke about his life safety.

So he needs one last test.

This temptation must wait until he becomes level a, that is, after obtaining two more seals of evil gods, and then send coordinates to AMORIS. At that time, I will have the strength to compete with AMORIS.

If AMORIS really wants to help him at that time, the combination of the two a levels will definitely make a difference to the supreme mage Council, or even change the plan;

But if AMORIS came to take credit for killing him, link didn't mind killing a class a strong man.

"Follow the wind. Remember, sometimes waiting is the best choice. When you hesitate, it's better to give the choice to your opponent. When the other party takes action, it's easier for you to make a decision..."

Link said meaningfully.

Chasing the wind nodded thoughtfully, and then they left the mobile castle under the leadership of link.

Zhuifeng informed the yuyanzhilang who was waiting outside of the news, and also expressed his views.

After hearing this, yuyanzhilang was shocked and hurriedly said, "it was urgent at that time. I didn't expect that there was such a possibility. Since the president is ready to turn passivity into initiative, we need our sincere cooperation. The news of this task must not be disclosed to a third person!"

They have no doubt about this.

Once the news leaked, to know the player's propagation speed, it must be that AMORIS will know link's position from the player's mouth the next day.

After discussing, they hung up the phone and went online in a hurry.

The man of fish and wild goose told Ning Chengqi the news.

After listening to the answer of the fish and wild goose, Ning Chengyi couldn't help nodding: "president, this choice is right. Turn passivity into initiative."

But when AMORIS learned of the news, she was a little embarrassed.

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Shenluo saw through link's mind at a glance and said with emotion: "it seems that some people still don't know our good intentions!"

AMORIS smiled: "because of this, he is more outstanding, isn't he? I think the time he said is likely to be when his own strength reaches level A. on the one hand, he can compete with me. Together, we pose a great threat to the supreme mage Council. If so, let's wait and see. See how much potential he can squeeze under such a high-pressure environment."


Although the universe is peaceful and stable on the bright side, the undercurrent surges behind it.

Some people will betray their faith for temporary interests; There are also people who betray their companions in order to survive.

In the boundless universe, energy fluctuations suddenly occur in the cold space.

The surrounding space began to collapse, forming an invisible vortex.

Out of the vortex came a man who was covered with the reflection of the void. He couldn't see his face clearly. Only the figure outlined by the void quality that was incompatible with the surroundings could barely see that he was a "man".

If AMORIS was present, she would recognize the Archmage who had previously arrived at Starport and radiated terrible energy fluctuations.

"Dear Lord of the zodiac, on behalf of the supreme mage Council, I come to ask for cooperation."

Gu Wei

Who would have thought that the dignified void master in front of AMORIS, in front of the man named "Lord of the Zodiac", should have such a humble tone.

In front of the void master, there is a vibrant planet with all things competing.

The landscape of the planet gradually changed, and a face gradually appeared.

"Supreme mage Council, why did you suddenly come to me for cooperation?"

It's even more unpleasant for this planet to speak.

The void mage continued: "there was an accident in the evil god forbidden area, and the suppressed evil god skeleton was stolen. We are worried that the blood god Zu Yier will confuse the target, so as to realize the resurrection of the physical universe and bring back its brothers..."

The landscape of the planet changed again, with a suspicious expression on his prominent face.

"It seems like a joke that the supreme mage Council can't guard the forbidden area of evil gods. I doubt your sincerity in this cooperation."

The void mage sighed lightly and said, "to tell you the truth, the one who was seriously injured in the previous fight is unable to maintain the evil god forbidden area. While other mages will be infected by the smell of the evil god forbidden area for a long time and will be bewitched by the evil god. This has led to the gradual decline of the Council's control over the evil god forbidden area in recent years..."

"I even told you the most secret news in Parliament. Now you should believe our sincerity?"

The Lord of the zodiac remained silent. After a long time, he said, "unexpectedly, someone can beat those seriously. What kind of existence have you caused?"

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The void mage shook his head helplessly: "we have exhausted all means, but we still don't know each other's identity, and we don't even see each other's appearance. For more specific details, you can ask in person after seeing the one."

"If this is the case, it makes sense for you to lose the bones of evil gods. I accept your invitation to join the alliance of stars."

"The Star Alliance welcomes you to join. All the information about the target is in this magic crystal. If the Lord of the zodiac finds out their whereabouts, please deal with them, or tell us the trace and information."

"Don't worry. Once those guys in the evil god forbidden area enter the physical universe, it's not good for us. I'll inform you as soon as I have news."

The twisted space behind the void mage turned again, and the void figure suddenly disappeared into it.

With a burst of waves, the space vibrated, set off a ripple, and then returned to calm.


From the mouth of chasing the wind, link learned that the supreme mage Council had begun to form a star alliance with other forces and began to look for the whereabouts of him and Eros all over the world.

Since version 4.0 has been opened in advance, link has to prepare for a rainy day.

As link's strength becomes stronger and stronger, he has a greater and greater impact on the original plot of the game. From the beginning to changing the plot and character fate of a small version, it has begun to seriously affect the process of the large version. So that the original 3.0 and 4.0 versions, which lasted for two years, now overlap.

The God of plague wants to return to the physical universe, and the evil god headed by the blood god Yi'er also wants to escape from the forbidden area and come to the physical universe. And under link's plan, the two fought in grace's body for the first time.

Now the blood god Zu Yier and the God of plague are interested in grace's delicious body and want to come to the physical universe through her.

It was said that the king did not see the king, but the link chess player arranged a "meeting" of the three forces, and even made two of them reach an agreement on some issues.

At present, the situation is becoming more and more difficult.

So link is also ready to update some new things to meet the requirements of the new version.

In terms of materials, grace and Joyce studied the heart of darkness and the source of plague.

Link came to the collection room. In the center of the collection room, there were the bones of evil gods with multiple interference and seals.

Link stared at the skeleton of the evil god, the culprit who completely confused the current version.

"Now that the supreme mage Council has begun to form a star alliance, the plot is equivalent to entering the early stage of 4.0. With the mobilization ability of the Council and the strength of joining forces, I believe I can lock my position for up to half a year. That is to say, the countdown to my promotion to class A is only half a year..."

Link did a mental calculation. Except for the time on his way, there was only three months left for him.

Time is still a little tight.

Since they rely on the energy frequency and diffusion of evil god bones to lock their position, link wondered whether there is a new way to completely eliminate the breath of evil god bones?

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So link thought of the most basic point of his ability - synthesis!

According to storm flame Chen, the rule of Zerg blood power is higher than that of plague and evil gods. Then once the two are synthesized, the regular energy of Zerg blood will exceed the existing energy. Once a new individual is formed, the old evil god rules are completely refreshed. With the ability of the supreme mage Council, it is naturally impossible to find the whereabouts of objects.

But synthesis requires ideas.

The skeleton of an evil god is a piece of material.

If you want to synthesize, you must find a carrier for this evil material.

Lin Keqing just checked all the creatures on the current mechanical fortress and didn't find a suitable synthetic object.

"President, I made a new style of dessert today. Please try it."

In link's contemplation room, Ah Fu came in smiling with a plate of unique snacks.

As a servant of link, during the voyage of more than a month, Ah Fu didn't have much to do.

In addition to daily teaching Jilu, Ah Fu tries to make some new tricks or dishes, not only to divert his attention, but also to prevent the president from being boring every day.

When link saw Ah Fu, his eyes suddenly lit up.

You know, Ah Fu is a lucky boy. The suggestions given to him several times before are quite reliable.

Why don't you just ask him what he thinks.

Link took the tea and tasted it. Just as he was about to open his mouth, suddenly a cool breath rushed straight to the tianlinggai, and the whole nasal cavity was suddenly too unobstructed, even tingling.

"Call -"

He swallowed all the words to his mouth and finally became a breath of cool air.

"Boss, how does it taste?" Ah Fu asked expectantly.

"Did you do it yourself?"

Ah Fu was stunned for a moment. Immediately, a blush appeared on his face and said frankly, "this was made by Miranda and Sean. I taught it myself."

"Oh, that's all right. It tastes good. Let them continue to work hard."

Then link turned and asked, "Ah Fu, I want to synthesize the bones of evil gods. I don't know if you have any good suggestions."

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