Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 965: 965

Ah Fu was surprised when he heard the boss's idea.

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"Boss, how dare you synthesize such evil things?"

As link's servant and "pet", Ah Fu still knows about synthesis.

New capabilities can be obtained by adding biological materials.

The key to synthesis lies in the extraordinary phase between materials and organisms.

If there is a conflict between them, problems will arise. That's why ah Fu was so surprised. Because in his eyes, all link's pets are friendly and there is no evil at all.

Since there is no evil, if you synthesize with the bones of evil gods, you will not get the best product.

"I'm just idle and have a sudden idea. You don't have to care about my opinion. Just say what you think. It's OK to rely solely on intuition." Link was relieved.

Ah Fu stared at the skeleton of the evil god.. After watching for a long time, he murmured: "Abaddon was actually the most suitable. At first, you promised to give him a new body. But now he has become a sword spirit and has a stronger body. It's not necessary to synthesize with the bones of evil gods..."

"Well, among the many members, who wants to have a body? Well... It has something to do with evil and needs such a body..."

Ah Liang suddenly chose a perfect one in his heart.

"Boss, maybe you can try to synthesize the dimensional code and the skeleton of evil god! First, the dimensional code itself has spatial attribute, which is very similar to the blood god. The noumenon is in the space of another dimension. Secondly, if the dimensional code is sealed before, it is an evil product. These two attributes are very consistent!"

And at the thought of the dimensional code flying very hard every time it flutters the pages, people can't help but want to give it a body. Moreover, the dimensional code is often bullied by scarlet mews in the mechanical fortress and scratched on the page, which makes the dimensional code directly suffer from cat phobia. If there were a body, it would be much more convenient than now, without suffering from these pains.

Link heard it and felt it made some sense. I was very curious about the product of the synthesis of the dimensional code and the skeleton of evil gods.

Link called the dimensional code to the lounge and asked, "are you used to everything in the mechanical fortress?"

The dimensional code said: "the living condition in the mechanical fortress is good, but if there are any shortcomings... I suggest you introduce a guide to the activity area of cat creatures, so that the mechanical fortress is perfect."

Link couldn't help laughing.

This is Sima Zhao's way of thinking. Everyone knows it.

Link leaned forward slightly and said, "if you were given a chance to have a body, how would you choose?"

Although the dimensional code had no eyes, its pages opened instantly and made an expression similar to surprise.

"And such a good thing? Of course I would like 120!"

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The inner ecstasy of the dimensional code, as long as it can become human, it will not be bullied by that smelly cat!

The dimensional code agreed quickly and was afraid that link would renege.

Link took it aside, then pointed to the evil god skeleton on the collection rack and said, "this is the body material you will synthesize next."

The dimensional code looked at the skeleton of the evil god and was speechless. The page opened, like a mouth that was surprised and uncontrollable.

"President, are you sure it's not a pastime for me? Are you kidding me? Today is not April Fool's day."

The skeleton of an evil god is the flesh and blood of the blood god's ancestor.

The external God's body can last for thousands of years. If there is such a level of body, the meta code will make a lot of money! That's why the dimensional code has a sense of unreal that link is dedicated to entertaining him.

"Whether you can use the body of the skeleton of an evil god to achieve the purpose of 'resurrection' depends on your compatibility with this material."

Link put one hand on the spine of the dimensional code, and then touched the skeleton of the evil god with the other hand.

Suddenly, a line of text appears in the system synthesis interface.

Dimensional code + evil god skeleton =? (compliance rate: 102%)

[60000 health points will be consumed when synthesizing. Do you want to synthesize? Yes / no]

[incubation time of blood cocoon: one month]

The first time he saw this coincidence rate, link couldn't help but marvel at it. Did Ah Fu really choose it?

The coincidence rate between the dimensional code and the skeleton of evil god has exceeded 100%, which means absolute coincidence.

The dimensional code is blue, and the evil god skeleton is orange legendary material. This coincidence rate is enough to stabilize the quality of the synthetic product to the legendary level.

Even link has begun to look forward to the final synthesis.

As for the synthetic cost of 60000 HP and one month's time, it supports link's idea.

This final synthetic product is absolutely extraordinary!

At this time, the dimensional code was also looking forward to it and asked, "president, what's the situation now? What's the compatibility between me and the skeleton of evil god? Is there any value of upgrading?"

Link looked at the dimensional code meaningfully, with a mysterious smile on his face.

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"I can only say that you are lucky."

Hearing these words, the dimensional code was obviously more excited.

It seems to have seen a bright future.

At that time in the future, it will have a new body and no longer have to worry about scarlet meow picking its spine and cover with its claws.

Even, it can roll the cat back and let the scarlet meow feel the fear of being dominated!

"Mr. President! Please hurry up! Please transform me heartily!"

The dimensional code opened its book cover in a wanton manner, like an exhibitionist wrapped in a windbreaker and looking for a chance to show his disgusting body.

Seeing the appearance of the dimensional code, link immediately understood why it had a strong affinity with the skeleton of the evil god.

The dimensional code has now fallen into self hi. What it says is "evil depiction, I won't be afraid of you in the future", "the wind and cloud reverses the reversal of heaven and earth", "you do the first day of the first day, I do the fifteenth day", "30 years east and 30 years West, don't deceive the young poor".

Since the party had no opinion, he even urged link to hurry up a little.

Gu Chen

Narink dared not delay and immediately began to synthesize the dimensional code.

The intense life energy is emptied, and the blood turns into a blood cocoon wrapped around the dimensional code. With the speed of the naked eye, the evil bones disappear on the other hand.

And the blood god Zu Yier, who was far away in the forbidden area of evil gods, also felt that his body was being swallowed up by some terrible force.

Just because he suffered a loss in link's hand last time, Zu Yi'er didn't dare to put too much energy consciousness into the skeleton of the evil god this time. He was afraid that it would be another trap of link. If he cut off his energy, he would be caught by himself.

So Zu Yi'er felt that his body had completely lost contact with himself, as if it had never existed.

This feeling was completed in just a few seconds, giving him no time to think about it.

It's like you're afraid of an injection, but you have to have an injection. Just when you're worried about when the tip of the needle will prick down, suddenly the doctor tells you the feeling of having an injection. It's like a hair.

At the same time, the supreme mage Council also feels strange.

They originally had a spell to detect the energy fluctuation of evil god skeletons. This spell is based on the special relationship between zugair and evil god skeletons. The supreme mage Council cracked this signal, so it only needs to follow the vine and touch the melon to lock the specific location of the evil god skeleton.

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But now the signal is suddenly off! Disappeared without a trace!

It's like it never happened.

This also surprised the Archmage in charge of monitoring and tracking by the supreme mage Council. This has never happened in the previous thousands of years. Now the signal is completely interrupted, which means that the blood god Zuer and the body no longer need this cross-border connection.

Then there are only two cases!

First, the blood god Zu Yier has reached his plan. The entity in the evil god forbidden area has successfully fused with the body in the real universe and successfully came to the physical universe;

Second, the skeleton of the evil god completely disappeared, cutting off all the connection with the mother.

Of course, the second situation only exists in theory. After all, even the dozens of mages in the supreme mage Council racked their brains and didn't think of a way to kill the bones of evil gods. Even dozens of A-level mages can't do things together. Basically, no one in the universe can do it.

So obviously, this is the worst case.

Blood god Zu Yier has completed the bewitching of Eros and link, and came to the physical universe again after tens of thousands of years!

The universe will once again usher in an unprecedented catastrophe.

The supreme mage Council therefore urgently convened a guardian meeting, during which everyone looked dignified.

There are eleven Guardian seats, two of which are vacant.

"The supreme guardian is still recovering from his injury and cannot attend. The void Archmage is talking with various forces outside to promote the formation of the Star Alliance..."

"At present, there is an unprecedented crisis in the universe for thousands of years. The blood god Zu Yier broke away from the barrier and completely integrated with his evil god skeleton. He officially announced his arrival in the physical universe." The white bearded Archmage in charge of the meeting looked very dignified, and the others present were almost the same.

"Now the way we lock the bones of evil gods is no longer of any use. The blood god Zu Yier is extremely cunning. He will certainly not sweep the universe at the first time. Instead, he will find a planet rich in flesh and blood and save to restore his strength. At present, our first priority is to negotiate with major forces, tell them the truth and win them into the Star Alliance."

"Only when enough forces join the alliance and the scope is wide enough, it is possible to find the trace of zuyier in the shortest time."

"The supreme guardian said that if necessary, he would personally fight this war to kill the blood god Zu Yier!"


Although link has thought of synthesizing the skeleton of an evil god, it is equivalent to pressing the fast forward button for the plot.

However, link obviously underestimated the emotions of the blood god zuyier and the supreme mage Council.

Blood god Zu Yier lost his bones, which makes it impossible for his strength to return to his former heyday even if he can return to the physical universe in the future. According to the blood god Zuer's own algorithm, his strength will drop by about 30%.

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At this moment, Zu Yi'er in the forbidden area of evil gods is in a mood of one word - regret and love.

The supreme mage Council is in a jumping state. The internal atmosphere of the Council shows high pressure and feels that it is going to explode at any time. Everyone's face is not very good. This feeling of countdown to the end of the head is really bad.

As the initiator of the terracotta figures, link is lying on his seat at this time, looking forward to the "product of evil gods" in a month.

The synthesis of evil god bones, on the one hand, hit the strength of zuyier, which can be said to be permanently weakened; On the other hand, it also bought him a lot of time.

Now neither zuyier nor the supreme mage Council can track his whereabouts. Well, after the Star Alliance is established and becomes several top forces in the universe, at least a few months later. At that time, link's strength is estimated to have reached class a long time ago. There is no need to fear the so-called star alliance.

And then the alliance of stars found that the blood god Zuer did not come to the physical universe, but because link's technique permanently weakened its strength. At that time, the embarrassing scene of solving the misunderstanding will definitely be unforgettable to everyone.

So now

Keep playing and dancing!

While link continued to follow the scheduled route to blade star, Fangxin arsonist was inside

Eros laughed: "link never expected me to overtake in the corner and reach blade star ahead of time."

Eros felt quite relieved. When he thought of the picture of link holding the seal of liankovic when he arrived, it was really fascinating.

"Boss, we have arrived now. What's the next step?"

Eros stroked his red hair and said confidently, "in more than ten days, with our intelligence of playing with the forces of Starport, we can find the place where liankovic stored the seal. Isn't it easy to catch it?"

Eroston paused and continued, "only the necessary personnel are left on the heart arsonist. Everyone else landed on blade with me."

Soon, Eros took the people to blade star by landing ship.

Eros has heard something about blade star.

This is a planet that highly advocates force. All this came from an explosion, and even the landscape of the planet was completely changed. A large number of plains and cultivated land have been turned into blade like spikes that spread under the impact. Some are even thousands of meters high, forming a series of spikes, which look like the spine of a giant dragon.

This compression zone stretches for an ancient time, covering almost half of the blade star, also known as the Dragon Ridge Mountains.

The two races on blade star are separated by Longji mountains, one living in the upper highland and the other living in the lower reaches.

However, because the downstream soil is fertile and suitable for farming, and even there are more organisms, the two sides often fight in the cave channel connecting the upstream and downstream of the Longji mountains.

Even in the middle of the Longji mountains, there is a slightly open space, where countless skeletons are buried.

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