Moonlight Ball

Chapter 122

Iris looked up at Sidrain, who stood in front of her with a drowsy, drunken expression. Despite his slightly unsteady demeanor, he seemed to be in a rational state of mind, as he was able to walk without difficulty. His eyes were bloodshot and out of focus, and the strong smell of alcohol surrounded him. Despite his tender voice, a dark shadow of melancholy seemed to hang over his face.

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“Are you busy again today?” Sidrain asked.

Iris felt a twinge of regret as she realized that she had told Sidrain she was busy every night. She had been so focused on her work that she hadn’t stopped to consider how he might be feeling, being left alone in the hallway every night. But despite her feelings of guilt, she knew that she was genuinely busy.

Iris hesitated for a moment before answering honestly. “Yes,” she said. Despite feeling like she shouldn’t have to explain herself, she knew that her busy schedule was not an excuse or a lie. She had to work constantly and barely had time for sleep or meals. She couldn’t pretend otherwise.

“I see,” Sidrain said, nodding slightly. Iris mirrored the movement, feeling a sense of unease wash over her. She wanted to go inside and leave Sidrain to sober up, but she couldn’t bring herself to abandon him in his vulnerable state.

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“Why did you drink?” Iris asked cautiously. Sidrain let out a small chuckle in response.

“Because you hate me,” he said.

Iris’s eyes widened in shock. “M-me?”

“Yes, you. You’ve hated me ever since we slept together. It’s probably something I did wrong,” Sidrain said, looking down at the ground.

Iris couldn’t believe what she was hearing. What had made him misunderstand? If anything, her feelings for Sidrain had grown stronger after they slept together. She couldn’t understand how he could have come to such a misunderstanding. Then, a realization dawned on her. She knew that she was partially to blame for his misunderstanding.

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“Was it something dirty I did that got on your nerves? Did I pester you? Was I so bad you couldn’t stand the sight of me?” Sidrain asked, looking at Iris with a mixture of vulnerability and desperation.

Iris was taken aback by his words. “Dirty? I don’t understand-”

“That night. The night we became one. You’ve been avoiding me since, very thoroughly,” Sidrain said, his voice filled with pain and confusion.

Iris realized that she had made a mistake in her actions. She had been so focused on her work that she had neglected to spend time with Sidrain, causing him to misunderstand her feelings.

As Iris stood there flustered, Sidrain hugged her, his arms weakening as if he was suddenly afraid of hurting her.

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“Ris, I don’t know what I did wrong. But if you could please tell me, I swear it won’t happen again. Please, give me another chance,” Sidrain said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Iris could smell the alcohol and morning dew on him, and she wondered where he had been and what he had been feeling. As she stood in his embrace, she closed her eyes and listened to his heartbeat, feeling her own heart beating in time with it. She felt herself beginning to drift off, overcome by a sense of drowsiness.

Sidrain lifted Iris’s chin, looking down at her as if seeking an answer. She looked at his lips, which were as attractive as ever, and felt something swell in her chest.

“I…” Iris hesitated, the illusion of hearing Sidrain’s heartbeat still ringing in her ears. Sidrain waited patiently for her to continue, his eyes fixed on her face.

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“I liked it,” Iris finally said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Sidrain’s eyes widened in surprise. His hands, which were colder than usual due to his time spent outside, touched her skin, causing a sensation of heat to spread through her body.

“You did?” Sidrain asked, still seeming disbelief.

“Yes,” Iris replied, her voice stronger now. Or maybe it was a moan caught in the back of her throat. She could see the fear in Sidrain’s eyes, and it made her heart ache.

“Say it again, Iris. Please,” Sidrain begged, his voice filled with emotion.

Sidrain’s fingers slipped off Iris’s nightgown as he stared down at her slender body, which showed little evidence of the physical demands he had placed on it. He pushed Iris gently onto the bed, licking the side of her throat as his warm tongue ran down her neck like a cat’s. Iris let out a muffled moan as Sidrain continued to pleasure her, whispering into her chest, “Ris. Again.”

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