Moonlight Ball

Chapter 123

Iris felt Sidrain’s fingers delve between her legs, causing her thighs to tense reflexively. She wasn’t used to the touch of a man’s hands, and it wasn’t easy for her to allow him to explore a part of her body that she wasn’t even familiar with herself. But this didn’t mean that she disliked it or wanted him to stop. As she worried for a moment that he might misunderstand her reactions, Sidrain proved to be more bold and confident than she had realized. He seemed to be more focused on the pleasure he was giving her than on any potential misunderstandings, and Iris’s moans and groans continued as she called out his name. “Sid, Sid,” she said, as if his name was the only thing she could remember.

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Her body was hungry for pleasure, but her still-embarrassed and shy soul struggled to keep up with its demands. This only seemed to push Sidrain further into the abyss of excitement. Iris’s body flinched in pleasure, but before anything else could happen, Sidrain pulled back.

Iris’s cries filled the room as she shook her head in sensual gratification, her blonde hair scattered across the white sheets. Sidrain slid down and licked her bellybutton, as if asking for permission to continue.

“My lovely queen, how am I doing?” he asked.

“My lady, my queen. I am nothing, and I will stay that way for you,” Sidrain had told her on the night when she had first allowed him to pleasure her. He continued to call her his queen, and Iris lowered her head at this and let out a small chuckle.

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As Sidrain spread her legs violently, Iris bent back in nauseating pleasure. He brought his face close to hers, and Iris, unable to overcome her shame and embarrassment, stared at him. Sidrain was smiling softly, but the lust in his eyes was clear. He was chewing on his lower lip, as if he wanted to do the same to her entire body. When their eyes met, he stuck out his tongue seductively.

“Give me an order, my queen,” he said, demanding an answer despite knowing how she felt. He was anxious, knowing that he would spend the rest of the night in anguish if Iris gave him the same answer of “I’m busy.”

Want me more. Go crazy over me. Ris, you have no idea how much I want you. I can’t breathe at the thought of you, Sid thought to himself, feeling a mix of desire and shame.

“Iris,” Sidrain whispered, his eyes fixed on her flushed cheeks.

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“D-do it,” Iris whispered back, her voice barely audible.

“If I go crazy today and happen to kill you, extenuating circumstances will be necessary, Ris,” Sidrain said, half-joking, half-serious.

Was she going to die tonight? The thought quickly disappeared as Iris let out a moan of pleasure. She couldn’t form a coherent thought, let alone a word. Sidrain shoved a pillow under her waist, folding it in half and lowering his head to look at her.

Iris covered her face with her hands and cried, “No, no, no.” But Sidrain didn’t stop, taking her breasts in his mouth as if to punish her or calm her down. It was exactly the way Iris liked it, and she climaxed with a cry. It was a quiet, clean climax, like the first step on a snowy field, the world entirely white.

Sidrain chuckled, running his tongue down Iris’s body as she lay there, still swimming in the afterglow of pleasure; she was too cute, and her body appealed to men in ways she could not fathom.

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Ah, Iris, my one and only love.

The night was young, and he planned to kiss her all over, starting with her cute little toes and leaving kiss marks all over her body.


He wanted to get her pregnant with his love.

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“Ris?” Sidrain repeated,  sitting up and looking down at Iris. “Tell me you didn’t fall asleep.”

No way. He knew she was cruel, but this was too much.

Iris had been sleep-deprived, and the intense climax that Sidrain had given her had naturally caused her to fall asleep. The afterplay he provided only served to lull her deeper into slumber.

As Sidrain looked down at his own pants, he couldn’t help but feel a little sore and aching, abandoned by his lover in favor of sleep. He couldn’t help but feel that it wasn’t him who was going to kill Iris, but rather that she was killing him with her desire for sleep.

Sidrain groaned, covering his face with his hands in frustration. The night was going to be long and lonely, and he suddenly found himself sobering up.

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