Moonlight Ball

Chapter 124

As Sidrain processed the situation at hand, a thought crossed his mind to make Iris’ face a canvas of his l*st. But in a moment of rationality, he instead chose to finish off the task with his own hands.

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He couldn’t understand why he was feeling so wild. As he wiped his hands clean, he took a moment to examine Iris’ face, clicking his tongue in contemplation. He had a plethora of worries, but what could have caused Iris to be so silent? Gently tucking her in, he stroked her cheek. Her complexion wasn’t gaunt, but there was a distinct paleness to it. He had heard rumors of her being locked in her chambers, not eating properly, but why would she do such a thing? If it wasn’t because of dislike towards him, then what could it be?


Just then, a sound caught his attention. The voice of a person, a man to be precise, speaking in hushed tones. Sidrain’s heart clenched at the realization. In that moment, he reached for his sword, Testalia, the blazing red sword, and pulled it out of his chest.


Who is it?


Who dared to invade the chambers of his queen?


The sword of Sidrain sliced through the air, leaving a trail of red afterimage in its wake. The line hung suspended in the sky, as if marking the spot where the blade had struck.


“Come out,” Sidrain commanded, his voice low and menacing.


Peering behind the curtain of sliced fabric, Sidrain beheld a sight that took him aback. Eight fairies, their forms difficult to discern as either male or female, trembled and quivered before him.


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To the fairies, including Leiden, this was a true shock. They had been tasked with protecting their master’s privacy, keeping watchful eyes and ears closed even as Iris indulged in wild escapades. But now, their master’s lover stood before them, wielding a sword and looking for all the world as if he meant to use it. The fairies stammered to explain their presence, but their voices were incomprehensible to Sidrain’s ears.


<We, we, we, we didn’t do anything!>


<We, we, we had our ears closed.>


<Iris, called us, so we really didn’t do anything wrong.>


“Spirits and such, they hold no meaning to me. How dare you enter my Queen’s chambers and spy on her intimate moments? Whether you are eight spirits or mere dolls, it matters not, you shall die.”


<Aaaak! Don’t you know the ancient tongue?>


<Why, why, can you wield a sword yet not know the ancient tongue?>


<Iris, wake up! Wake up! We’re dying!>

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<Aaaak! Leiden, do something!>


The seven house fairies pushed Leiden forward.


<Aaaak! Don’t, don’t>


Leiden let out a blood-curdling scream, but the ferocity of the other seven was overwhelming. They all wanted to live. They all wanted to survive this. Leiden felt the same way. But Sidrain’s sword cut through the sky mercilessly, and the fairies let out desperate cries of “Aaaak!” as they faced their impending doom. But the fiery sword that was about to cleave through the eight fairies’ throats, halted in its tracks, mere inches from its intended victims.


“Won’t this cause problems later on?”


“The fairies will take care of it.”


Iris had replied with a sly grin playing on her lips. Her demeanor was playful and her face held a hint of affection towards the fairies.


“Fairies? Ah, I’ve heard of magicians contracting fairies. How many have you contracted?”

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Sidrain’s eyes, red as embers, scanned over the huddled group of fairies, like a colony of penguins trying to survive in the harsh cold. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight…eight. That many?


“I don’t like to be bothered with tedious tasks,” he muttered. Eight… why did it have to be eight of these doll-like creatures?


Sidrain stood before the group, his sword still sheathed as he surveyed them with a steady gaze. The house fairies, sensing their opportunity, pushed Leiden forward. <You have to do it, no matter what!> They urged him in unison, their hopes and dreams all resting on his shoulders.


Leiden stepped forward with a cough, her heart pounding in her chest. Despite her nerves, she cleared her throat and spoke. “Ah, ah, ah, hello,” she stammered, unsure of what else to say.


The fairies let out a collective gasp of excitement.


<Oh, Leiden spoke human language!>


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<Completely fluent!>


<Just like Iris!>


Despite their encouragement, Leiden couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. But the fairies were insistent, pushing him to repeat the same phrases over and over. It was a matter of life and death, and Leiden knew she had to do whatever it took to succeed.


“Leiden,” she said, introducing herself. “My name is Leiden.” she pointed to the seven fairies behind her. “House fairies…” The group stepped forward, each one introducing themselves frantically as house fairies. They raised their hands, mimicking Leiden’s actions, as if that was the only way to prove their status.


“Jimyojeong!” cried one.


“Jinyojeong!” shouted another.


“Jingyojong!” called a third.


“Jinyujeon!” shouted the fourth.

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