Moonlight Ball

Chapter 142

In the kingdom of Fort Wall, beast hunting held deep religious significance. As the king prepared to partake in this sacred ceremony, a question arose: what about the queen? Naturally, she bid him farewell, for it was an unwritten rule deeply rooted in their traditions. Within the court’s walls, tradition held tremendous sway, an unyielding command that demanded strict adherence.

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However, today’s events were far from ordinary. In the lively streets of Fort Wall, a person named Pow yearned for a secret meeting. It was a rendezvous that served multiple purposes—an official encounter with a lover and an informal meeting with a sparring partner. Glancing quickly to confirm the other person’s intentions, Pow was met with a shocking sight.

The opponent, Hagiya, hailed from a commoner background. Typically, commoners had lighter skin compared to the noble class, and the same held true for Retendon. Although Retendon was born into an aristocratic family, he appeared almost indistinguishable from commoners, leading people to readily identify him as such. However, what caught Pow’s attention was the visible decay on Retendon’s face. In stark contrast, Retendon’s wife, a noblewoman among nobles, wore a radiant smile as she affectionately patted his hand. She possessed the unwavering strength expected of noble ladies, even in the face of death.

Meanwhile, Elena, the queen’s representative, smiled brightly as she gently fanned herself.

“It has been a pleasant day so far, Your Highness,” she remarked.

It seemed that Elena had injured her eye, or perhaps her heart was broken. The gentlemen present had similar thoughts as they witnessed the queen, wrapped in a sheet, nestled in the arms of the king, who was departing for a monster hunt. Only her eyes and hair peeked out from beneath the sheet, leaving little doubt that she was either naked or properly attired underneath.

“It has been good,” replied the king, unable to let go of the queen, expressing his desire for her throughout the night in those three words.

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“Where are you heading?” Elena inquired.

“I don’t plan to venture too far. I will be going to the outskirts and will return in a few days.”

“I have faith in you, Elena. May I return with the impressive game and be served by fresh attendants.”

Fresh attendants, Clarence thought, sticking out his tongue in admiration for the woman he loved with all his heart. With each passing year, she seemed to grow stronger, even in the face of adversity.

The trio—Count Surah and his two sons—were referred to as fresh attendants. Although they found the term somewhat peculiar, their excitement overshadowed any confusion about its meaning.

Sidrain chuckled, remarking, “As I depart and leave my beloved lady behind, I must bring back something of value.”

Just two hours ago, Sidrain had kept his young lover in a state of intoxication. Their last encounter had taken place in the bathtub.

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“This… I despise it. I don’t like it. I hate it,” Iris cried, childlike, her trembling body cradled by Sidrain. He had opened her legs wide, draped them over the bathtub’s edges, and embraced her from behind. Iris shivered, appearing fragile like a flower on its stem. Tears streamed down her closed eyes and dripped into the water, pooling on her chin. Despite her sorrow, she was overcome with pleasure.

“This will be the last time, the real last time,” she whispered, aware that she could no longer be deceived after enduring countless deceptions.

“Lies, you liar,” she muttered, shaking her head as she struggled to awaken from her slumber. Her delicate shoulders trembled. Sidrain gently nibbled on her earlobe, sympathizing with her struggles as her body trembled, unable to resist the waves of pleasure.

“Truly, my queen, I must leave your side to embark on a beastly pursuit or some such venture. You understand, don’t you?”

“Something, yes! Inside, quickly, ah!”

“Are you breathless? My heart pounds so fiercely.”


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Iris began to lightly strike Sidrain’s arm, as if her frustration had reached its limit. It didn’t faze him in the least, and he erupted in laughter.

“Alright, I understand. I’ll stop. Hush now, don’t be angry.”

Their final union was one of bliss.

Though he cannot say if it brought the same sweetness to Iris, for Sidrain, it was the culmination of a patient wait—a love born from anticipation. With such a stunning paramour, why would he desire to embark on a treacherous hunt to vanquish vile creatures? Sidrain couldn’t bear to part with her, so he pressed his cheek against Iris’ soft skin. Courtly conventions and etiquette held little significance in their nocturnal realm, where politeness melted away before the shared sustenance of their love.


Sidrain called out, and Lily cautiously approached him to take over as queen. Sidrain ran his fingers through Iris’s hair, kissed her forehead one last time, and whispered softly to Lily.

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“Don’t forget my name.”

Lily, a skilled swordsman with magical abilities, hugged the queen lightly and lowered her gaze obediently.

“No matter who comes from anywhere, I will protect her.”

Wendy adjusted the sheet to cover the queen’s claws that were peeking out from the edge. Even if the queen were to command their destruction, her loyal followers, known as the Knights for the Queen, would sacrifice themselves without hesitation. Observing this, the nobles couldn’t help but feel a mix of awe and tongue-in-cheek amusement.

“Goodbye,” Sidrain said before mounting his horse.

“What did Sidrain do…?” Iris asked when she woke up, her voice filled with a sense of desperation. She wished it were all just a dream. Sidrain had supposedly bathed and dressed her, wrapped her in a sheet, and presented her before the assembled nobility.

“Why didn’t you wake me up? You should have shaken me awake!” Iris cried, her distress palpable. But Elena understood why the king had done it. He didn’t even wake the king himself. The king had made that abundantly clear. He showed that he was an unshakable figure, even when embarking on a monster hunt. Being favored by the king within the palace meant standing at the center of power, and the queen now occupied that position. Elena shielded the queen from those who sought to exploit her, which was why Iris didn’t fully perceive the machinations happening around her.

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