Moonlight Ball

Chapter 143

(To Her Majesty the Queen, sincerely admiring, Margaret presents herself.)

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Elena tore up a letter addressed to her and tossed it into a nearby trash can. The queen rarely bothered with reading letters; she had little interest in such matters. She suffered silently, while Elena meticulously handled her affairs, disposing of correspondence as if nothing had happened. Margaret, witnessing her torn-up letter, gritted her teeth. Elena refrained from bursting into laughter, caressing the queen’s soft hand soothingly.

“What kind of man would want to wake up his lover after a sweet night?” 

“Don’t!” Iris protested.

“And within this court, such minor corruptions go unnoticed, Your Highness. Far greater things occur regularly.”

Of course, it was a lie. The king had done something that would be etched in history, recorded in the annals. The image of him embracing the weary queen before embarking on a monster hunt would be remembered as both romantic and tyrannical. While the king’s political maneuvers may have some validity to be labeled as tyranny, whether he would be remembered as a tyrant or a benevolent ruler would ultimately be determined by the judgment of history. Moreover, the king was young, and his future actions remained uncertain. No one could predict how he would change once he lost his beloved queen.

“Oh, how I wish I had the chance to dress up.”

“Because he relishes the dramatic.”

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“I long for a dramatic demise.”

In her youth, Iris found comfort in fainting- was fond of letting out a long, exaggerated sigh. Oh, what a carefree life it had been. Iris yearned to faint, just like she did in her childhood.

The noble ladies burst into laughter at Iris’ remark. The young queen possessed a distinct shyness, evident to all who beheld her regal presence. The Marquis of Lasian gracefully draped a delicate lace shawl over her shoulders. The queen’s fair skin appeared even paler in her chambers, perpetually cool in the summer heat due to her magical influence.

“Your Highness, none see evil, so why does Your Highness fixate on it?”

“Thank you, Your Highness. I must admit, envy did wash over me.”

Laughter filled the air as Iris shook her head, urging them to desist. And then, she glanced around with curiosity. Left, then right. She surveyed the room and inquired,

“There seem to be fewer attendees today. Why has Miss Rosemary not graced us with her presence?”

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Rosemary Taverin. Elena inwardly narrowed her eyes and stifled a chuckle at the mention of the noblewoman who had taken Margaret’s handmaiden’s seat.

Indeed, this queen was deserving of the highest level of service.

“I know, right. Where does it hurt…?”

Elena gazed at the Marquis Rose of Laisan, momentarily rendered speechless. Rose immediately seized upon the opportunity, perhaps driven by a desire to irk the young scoundrel posing as the duchess.

“Perhaps Your Highness feels unwell due to the infirmary.”

Oh, dear! No, no!

Margaret attempted to intervene, but her efforts proved futile. The two reigning queens had clashed. They were the staunch protectors who had willingly taken up the role of guardians for the queen, and their words carried immense weight in her eyes. Moreover, Lily and Oswald, who noticed the change in Margaret’s countenance, came to her aid as well.

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“I cannot ascertain if he received treatment. It is not uncommon for girls from noble families to be hesitant in meeting with a council member, Your Highness. I wish to consult a female member of parliament, but unfortunately, there are not many women among their ranks…”

“Well, I shall go. I will take a look myself.”

As anticipated by all, the queen made the decision to go personally.

Rosemary would be delighted to have the Queen pay her a visit. Rose and Elena encouraged her from both sides. Under normal circumstances, the two queen bees would be indifferent to whether Countess Taverin’s second daughter lived or died. However, today was different. Rose and Elena were both aware of the underlying reasons preventing Rosemary from making an appearance, thanks to their well-established information networks.

“I may not know where exactly Rosemary is unwell, but as a woman, I can handle it. Let us proceed.”

Iris leaped to her feet. Yes, they were heading to Rosemary’s chamber. Elena, Lily, and Rose followed suit. Something momentous was about to occur within House Taverin. Someone might have found it peculiar had Iris glanced back even for a moment. Yet, Iris believed that she had caused much suffering to others through her medical practice, and now that Rosalyn’s health was at stake, her concern overshadowed any peculiarities in her demeanor.

“Margaret, have you heard that you struck the head of a young lady from a noble family?”

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Rose whispered softly as she passed by. Margaret glared at Rose, but she merely shrugged her shoulders.

To become a duchess? Even if one were to ascend to the position, if the queen despised them, they would find no standing within the social world. The times had changed. The queen now held the position of the most influential woman in society.

“Oh, the weather is splendid, Your Highness.”

Rose sidled past Margaret and interlocked her arms with the queen’s. The queen, concealed beneath her regalia, briefly shrugged her shoulders. Unlike Elena, Rose possessed a gentler aura and had a remarkable ability to discern people. In a flash, she linked arms with Iris and spoke with a smile.

“Today seems like an excellent day for hunting, Your Highness.”

Elena opened her fan and chuckled at Rose’s remark, noting that the weather was perfect for hunting, regardless of the location. Regardless of whether Margaret grew paler or not, the ladies paired up and trotted along, eager to partake in the spectacle.

A procession of carriages set off toward the residence of Count Taverin’s family.

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