Chapter 34: An incident befell them

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Oh, it is raining. I haven’t watched the rain like this since I was a kid, Shun thought as he looked at the slightly cloudy sky and felt the rain drop fell straight onto his face.

He wondered whether Yamamura Tatsuo also had seen the cloudy sky and the trees surrounding the mansion from this angle right before his death. He struggled to keep his eyelids open as his field of vision turned blurry. He had a feeling that if he closed his eyes, he might not be able to open it ever again.

Ayano: “Shun?!”

Tanimoto: “Shun-sensei!”

Shun saw Ayano running towards him from the corner of his eyes but he couldn’t see it clearly.

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Hmm. Am I going to die? I didn’t believe in ghost before. What will happen when I die? Shun thought to himself.

Ayano: “Shun.”

Shun heard Ayano calling his name. He raised his hand with the last bit of his strength and pointed at her while saying, “Ayano… the culprit…”

And then he lost his consciousness.

“Shun! Wait, Shun!” Ayano shouted while rushing closer like she wanted to hold him tight. She grabbed his arm and exclaimed, “Wait! How can you cut off your words like that! Don’t die yet!”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Ayano…” Takato said from behind her. Ayano was not sure since when he was there.

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“Uhm- Excuse me, Ayano-san,” Tanimoto said hesitantly. “Shun-sensei is not dead.”

“Oh. You are right,” Ayano said when she realized that Shun had only lost his consciousness. Then she looked up at the rooftop. The rooftop terrace where they hang the laundry was not that high from the ground. In the previous case, Yamamura had died because his head had hit the stepping stone due to the ghost from the altar room.

“Well. It seems Uncle Jiro is not the sole culprit,” Ayano muttered although it seemed a bit too late.

Tanimoto looked at her with a disappointed face. But it couldn’t be help if the ghost was involved in these matters.

Ayano: “Tanimoto-san, call the ambulance.”

Takato: “I already called them.”

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* * *

Ayano was crouching beside Shun’s body when she heard the siren from the ambulance coming closer.

Then suddenly, she heard a voice from above her head. “It was the hearse before this, and now an ambulance has come. This mansion is really bustling with activities.”

“Shun!” Ayano shouted and got up on her feet.

“Waaaaa!” Tanimoto noticed him too and started screaming.

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Shun watched the ambulance parked at the gate and saw the medical rescue team bringing a stretcher. “Who is it for?” he asked.

“For you! Why are you here? Hurry up and go back to your body. Otherwise, you are going to die,” Ayano explained. Then she added, “No, wait. Before that, you have to explain why did you point at me and say I was the culprit?”

Shun: “I didn’t say that. I don’t remember.”

Ayano: “So annoying! You are the most annoying vengeful spirit I have ever met. More annoying than the ghost inside the storeroom.”

The medical rescue team watched her talking to the air with a puzzled look before asking “Will anyone accompany the patient to the hospital?”

“I will go!” Ayano put up her hand and shouted impatiently.

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