Chapter 35: A useless spirit

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“This doesn’t make sense.” That was the first thing that Ayano said when she returned from the hospital. “I went all the way to the hospital, but the patient’s spirit is here.”

She looked at Shun who was sitting on the white sofa. As a living spirit, Shun could now see Matsuko lying on the floor by the sofa so he was sitting a bit far away to avoid the ghost. Toru, who had been avoiding the room before, was also there with Takato. The three guys were chatting happily inside the room.

Shun: “I didn’t know this mansion actually has so many residents.”

Ayano wondered how they can chat leisurely with a ghost lying on the floor near their feet. Even though she was used to living with ghost, she was quite sure that she would scream if Matsuko suddenly stood up.

“By the way Shun, how did you fall from the rooftop?” asked Toru. He couldn’t help being nosey about others even though his own case remained unsolved.

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Shun: “… I don’t remember how I fell. I can’t ever recall why I went up to the roof.”

Such a useless spirit. Regardless whether it was a living spirit or spirit of the dead, most of them were useless. There was no spirit who would eloquently talk about how they were pushed down by the perpetrator.

Ayano: “Uhm- Uncle Toru. I understand we are all curious about Shun’s case but do you have any idea who killed Hisami-san?”

Toru: “Beats me.”

Ayano was taken aback by his indifferent reply. She wondered if Hisami’s ghost might beat her husband if she was around.

While they were chatting, Tanimoto came into the room and joined them. “Good evening. Ayano-san, how is Shun-sensei? Oh, I mean his body,” Tanimoto said while looking at Shun.

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Shimizu also came with him and stood with his arm crossed while his face looked sour. “Hmm. I can’t see him.”

Ayano: “Well, if Shimizu-san can see Shun’s spirit, then it would mean something had happened to his body.”

Shun: “Hey!”

Actually, Ayano dared to joke about it because when she was at the hospital, the doctor had told her that Shun’s condition was stable. She watched the group of people chatted with Shun and quietly left the room. When she reached the front entrance, she heard a voice calling her from behind.

“Where are you going?”

She turned around and saw Takato.

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Ayano: “Uhm- I’m going to get some change of clothes for Shun. He must have bought some in his bag when he came here.”

Takato: “Yeah right. Tell me the truth.”

“…There is something bothering my mind since the other day,” Ayano confessed. “Uncle Toru said he didn’t see Uncle Jiro went up the stairs on the day Uncle Yamamura was killed. It makes me curious.”

Ayano walked down the narrow hallway that Toru normally wandered around. “How can Uncle Toru not notice him?” Ayano muttered to herself. She walked back and forth the hallway and then reached the corridor behind the toilet where Satoshi was in.

“Satoshi-san,” she called while peeking through the window. She thought he was reading the book as always but she saw him hanging his head down while holding his book opened.

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“Satoshi-san?” she called him again.

Satoshi finally noticed them and turned around. “Oh. Ayano-san, Takato-san, you are here.”

Ayano: “What’s wrong? You don’t look so well.”

Takato immediately interrupted her. “Is there any ghost with good complexion?”

Inwardly, Ayano said, yes, there is. Sometime she saw ghost with good complexion that made her wanted to ask how did they die. She asked Satoshi again, “Did something happen?”

Satoshi laughed and replied, “It’s nothing. I’m already dead anyway. It is not like something will happen to my life.”

Ayano wondered whether his words were true. For her, there was no guarantee that nothing would happen since the spirit was still here on earth – regardless whether it was a spirit of the living or the dead.

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