Chapter 36: Ayano’s secret

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Takato went to Sokichi’s room by himself to report about Hisami’s death.

Sokichi: “I see… she is dead too…”

Takato: “People keep dying in this mansion because of your absurd will. Did you leave the will to get rid of those unwanted people and ghosts?”

Sokichi avoided his question and muttered, “I thought it is better to leave behind the troublemaker.” Then he added, “Those people with problematic characteristics would only cause trouble even after they died. I thought at least…before—”

Takato was unable to catch his unintelligible mumbling typical of an old man towards the end of the sentence. He crossed his arms while staring fixedly at Sokichi before asking “Why didn’t you turn into your younger self?”

Sokichi: “Huh?”

Takato: “You are dead already. You don’t have to keep your appearance as your older self.”

Sokichi: “That is true. But I’m worried about you young kids so my heart remains the same as when I died.”

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Takato: “You make it sound like you are a good elder.”

Sokichi: “Then am I a bad elder? Well, there are things that even I can’t do anything about…”

“Grandpa…” Takato made up his mind and decided to ask the question that had been bothering him all along. “Is Ayano your daughter?”

“What? You have finally decided to ask the question?” Sokichi laughed. “Why didn’t you ask about this before?”

“Because—” Takato wanted to hold onto a glimmer of hope that it wasn’t true. Once Sokichi acknowledged it, he could no longer dream of his heart’s desire. He could take a fairly aggressive attitude on ghosts, but he was helpless when facing the truth of reality.

Sokichi: “Ayano is not my daughter.”

Hearing those words – the truth that he deeply wished for, Takato leaned forward in excitement. But at the same time, he felt curious. “Then why did you ask me to marry into Takamura family?” He had always thought that Sokichi did that to separate him and Ayano.

“Is Ayano my daughter…?” Sokichi said in a low voice and then laughed. “I wish she is because that would be better.” He turned and looked at the shoji[1]. Even now, the shadows of non-living things were flittering on the paper screen among the shadows of the trees swaying in the wind.

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Sokichi: “Even if Ayano is your aunt, her name is not in our family register. We can deceive people. And we can deceive the law made by the people too. But in this world, there are things that you would never be able to deceive.”

Takato: “Could it be— Are you saying the ghost in this mansion is preventing me and Ayano from being together? Then hurry up demolish this place!”

Sokichi: “This kid… I thought you are especially fond of this mansion, unlike your father. If only you had approached Ayano with that same passion, maybe the situation would be different. You are really… doing things absent-mindedly. If you didn’t do that thing recklessly—”

Takato: “Did what?”

“Humph. Nothing.” It seemed Sokichi no longer wanted to talk about this matter. He pulled the jug of water that he normally asked Ayano to bring over. He knew that Takato would not help to serve him water if he had asked. It was a good judgement.

Sokichi: “After Ayano take over this mansion, let her demolish it if she wants to. I won’t be responsible for whatever happens later.”

Takato: “… Is that a threat?”

Sokichi: “No. I’m saying it out of kindness. You… Have you ever asked Ayano why she never wear makeup?”

“Huh?” Takato looked at Sokichi with a puzzled face.

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Sokichi: “Ayano is living her life that way because of her misfortune. Because she still has feelings for you even though she can’t be with you.”

Although Takato felt sorry for Ayano after hearing about her situation, it also made him overwhelmed with emotion.

Sokichi: “Normal ghost can’t kill human. Even if they can help create a situation to make it happen, it is very rare for ghost to curse and haunt someone to death out of their own will.”

Takato: “I think it is not so rare here.”

“Hahaha, you are right,” Sokichi replied with a laugh. “Ask Ayano. As for the rest, we will see later. I’m only showing you the path to live your lives in peace. You can make your own decision for the rest.”

“Make my own decision?” Takato felt complicated because he believed he could no longer cancel his marriage alliance with Takamura at this point.

Sokichi: “Just leave the family business to your father. He is the one responsible for the current financial situation anyway. As for the employee, ask Takamura if their affiliated companies would take them in.”

Takato: “I don’t think they would be willing to help if I upset them.”

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Sokichi: “I know you have a strong sense of responsibility but I hope it won’t backfire.”

I don’t need an ominous warning… Takato thought to himself.

Takato: “Grandpa.”

Sokichi: “What is it?”

Takato: “Just now when you said troublesome people even after they die, do you mean Hisami-san? Why did you say that?”

Takato felt he needed to confirm this matter before he leaves this place.

“Ugh,” Sokichi grumbled and let out a sigh. “Why don’t you ask Toru? I don’t know how much he remember, so I can’t simply say everything myself because I’m not even sure of the truth. Toru is enjoying his monotonous afterlife after forgetting everything. If he doesn’t want to remember it, then let him be.”

[1] Shoji: A sliding door with transparent paper. 

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