Chapter 52: What is inside the envelope

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“Shun. Was it Reiko-san who pushed you down the roof?” Ayano asked after Reiko’s spirit disappeared from the kitchen. Shun didn’t answer her and remained silent.

Ayano: “Did you forget about it out of shock? After all, you used to like her before.”

“It is not like that,” Shun replied without batting an eye. “I respected her. Even though she was raised by that kind of mother, she grew up to be an honest and caring person.”

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Ayano: “One man’s fault is another man’s lesson.”

Shun: “Maybe you grew up into a plain character because you have heard so many things about your mother.”

“What?! You said I’m plain?” Ayano asked in return spontaneously. From Shun’s expression, it was obvious that he was surprised that Ayano seemed to be unaware of her own character.

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“Hmm. Hisami-san also said the same thing to me,” Ayano added. She didn’t intend to dress plainly on purpose. Even the clothes that she was currently wearing was bought at a popular fashion store with her friends. She was dumbfounded by the discovery but she knew it was not the time to be thinking about such trivial matter.

“In your case, you have a very fine-featured face and you are way too polite. Maybe you are too rigid and these characteristics are very rare nowadays. But you should stay the way you are – I don’t hate it,” Shun said before adding, “Well, regardless whether I like it or not, it doesn’t matter to you anyway.”

Ayano: “That is not true. Maybe you are the only person in this world that would tell me that I’m your type.”

Shun was surprised by her words and his face was clearly asking: What about Takato?

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As far as I’m concerned, that guy is already dead when he fell into shichinin bishaku, Ayano thought as she stared at the table where the envelopes were. “I wonder why Reiko-san’s ghost appeared here and arranged those envelopes on this table? If this is the reason she pushed you down the roof, then she wouldn’t want anyone to see it. Don’t you think so?”

At first, Ayano thought that maybe Reiko was murdered. But looking at her ghost earlier, she seemed spiritually enlightened so Ayano thought most probably either Reiko had committed suicide or she had consented her own murder. Ayano wondered if Reiko might have done it out of guilt for pushing Shun down the roof. But Shun was still alive and his injury was not life-threatening.

Shun’s spirit had left his body due to shock when he fell from the roof. He now could see ghost because of his current situation and for some reason his psychic spirit had stayed behind in the Rainy Mansion. It seemed he had some unfinished business that he wanted to confirm here.

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Envelope… Hmm, the envelope. Ayano recalled the brown envelope had nothing written on it. “That envelope…”

“?” Shun looked at her.

“Maybe that envelope was a reason for someone’s death,” Ayano said.

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